35. First time for everything

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Bakugo's POV

She didn't show up all fucking lunch. Neither did that half and half bastard, so she is probably with him. Just the thought of it makes me burn with jealousy. I thought I was doing well, pushing all these fucking feelings away and letting her do what she wants for now, but after what happened yesterday... And then I definitely felt her again today. At first it was painful, almost like something that was physically attached to my body was being ripped off, then I just felt her presence. Fuck, I even smelled her scent. I lost all focus of everything happening in class. I messaged her as soon as I was able to step out, but by the time I sent the texts, I could feel her emotions and the blissful state of calm she was in. I was glad she was alright, but I was fucking pissed that I wasn't the one making her feel like that. It took everything I had not to break more than one sink.

She walks into the training room hand in hand with scar face. I manage to keep my scowl neutral as I watch them get closer. When she sees me, she smiles, her face lighting up but not in the same way as usual, it's more subdued, like she is putting in the effort to conceal how she really feels.

Welcome to the fucking club.

She kisses that fucker on the cheek before coming over to me. I don't bother stopping myself from trying to murder him with my eyes and neither does he. I want to reach out and hug her like I normally would, but I don't know if I still can. I don't fucking know anything anymore - what I can do or say to her. I thought I shouldn't touch her last night, but I just couldn't not hold her. It felt wrong. Apparently, I can't not hug her either because my arms are raised slightly, asking her to step in. She does without question or hesitation, and I let out a long sigh of relief at this one thing that hasn't changed. She squeezes me tightly, her small hands gripping my shirt, her body slightly shaking. I can tell she is holding back tears so I lightly trace shapes on her back until she calms down. After a minute, she pulls away and glances up at me with bright eyes.

"I've missed you so much, Hot Stuff," she says in a whisper. My heart breaks.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm right fucking here. Stop being so dramatic," I say but my voice is gentle. She smiles up at me and hugs me again before taking her spot for today's lesson.

At the end of school, it's fucking awkward again. Neither of us seem to know what to do. I want to just go back to how things were at this point, even if that means forgetting the way she felt with her body wrapped around mine. We walk out of the school together instead of just traveling through spacetime from the classroom. (Y/N) had left half and half behind to glower at our retreating figures, which was a big fucking plus in this shitty day.

"Hey, Cupcake?" I ask her as we turn the corner to head to my house.

"Hmm?" She asks, her bright grey eyes look up at me still out of focus from being lost in her own thoughts.

"What happened this morning while you were doing your own training?" Surprisingly, her face lights up and she starts to hop.

"Oh! How could I have forgotten to tell you?!" She stops walking and takes my hands, spinning us in a circle. I try not to laugh, but it's hard. She is such a fucking dork. "I was practicing getting control over Insight with Tamaki, and I'm nowhere near where I need to be yet, but Katsuki..." she stops moving and steps a little closer. Her voice is soft and sweet, but the use of my name lets me know she is really serious, "I'm starting to figure it out I think. I'm starting to get some control." She grins up at me shyly, her cheeks slightly pink and her eyes shining brightly with pride and hope. I want to scoop her up in my arms, kiss her face, and tell her how much I love her.

"Of course you fucking are. You are too fucking tough to let some stupid quirk beat you," I say gruffly. She beams at me. I know she can tell how happy I am for her and for us. We both need her to get control over her quirk. We are both tired of all this fucking bullshit, of feeling weird around each other.

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