39. Get over it

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(A/N) - shorter chapter. Also, if anyone has any thoughts or reactions to parts of the chapters, I'd love for you to comment! I get so excited to see how people respond, especially the silly little things I put in! 😄


"Get the fuck up, Cupcake." Katsuki's gruff command cuts through my depressed thoughts. We have been sitting in his room in silence for over an hour now. I stopped crying almost immediately, but there is still the constant pang of guilt in my chest. Thinking about it logically, I had still barely known Shoto. Sure, other than Katsuki, he spoke to and knew about me more than anyone else, but it has still only been a month or so. It would be irrational to be sad at the loss of something that hadn't even begun.

And that's where the guilt comes in. I feel guilty for thinking of Shoto as someone who meant less to me than he did, I feel guilty for letting myself get involved so deeply with another person after such a short amount of time... I'm guilty for a lot of things.

"Why?" I grimace, I had meant to say 'no'.

"We're going out."

"No." Got it that time.

"Not up for debate, Cupcake," he says exasperatedly before scooping me up off the bed and carrying me out of his room.

"Put me down, Katsuki," I say in the same defeated tone I've been using since talking to Shoto.

"No. I'm not gonna make you do something shitty. We are just getting out of the damn house. I'll carry your ass the whole time if I have to but staying locked away in the room isn't going to help whatever's going on in your head." He adjusts his hold on me so that he has me with an arm around my waist. He puts on his shoes with his free hand and grabs mine, all while keeping my feet off the ground. He props his foot up on the entryway table and drapes my knees over his thigh so he can put my shoes on my feet. All of this I watch from what feels like a distance as more guilt washes over me.

I promised Katsuki we wouldn't change, that our relationship wouldn't change. I said the same thing to Shoto about it, but I guess I lied to them both. Things have changed. I haven't been myself more days than not, and Katsuki has still been the one to help me through most of it. I have been spending less of my days with him so I could be alone with Shoto, cutting into our already limited time. Even before U.A. we hadn't been able to see each other as much as usual because of my hero work. Things were supposed to be better. And now here I am, moping, forcing Katsuki to put in extra effort just so we can be like we normally are, just to keep our promise to each other.

"Put me down, Hot Stuff." I'm happy for the little bit of color in my voice. Katsuki is too, and with the use of his nickname, so he complies. "I'm good to walk now." Despite my words I don't move. Instead, I reach out to grab his dark green t-shirt and pull him to me. We wrap our arms around each other, and he rests his chin lightly on top of my head. "Thank you," I whisper as I squeeze him.

"Don't mention it," he says in a soft grumble. "Now let's get going before all the good shit is gone." Finally, I understand where he is leading me. He smiles down at me and I notice I am smiling back at him, it's not much, but it's there. After walking for just over a mile, Katsuki holds open the door to my favorite bakery. As soon as I walk in, I am filled with the comforting smells of sugar, vanilla, fruits, flour, and coffee. It does wonders for my tense body. I beam at Katsuki with my eyes. This wouldn't be his first choice of places to get a snack, but he knows how much I love it here.

"Hey, (y/n)! I thought you had forgotten about me!" The dark skinned, middle-aged woman behind the counter greets us as we step further into the café. She is very tall and curvy; her curly, prematurely grey hair is tied up in an artful bun that I could never do in my life with a navy bandanna to catch fly away strands. Her smile takes up half of her face making her eyes crinkle, and I feel my mouth mimic hers. Even if her quirk wasn't infusing emotion, her smile would still be infectious.

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