11. Senseless worry

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The months preceding the U.A. entrance exam were tense. Katsuki was a man possessed since it became official that I would be attending U.A. as a student teacher. Every minute that wasn't 'wasted' at school, was spent studying new material that he demanded I draw up for him or training until well past his limit. Suffice it to say, he had us all worried about his mental and physical health.

"You can't pass the entrance exam if you are dead, boy. Stop being so reckless," Uncle Zawa told Katsuki during dinner a month before the exams. Katsuki was practically falling asleep at the table, his arm shaking every time he tried to spoon soup into his mouth. Katsuki merely scoffed in reply, evidently too tired to argue.

"He's right, you know," I said, my voice quiet and filled with worry. I reached over and grabbed his free hand. "This is too much. Even without the training you have done this year, you would pass the exam, pushing yourself this hard is unnecessary." He closed his eyes and exhaled loudly, trying to ignore me, probably because he knew I was right. "If you keep going like this, U.A. won't have anything left to teach you, and then what is the point of even attending!" His head snapped up and he glared at me. I just cocked an eyebrow and smiled, happy to have gotten a reaction out of him.

"Easy for you to say," he mumbled, eyes back at his soup. I looked over at my Uncles for help, but they were having a silent argument. I saw Hizashi mouth the words, 'Do. Something.' before Uncle Zawa cleared his throat.

"Okay, Bakugo, listen up." Katsuki dropped his spoon into his uneaten soup and glanced up at Uncle. "I'm not going to tell you what you'll face on either portion of the exam, but I will tell you that, based on what I have seen and what I know about you, you will pass. In fact, if you don't finish first overall, I will be extremely surprised." I glared at him, the last thing Katsuki needed was more pressure. He ignored me and continued. "However, I know you won't believe me, so I have a proposition." Katsuki and I were both equally surprised.

"Tomorrow, after you have rested both your mind and body, meet me in the training yard." Katsuki's eyes widened. He had been trying to get Uncle to fight him for years now, but he always refused saying, 'if you can't even beat (y/n) how do you expect to last against me?' "We will fight until one of us gives up, and let me just say, if you can last for a full minute against me in an all out fight, you will be further along than my third year class. Understood?" Katsuki nodded his head enthusiastically. I beamed at Uncle, taken aback by this offer. After that, Katsuki ate with renewed vigor and seemed almost back to his usual self, yelling and cursing every few minutes and just generally being an ass. I was pleased.

That night, when we are getting ready for bed, I think of something. I look at Katsuki who is brushing his teeth in the bathroom off my bedroom and frowned. Usually we switch off where we sleep, but he has been staying here lately due to his parents' increasing concerns over his well being. I was more than a little surprised when Uncle didn't voice any objections to this.

I should probably thank Hizashi for that...

"Hey Hot Stuff?" I say, getting his attention. He spits and rinses before turning to me and waiting for me to continue. "I'm really really sorry," I say, looking down to hide my face with my hair. I hear him, 'tch' before I feel his hand lift my face up to look at him.

"What the fuck for?" He asks in a low voice.

"Before I was going to U.A., you were so confident. You knew you were getting in, you had no doubts, and then, it was like something changed. Like you aren't as sure of yourself anymore, and I know that's my fault. I'm so sor-" He clamps his large hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

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