12. Face time

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The next morning, I wake up to something poking me uncomfortably in my hip. I am sprawled on my stomach, Katsuki layered over top of me in a similar fashion, meaning that I am in full contact with his regular morning surprise.

"Good morning, you two," I say, sighing as I try to push the heavy boy off me so I can move.

"You don't have to say that every fucking morning!" Katsuki grumbles angrily as he rolls over on to his back. Ever since the morning after the first night we spent together over two years ago, I found his morning salute very funny, much to Katsuki's annoyance.

"Well then stop stabbing me with it every fucking morning and maybe I'll stop!" I say cheerily. I hear him mumble what I am pretty sure is, 'how about I stab you with something else' before he starts shouting.

"YOU KNOW I CAN'T FUCKING HELP IT!" I laugh as I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. "AND DON'T TAKE FOR-FUCKING-EVER IN THERE, I NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM TOO!"

Downstairs, I am pleased to see Uncles Zawa and Hizashi are both awake; they hate being woken up by someone's never ending shouting.

"Good morning!" I sing while I grab a cup of coffee. Uncle Zawa grunts in response as he stares into his own cup of liquid life, clearly not having had enough because his eyes are still dead.

"GOOOOOOOD MOOOOORNING ANGEL!" Uncle Zashi greets me more enthusiastically making Uncle Zawa cringe and groan. "Did you sleep well?" He asks with a bit of an eyebrow wiggle that I don't quite understand but find funny.

"I suppose so," I say with a giggle. "No dreams, no waking up in the middle of the night." Ever since I started sleeping with Katsuki at night, I haven't dreamt of my parents, dead or otherwise. I've had other dreams, silly things or repeats of time spent with Katsuki and our families, but nothing bad. In fact, I have been sleeping so soundly for so long now, I almost forget what it's like to be tired or to have bags under my eyes from severe exhaustion. Poor Uncle Zawa.

Katsuki comes down a little while later as I am taking some bacon off of a frying pan and adding it to a plate with toast and eggs provided by Uncle Zashi. Katsuki takes it without thanks, shoving the toast into his mouth like an animal. I smack the back of his head making him choke on his mouthful, which, luckily, keeps him from yelling.

"You should be grateful for your food, you ass!" I say to him as he glares at me.

"YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL I DON'T KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS, SHRIMP!" He screams after clearing his throat.

"WELL I'M GRATEFUL TO SPEND SUCH A GLORIOUS DAY WITH YOU BADASS KITTY CATS!" Hizashi yells even louder, forcing us all to cover our ears. Uncle Zawa is practically crying at this point.

"So," I say, breaking the silence that follows the excess noise as we eat our breakfast. "When are we going to the training grounds?" I ask, eyeing my uncle and Katsuki. Uncle looks at Hizashi and they have one of their eye conversations before Uncle Zawa clears his throat.

"You aren't coming," he says seriously. "It is just going to be me and Bakugo, you'll stay here and help Hizashi," he says before I can argue. Bakugo looks surprised, but not worried. I, on the other hand, am slightly nervous.

"Why not? Help him with what?!" I demand impetuously, ignoring my uncle's warning glare.

"I GOT A LOTTA ERRANDS TO RUN, YO! AND I NEED AN EXTRA SET OF HAAANDS," Hizashi shouts happily while doing extreme jazz hands.

"Besides, Bakugo needs to learn to fight his own battles. You can't protect him forever," Uncle Zawa says, fully aware of what he is doing. I glare at him as Katsuki explodes.

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