13. New fears

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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" (y/n)'s voice is louder and angrier than I have ever heard. "HIS FACE LOOKS LIKE MINCED MEAT! HE HAS TWO BLACK EYES!" I wince as the volume pierces my brain. She steps closer to me, her thin fingers gently prodding my cheeks, eyes, and nose. I wince again. "AND A BROKEN NOSE!!" She glares at Aizawa, fury evident on her face, and I can't look away from her. It's like she has me in a fucking trance. Despite the pain in my head and body, I can't focus on anything but how she looks right now. She's always been beautiful, even before she grew into her body. Her face has always been my favorite thing to look at, her soft, delicate features, her radiant smile, and sparkling eyes. But this is different. This isn't the face I'm used to. It's the same, of course it's the fucking same but

it's so...

I shake my head to avoid finishing that thought. After she gives Aizawa's face a few prods as well, she turns to glare at us both.

"Take off your shirts," she demands, her dangerous expression lessened only slightly by the shimmering locks framing her face. I glance at Aizawa and we share a confused look. "I SAID, TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING SHIRTS. RIGHT. NOW," she shouts and we both comply instantly. It's painful to move, but I manage to get my shirt over my head without whining like the little bitch I know I am right now. I hear her sharp intake of breath as she looks over our bodies. I know my chest and back are bruised. I won't tell him, but Aizawa packs one hell of a punch. I look over at him and note with some satisfaction that he has a pretty nasty bruise over his ribs, not to mention the shiner on his left eye.

"YOU, GO LIE DOWN ON THE COUCH!" She yells at Aizawa before turning to face me. "Stand still, this might hurt," she says in a low, menacing voice as she walks around to stand behind me. Her warm hands press against my back, and I groan slightly as the wound begins to tighten and throb worse than before. In just a few seconds however, the pain is gone. I turn around carefully to look at her and have my suspicions confirmed. Her large grey eyes and long hair are glowing with a slight silver light. Her skin looks a little brighter too, but not enough to emit light yet. She must have reversed my wound or sped up the healing process, but this isn't what I focus on. I can barely breathe she is so beautiful. Her eyes fill with tears and worry as she looks into my disfigured face. Without thinking I put my hands on her cheeks and wipe away the small drops of water from her eyes before they have a chance to fall.

"Don't cry, Cupcake. I'm okay," I mange to rasp out, my voice surprisingly husky. She jerks her head out of my grasp.

"Shut up!" She snaps, bringing me back to reality. "Go lie down in the living room with Aizawa!" And she storms off. For a second I am dumbfounded, but slowly, I follow her orders and meet the two men in the living room. Hizashi is struggling between concern for his lover and humor at (y/n)'s attitude. He shoots me a glare as he sees me, clearly blaming me for Aizawa's black eye and bruised ribs. I try to raise my eyebrows in an 'are you fucking serious' look but fail due to how swollen my face is. Hizashi's glare turns to sympathy before he too leaves the room.

"Well," Aizawa groans, "that went better than expected," he says and I nod slightly in agreement.

"Oh, just you wait. It's going to get a lot worse." (y/n) is standing in the doorway, arms full of first aid supplies and towels. "Since you two were kind enough to pummel each other to bloody fucking pulps, you can help me work on using my quirk for healing purposes. One wound at a time." Her voice gives me chills, I've never heard her use a tone like this. It's scary, and intimidating and...

Fucking cut it out! I yell at myself. Fucking Aizawa! It's his fault I'm even thinking these things. Why couldn't he just leave shit alone?! I was perfectly fucking happy ignoring that fact that she is most perf-

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