44. Clear as mud

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A/N: I apologize if this chapter is a bit slow/boring/filler-y, but (Y/N)'s got a lot of stuff to learn and think about! (The next few chapters may have a bit more intrigue though 😏)


No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!

Oh, calm down! You're being dramatic, and I can feel an ulcer forming.

SHUT UP! This is your fault!!

What the hell?! Okay, first of all, I am you, so if I'm to blame, then so are you, and second of all, WHAT THE HELL I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

I was NAKED!

So? The voice asks innocently.

I don't have time for this. I think to my other self when I notice the clock in my room.

"FUCK!" I shout at the ceiling. I left my phone in Katsuki's hotel room, and I do not want to go back there until he has left. I pull the sheet tighter around me as though the pressure will keep everything that I am feeling from spilling out. It seems to work, because after a few deep breaths I don't feel like I am about to break down anymore. Maybe I'm just getting used to these awkward incidents with Katsuki. I sigh and rub out the tension between my brows.

Deciding to leave my phone for now, I shower and dress quickly all while trying desperately to ignore the incessant commentary in my mind. In my distracted state, I nearly fail to catch sight of my appearance before heading back to Recovery Girl's office, but the glare of a light reflecting off the bathroom mirror makes me stop and gasp. My (h/c) hair is streaked with glistening strands of silver that seem to hover just above the rest. My eyes and skin are giving off a faint glow, making me look like I have been lightly dusted with a silver shine.

This is not good. I think, immediately freaking out. If Uncle thinks I can't turn off my quirk he will try and keep me away from Katsuki. I ring my hands together as I pace back and forth in the bathroom.

So just make it seem like you're not using your quirk if you're that worried about it.

Well, if I could just do that, we wouldn't be having this panic attack right now! I yell internally, while my body breaks out in a nervous cold sweat.

Uh, we can just do that. Focus on all of the energy you feel surrounding you.

What the fuck are you talking about? I notice the light emanating from my body begin to intensify.

See it? The voice asks as my light pulsates.

Imagine putting a barrier around all of that and pulling it inside of you. I look skeptically at my glowing reflection in the mirror. I feel the annoyance of the voice in my head and watch as my own eyes roll at me.

The light that you see around yourself and other people is the energy that they put out. Usually you can only see it if the person has too much energy for their body to contain, their body has a leak, or their energy is similar to your own. I feel my confusion being echoed back at me as the voice interprets my internal processes.

Look, this is all pretty rare, the only reason anyone else can see your light at times like these, is because your energy doesn't disperse into the air like everyone else's; it just stays clustered around you like metal on a magnet, getting denser and denser. That's why your light gets brighter and you begin to feel hot and weightless, because you are producing and surrounding yourself in massive amounts of energy.

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