19. Mixed emotions

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I change out of my costume quickly and wait for (y/n) outside the locker rooms after our combat training. She may not be avoiding me, but I can tell something is bugging her that she is trying to keep from me. Usually I can't get her to shut up telling me every little thought that pops into her fucking head, no matter how embarrassing or pointless, but it's the times when she's silent, times like this, that let me know she has something real on her mind. I see her approach from a distance and unintentionally growl like a predator. That damn new costume of hers is too much. Every single curve is on display. How could I possibly not have noticed the size of her chest and ass before?

Damn that fucking costume!

I've already had to deal with half the perverts in the class because of it and her fucking uniform. But I'm no fucking better. Ever since that day Aizawa beat the shit out of me, ever since I heard her moan my fucking name in her sleep... I can't seem to keep my fucking head on straight.

And her shirt this morning... And the look in her eyes when I had her pinned against the tree...

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Somehow, I have to get these thoughts out of my head. I've never had anyone like this in my life. Ever since meeting her, I'm not lonely. I'm actually really fucking happy. She doesn't cower at my anger or drool over my power. She isn't afraid to call me on my shit or act like an idiot in front of me. I can't afford to lose her just because my dick decided to notice how perfect she is too.

I open my eyes, expecting to see her in front of me, but she is still down the hall and she's not alone. Beside her is that damn ice bastard and he is standing too fucking close. She is smiling at him, but it's just with her mouth, not with her eyes which makes me grin a little despite this jealous rage that's building up in my chest. She frowns at him, her brow knitting together in a way that shows concern and then she smiles again, a real one this time. She puts her hand on his shoulder. I feel the back of my neck get hot and my hands start to sweat more. I have to keep myself under control, it's not like she won't notice if I blast a hole in the wall. And then I'd have to explain myself which I couldn't do. She can always see through my lies. Before I have a chance to lose it though, she looks away from the ice dickhead and sees me. Her whole face lights up, and I swear my heart stops. I don't understand why she looks at me like this, but she always has. She always makes me feel like I'm the one good thing in her world, but maybe I'm just projecting.

As she leaves that bastard and heads my way, he looks at me. The first thing I noticed about him this morning was that his face doesn't give a single a shit about anything, but now that seems to have changed. The look he is giving me is a thinly veiled threat, a challenge. I give him my smuggest smile as I hold out my arms to (y/n). She instantly falls into me, hugging me like we haven't seen each other in years. A small flame appears on ice boy's left hand and my eyes narrow.

Half fire, half ice? Damn.

I feel a little guilty, using our 'no denying hugs' policy to send a message, but that fades when I notice how she feels pressed against me wearing that suit... I pull away before my body can betray my thoughts. The smile she gives me is radiant.

"You were AMAZING!" She gushes before I have time to demand what she and that icy hot freak were talking about. I feel a little bit of heat on my cheeks and I look away. I may be a cocky bastard, but I don't usually care for praise. When it comes from her however, I can't get enough.

"Yeah, yeah," I say, knowing she knows what I really mean. She smiles even more. "We gotta finish our conversations after class, Cupcake. No sneaking away, no fucking excuses. Got me?" I say, wiping the smile from her face.

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