24. Follow the thread

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Back in his room, I pull out my mom's book and get to work on Recovery Girl's assignment. It's actually not as awful as I expected. I had trouble deciphering her poems before, because I think she wrote her words out of order. If I piece them together in a comprehensible fashion, they have a steady flow and even rhyme, not to mention it makes way more sense. I can't help but feel like younger me may have been a bit stupid. I write the words out in a separate notebook, putting them in order and sometimes removing words that seem like they were written to trick or mislead until I finish with the first few entries.

Secrets that the body holds, they cannot hide – they will be told.

If I wish it to be known, these eyes will see what I want shown.

All your lies are there to see, you cannot keep the truth from me.

What you want and what you need, an open book for me to read.

Your hate and love – your hope and fear, are plainly seen when I am near.

But if you see me – don't be alarmed, when I'm around you can't be harmed.

There's nothing hidden from my Sight, for in the darkness – I am the Light.

Rereading the lines I have written out, some are easy to parse, their meaning now clear. My mother was able to do many things with Insight, such as read peoples emotions, including their thoughts and desires. So, it also stands to reason that she could distinguish truth from lies with this quirk as well, which could explain the majority of the lines in this poem. The ones that give me the most trouble are the last two. Eventually, I decide it means that because Insight is not a quirk that can affect others, it cannot be used to cause harm. As for the last line, it probably just means that her eyes would glow when she used her quirk too. If they shone as brightly as mine did earlier today, she would quite literally be the light in a dark area.

After writing all this down below the poem, I put my books away. It's been over an hour since I came in from the roof and nearing 10pm. I heard Masaru and Mitsuki go to bed a little while ago, but I haven't heard Katsuki's shouts or stomps yet. I wish he would come back. Today feels so much longer without him with me. Instead of going to bed, I decide to go look for him.

After making sure he isn't hiding in the house or in the yard, I travel though spacetime to the park he used to go to as a kid. Not finding him there, I head to the training grounds on Uncle Zawa's property. He isn't there either but, looking more closely, I notice fresh blast marks. Using my quirk to move faster than normal, I run the trail back from the training grounds to Katsuki's, hoping to catch him on the way. About halfway back to his house, I notice a small path through a copse of trees, the moonlight shining brightly through it. I feel a sudden urge to follow it. The path seems to be a few miles long, the trees growing thicker with every step and blocking out the light of the moon and stars above. Thinking about my mother's words, I activate Insight and can immediately see despite the pitch blackness surrounding me. Even the areas where the light from my eyes doesn't reach are visible to me. It's like I can see for miles through the trees and in the darkness. I stop, stunned at this new revelation. I've never used Insight to see like this, I rarely even used it on patrols. I spin around and take in everything. I look up through the trees at the sky and my breath catches. The stars, blocked from my normal sight, shine beautifully above me. After another moment of gazing, I continue on my path, the glittering land ahead makes me move faster until my feet are a blur beneath me. The wind and branches whip my face as I move, but instead of pain and cold, it feels like the gentle caress of a loving hand. My heart is light in my chest, and I can feel my own laughter ring out, a soft chime cutting through the silence of the night.

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