29. Actions and words

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(A/N) Very long chapter in comparison, I was going to split it into 2, but I felt it needed to be left together.


"Guys, seriously, this is too much," I say for what feels like the millionth time as the girls try to dress me in my only three outfits they would consider 'date appropriate.' "Besides, Shoto said to wear comfortable shoes, so I doubt a dress or skirt would work anyway." They glare at me.

"I truly don't understand having a body like yours if you aren't willing to show it off a little bit, I mean, these dresses cover everything!" Mina says going through my closet. "And why the hell are most of these clothes boy's clothes?" She asks, pulling out the 10th t-shirt of Katsuki's and throwing it on the ground. Katsuki makes angry noises from the doorway.

"Aren't you guys fucking finished yet? And why the hell are my clothes all over the fucking floor?!" He screams, picking up his clothes and putting them back in the closet.

"Do you like, live here or something Bakugo?" Kyoka asks, pulling out a drawer only to find more of Katsuki's clothes.

"We split days," we say together. When they look confused, I explain further. "We spend every other day and night at Katsuki's, so our stuff is split at both places."

"Oh, thank god, so you have more to choose from than just this?" Toru asks, holding up my favorite pair of tattered jeans. Katsuki laughs.

"Hardly. You are wasting your fucking time. She's just going to wear those dark skinny jeans she got from Loud Mouth and that (favorite band) t-shirt from our first concert. It's the only fucking outfit she feels comfortable in other than workout clothes." He says, finishing cleaning up the mess of clothes and leaving the females, including me, stunned.

"He's right. That is what I'll end up in." They sigh in defeat and leave me to get ready, but not before insisting on doing my hair and make-up which I flatly refuse. Once I'm 'good enough' the girls pack their bags and head out, leaving me and Katsuki to head to the hospital before my date.

"Don't let those dumb broads get to you, Cupcake." He says to me before we leave, catching me fret in front of the mirror. "It's my favorite outfit too." He says with an uncharacteristic amount of softness in his voice. I smile at him, double check my messy bun, and then squeeze us through spacetime and into the hall outside of Uncle Zawa's room.

Once inside, it takes everything I have not to lose it again. I don't know why I'm so emotional lately. I've barely cried since my parents were murdered but these last couple of days have turned me into a baby. Katsuki grabs my hand, his presence giving me the strength to speak.

"Hey," I say in a creaky voice. Uncle Zashi looks up from Uncle Zawa whose completely bandaged face moves in my direction. "H-how are you?" He gives me a thumbs up, and Hizashi starts to cry. A tear runs down my cheek as well.

"Well, I think you look like shit." Katsuki says, breaking the somber mood with his typical assholeishness. "But my god, you put up a fucking fight." He finishes, lifting his fist up a little and making me smile at his efforts. I think Uncle Zawa did too.

"(Y/N)," Uncle Zawa's muffled voice says, but Hizashi hushes him.

"Not now Shota, this can wait for a few more days. Just- just rest now, okay?" He says, patting Uncle on the knee because everywhere else is covered in bandages.

"How much longer until he is healed?" I ask in a small voice.

"Recovery Girl has been in already today. She says one or two more days of treatment should be enough to get him out of the hospital," Hizashi answers, but I feel like he is leaving something out.

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