45. Off the rails

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(A/N) If you have a headache, I would put off reading this chapter until it goes away. Also, if you find yourself confused, please let me know - keeping everything in order is taking more brainpower than I am used to using! ❤ 


Since we are out of the woods for now, I think it's time you explained properly.

What do you mean?

If you are what you say you are then you know exactly what I mean, without needing to be told or questioned. 

I'm not totally convinced that this voice in my head is something other than my own delusions despite everything I told Uncle Zawa, and that's best-case scenario. Worst case would be if the voice is something sinister implanted by that golden woman. My lip curls up in anger at the thought of her.

You're right, I don't need you to ask or explain what you want to know, but given how easily freaked out you have been, I thought it might be easier for you to wrap your head around everything if we spoke like two people, instead of one.  When I don't actively form thoughts, the voice continues as I slowly progress down the hall.

As I have already shown you, I have been around ever since the day you manifested your quirk.  At this, my brain fires in all directions as dozens of questions spring to mind.

Do you want me to address every thought you just had, or do you want to ask questions again? The voice asks, sounding smug.

Fine. You said quirk. Noburu also said he had a theory about me only having one quirk, not two. If you are a part of my quirk, does that mean you are part of Space Time too? Is that even what it should be called anymore? How exact-

You know, the voice interrupts my torrent of thoughts, consciously asking the questions only helps if you quiet your mind long enough to get an answer. I nod to us both as I turn the corner and do my best not to think.

One quirk, correct. The separation of quirks inside one body is actually very rare. Generally, if a person inherits aspects of their parents' quirks or both quirks entirely, the quirks will either mutate or act co-dependently. You are no exception to this.

How do you know all this? I am stunned by the surety of the voice's words.

You can just refer to me as Insight if that will make your thoughts less confused. 

My footsteps halt. I hadn't formed the actual thought of not knowing what to call the voice in my head, but I did feel a small bit of uncertainty about it. I shake myself of this unnerving feeling. Insight continues explaining once I begin walking again.

I learned all about quirk biology and genomics from a two-week documentary series I listened to while you were sleeping. Before I can question this latest absurdly nonsensical statement, the voice continues.

When you were eleven you started sleeping on the couch in the living room, hoping the sound of the television would help with your nightmares. Do you remember? I nod.

Uncle Zashi lost so much sleep because of the noise, but he never complained. 

I smile at the thought of him looking more like Uncle Zawa as time wore on. After a few weeks I put two and two together and stopped trying to use the TV to drown out my fears, it hadn't helped much anyway. I feel the voice's desire to smile too, and I grin even more broadly.

Okay, this is weird, I think when my face feels unpleasantly stretched.

Sorry!  The voice thinks amusedly as I try to force my face to be normal. I can feel myself holding back laughter that is not my own, until it suddenly bursts out of me. The laughing ceases almost as quickly as it came, replaced instead by my own unshakable fear. I freeze in my tracks once more only a few feet away from the door to the training room, while I go into what feels like my hundredth emotional tailspin of the month.

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