48. The feeling's mutual (part 2)

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I don't know how she does it, but something about lying next to her can always put me to sleep, even at fucking 6pm. Now it's 10pm, and I'm wide awake. I probably could have slept through the night, or at least until (y/n) woke up for her patrol tonight, but whatever the fuck's going on with her quirk is keeping me on edge. At some point we must have shifted to our normal position of me on my back and her draped over me, which wasn't a problem. The problem was realizing that I was firmly grabbing her ass while her knee rubbed slowly over my crotch. So now I'm up. And frustrated. I hate this fucking middle of the road bullshit. I either want to have her however I want to have her, or have things go back to the way they were before U.A. I know which one I'd rather it be, but I'd take either at this point. I just want to be able to hold her again without worry.

Needing some air and a good amount of distance, I head downstairs to the building's communal kitchen in hopes of finding something for me and Cupcake to eat before she leaves. There isn't much, but enough to make something simple. As I start preparing our meal, it hits me again. I nearly drop the ingredients in shock at the suddenness of it.

What the fuck is going through her mind now?!

While it feels incredible, and the possibility that she is feeling this way because of thoughts of me is more than exciting, it's going to drive me insane. I give up on cooking for the moment and take a seat on one of the couches in the attached lounge area.

At least this time I'm wearing athletic shorts and not those tight ass jeans.

I rub my face in irritation as I try to conjure up thoughts that have nothing to do with (y/n) or any of the hundreds of things I want to do to her.

Oh my fucking god!

I groan and hit myself square in the face. There is no fucking way I'm going to be able to think my way out of this, not with this heat burning my insides. I lean forward and put my elbows on my knees as I try to figure out my best course of action. I could just try and wait it out down here and hope that her light doesn't manage to find me, or I could go back upstairs. If I do the latter, I don't know how well I'll be able to hold myself back. It was hard enough to remove her limbs from around my body, to take my hands off of her bare skin – I doubt I will be able to resist her if I go back up there in the shape I am now.

"Couldn't sleep?" A woman asks from somewhere in front of me. I can tell she is trying to sound alluring, but her voice grates on my ears. As my lip curls up in a sneer, I realize I recognize her voice.

This fucking bitch.

I sigh forcefully before looking up to see the female sidekick who was staring at me all fucking day. "You need something?" I ask her rudely, hoping she'll take the hint. She doesn't. She grins like the Cheshire cat at my words and takes a seat across from me.

"I do actually, and I think you can help me." She leans forward and copies my posture, making sure to push her overly exposed cleavage together. I glance away in disgust, but when I look back, she just bats her lashes. The one good thing I can say about running into this bitch is that my erection is now a nonissue.

"What do you want?" I ask when she shows no signs of doing anything other than peacocking. She eyes me slowly in answer, and I roll my eyes. "No. Get lost," I say sternly as I lean back, trying to put as much space between us as possible. She giggles, and it makes my skin crawl unpleasantly.

"Oh, come on. There's no one else around, and you're only here for the week, why don't we make the most of it? Nobody needs to know." I close my eyes in frustration as she lets out another giggle that sounds more like a quack to me.

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