41. Past and present

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"H-how?" I stammer out, my eyes never leaving the man who looks so much like my father.

I want to ask the barrage of questions that are firing in my mind. I want to know who this man is, why he looks so much like my father, why I haven't seen him before since he is probably a relative, but my voice dies in my throat at the man's expression. When he walked into the room, he had a look of polite indifference, but his gaze hardens as he looks at Katsuki's limbs wrapped around my body.

"Is this the boy?" The man asks before anyone else can speak. Katsuki and I both tense further at his words, but the sound of his voice takes me by surprise. Because of his size, I expected his voice to be deep and booming, but it is light and almost high pitched. It may have been an innocent question, but we could all feel the danger in his words. No one answered him, so he took it in the affirmative. "And you just allow them to share such affections, Aizawa? Do you even realize what you could be do-"

"Enough," I say firmly. I can feel Katsuki's anger bubbling to the surface, so I decide to intervene before he explodes. I disentangle myself from Katsuki and walk up to the man. "I think it would be more polite for you to introduce yourself before criticizing the way we live our lives in our house, Mr. ...?" I trail off as I keep my cold stare on his green eyes. I have a hunch as to what his answer will be, but it still shocks me.

"(L/N). Noburu (L/N). I am your grandfather," he says slowly and gently. No one speaks for a minute, Noburu looks at me expectantly, like I am supposed to cry or rush into his arms at his declaration of being my family, but instead I cock an eyebrow.

"Hm. Dad said you were dead. Guess he lied," I say with a shrug before I sit back down in front of Katsuki. I don't bother to look at the newcomer, but I can feel his indignation at my less than welcoming response and seating arrangement.

"(Y/N)," Uncle Zawa says tiredly.

"Yes, Uncle?" I say politely.

"I know this is a bit of a shock, but-"

"Why would this be a shock?" I ask with false curiosity. "Why would I be shocked to see a man that looks exactly like my dead father but is in reality my believed to be dead grandfather come to see me for the first time in 18 years? Hmmm? Because I really just don't see any reason for shock," I spit out, my voice now dripping with sarcasm.

"Cupcake." Katsuki says while he rubs my arms soothingly. "Just take a few breaths." He whispers in my ear. I want to rage at him for trying to get me to remain clam, but I remember how horrible he felt earlier after my lesson, and I know he is only trying to help me.

"Why are you here?" I ask the man coldly. He opens his mouth to respond, but Uncle Zawa cuts him off.

"We will get to that in just a minute, (y/n), but first we need to talk." I am instantly on alert. Uncle doesn't sound sleepy or stern or sarcastic, he sounds nervous, scared even. I brace myself for the worst.

"What's is it? Has something happened?" I grab on to Katsuki's arm for support, a move that doesn't go unnoticed by Noburu who glares.

"That's exactly what I would like to know, Aizawa," the man says as he looks pointedly at Katsuki and me. Uncle sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

"Nothing's happened," Uncle Zawa says to us both. "Go sit in the dining room, I'll order food and we can... talk," he says the last word like he'd rather die than do it. The man nods and begins to walk to the table but pauses after his first step to look back at us.

"Go home, boy," he orders in his soft but cold voice. Katsuki's eyes narrow and he sneers.

"He stays," I say with finality, keeping my hand clamped around Katsuki's wrist. I glare at the man and he glares back.

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