34. Progress

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My new schedule started with class 1-B. I'm sad to not be working on costume and equipment designs with Mei anymore, but at least I get to see more of my new friends in this class. Everyone, even Monoma, seemed pleased that I would be assisting with their combat and quirk training until further notice, mainly because I have 'inside information' on class 1-A. Realistically, they weren't that far behind 1-A, they just have a different set of quirks that need to be used in more creative ways. Overall, I felt like I learned as much as they did by having to evaluate everyone's ability and come up with innovative ways to train. At the end of the lesson, they even added me to their class group chat which, according to Tetsutetsu, is a high honor.

Second period is still with Uncle Zawa and Tamaki. The bits of Uncle's eyes that I can see look more exhausted than usual, but Tamaki, dressed in his hero costume, looks ready to go, excited almost. I activate insight for the first time since yesterday afternoon. I may hate it sometimes, but when I can use it like this, it feels so nice, like a weight has been lifted. Tamaki's gentle light blue glow shines a bit brighter around him than usual and the feelings coming off him of excitement and happiness warm me to my core. He is such a wonderfully genuine person and I can't help but feel happy at seeing him happy. I beam at him as he gets near and his glow deepens and expands slightly as he smiles back. I wonder, not for the first time, about the change in his light and what it means. Katsuki's light seemed to only really change when it merged with mine, but then again, I guess I've never really been able to observe it without mine taking over.

"Today you will keep Insight active, but you will not fight with it. Do your best to ignore the instinctive way it will try and get you to move. See if you can sense its actions and stop them before letting it take over." Uncle says to me in a tired but stern voice. I freeze momentarily with worry that Uncle somehow knows about other times and ways Insight has taken over and moved me instinctively. I rid myself of that fear with a swallow and nod. "Other than that, you will both be fighting without quirks." This is surprising to me. Even if I ignore Insight's movements, I can still see Tamaki's muscles as they contract before he moves and his intentions before he strikes, plus I have more training and practice with hand to hand combat. This doesn't seem fair. Tamaki's glow to my right gets a little brighter, making me look at him instead of Uncle.

"Are you okay with that? I'll still have an advantage." He gives me a genuine smile, excitement pouring from him mixed with dozens of other emotions that are too faint for me to distinguish.

"I don't know that you will," he says somewhat cockily, and my eyes widen. His attitude is definitely different. Confidence in battle is one thing, but I've never heard him use that tone when just speaking to anyone, especially a girl in a skintight suit.

"What's gotten into you, Tamaki?" He smirks a little. "I've never seen you like this! I don't hate it, that's for sure, but you seem-"

"Go!" Uncle shouts, and Tamaki jolts forward. I feel Insight moving me out of the way before his punch and kick can hit me. "Move on your own!" Uncle says as Insight spins me around. I could dodge these blows on my own without Insight, so how does he know I'm not? Tamaki's fist comes at me again and instead of dodging, I try to block it, but once again, I am forced to move away. I growl in frustration as Uncle yells at me again. I move forward, wanting to go on the offensive, and strike out at Tamaki, or I try to. I can't seem to move my fist forward enough to cover the distance. What is going on? Tamaki hesitates before throwing another blow, his concern and confusion evident with Insight.

"Stop!" Uncle calls out after about 10 minutes. "Come over here." We both move over to where Uncle is standing. "Shake hands," he demands. I look at him questioningly but turn to Tamaki and stretch my hand out to his. Our hands never meet. I try to push my hand up and move it forward, but it won't budge. Tamaki tries to come to me instead, but my hand moves away from his touch like I'm a goofy adult meeting a child and pretending like I'm incapable of shaking hands. I look at Uncle for answers.

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