23. A date?

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At the end of the day, I leave Katsuki to Uncle and make my way to the support classroom to drop off my costume for Mei to add on those amazing arm guards. I'm about to leave the school through spacetime when I feel a hand on my shoulder, stopping me before I can to step forward.

"Oh, hi Shoto!" I say smiling back at the stoic boy.

"If you are free, would you like to get some tea with me?" He asks, looking into my eyes. He doesn't smile or give any indication that he actually wants to spend time with me, but his eyes almost burn into mine. His beautiful silver one almost a match to my own and his icy blue one that seems like it could literally pierce through me. I feel myself blush under his gaze and the corners of his mouth turn up marginally for the briefest second. He really is gorgeous.

"Yes, I'd like that." I say formally. He takes my left hand in his right one, surprising me. I shiver slightly.

"Oh, I apologize, this hand stays cold," he says, pulling his hand away. I grab on to it before it leaves my grasp.

"Don't apologize, I prefer the cold," I say sincerely, making his eyes widen slightly. "You just took me by surprise is all." He nods, staring at me and making me blush again. "Uh, did you have a place in mind?" I ask, hoping to focus his attention on conversation rather than my face.

"Yes, actually. There is a tea shop a few blocks away from the school, in between the park and a pizza shop. Do you know the place?" I nod happily.

"Yes, they have wonderful pastries!" I exclaim and Shoto makes a noise that could almost be mistaken for a chuckle. I freeze and stare at him.

"What?" He deadpans.

"N-nothing, I just thought you laughed. It was nice." He turns his head slightly away but squeezes my hand gently. "Would you like to travel my way to the tea shop? I promise it doesn't hurt." He looks at me, his cheeks just dusted with a bit of color.

"I'm not afraid of pain, let's go." I smile at him, and focus on the café, squeezing us both through spacetime.

"Tada!" I say lamely as Shoto blinks around in the bright sunlight.

"That is very efficient," he says, not looking surprised or impressed in the slightest, and I have to laugh at him.

"You really are something else, Shoto," I say, shaking my head as he holds the door to the café open for me. "You actually remind me of me when I was a little girl." His eyebrows knit together, giving him an adorable crinkle in the middle as we sit down.

"I remind you of a little girl?" He asks seriously. I laugh.

"No, no, just your personality. You are so serious and seemingly emotionless, that's how I used to be as a child." His brow smooths back out.

"Oh." He nods to himself in understanding. "The opposite of me then," he says in a low voice. I frown. The thought of Shoto being a happy and expressive child and then turning into the man in front of me hurts my heart. I want to ask what happened, but like with me, I imagine it's very personal.

"How did you change into who you are now?" Shoto asks, clearly not caring if it's too personal or not. But at that moment the waiter comes over to us and takes our orders. Shoto orders white tea and a plain scone making me snicker, while I order black tea with hibiscus and plum, and a fruit tarte.

"I suppose it was just the people I was around. I live with my uncle and he practically forced me to stop being formal and eventually his silly antics and personality rubbed off on me," I say, thinking back to the first years of living with Uncle Zawa. He always knew how to pull me out of my shell, no matter how many times I hid in it.

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