31. New discoveries

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"When are you going to tell her?" I ask the still bandaged Aizawa while (y/n) takes a shower.

"I'm not telling her that until the last moment possible. Trust me, it'll be better for you both that way." I snort in anger, but he's probably right.


After I left (y/n) to make out with that stupid icy hot bastard, I went back to the hospital. I really don't know why. It's not like I wanted to be there or fucking anywhere really. I was just feeling shitty, and I didn't want to go home or go to Cupcake's house by myself. When I got there, I heard him talking to Loud Mouth about (y/n), so I hung back outside the door to listen in.

"It seems like (y/n) has more of her mother's quirk than she thought. This isn't good." Aizawa's voice sounded tired and defeated

"We can't separate them, Shota. You know that would never work," Loud Mouth said halfheartedly. I assumed they were talking about (y/n) and icy hot, so I was rooting for whatever plan Aizawa had come up with before I arrived.

"I know," Aizawa sighed in frustration, "but we can limit their interactions. They definitely shouldn't sleep together anymore." What? Is he talking about (y/n) and me?

"You know she will just go to him in her sleep anyway. It's happened before," Loud Mouth said to Aizawa while I was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. "I think the only way to handle this is to explain what you think is going on to them both."

"No," Aizawa said sternly. "They aren't ready. Especially (y/n)."

"But wasn't your sis-"

"My sister was in her late 20s when she found out, and (f/n) was close to 40 himself. They are just kids, Hizashi. I'm not doing it." I didn't want sit around and try to figure out what was going on anymore, so I burst through the door.

"Alright, what the hell is going on?" I asked the two shocked men in front of me. Aizawa recovered first and sighed irritably.

"You were listening?" He asked, and I nodded. "Of course you were. How much did you hear?" I scowled at him.

"I heard enough to know there is something going on that involves me and (y/n) that you won't tell us. And Loud Mouth is right, you aren't keeping us apart," I said definitively, crossing my arms and holding my ground. Aizawa sighed again and mumbled something under his breath that made Loud Mouth smile.

"Just- sit down," Aizawa demanded. "How do you feel about (y/n)?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. I gave him a puzzled look.

"What do you mean? She's my best-" He cut me off.

"Stop with the best friend bullshit for a second, I mean how do you feel about her?" I felt my face get hot. I couldn't even admit this shit to myself, to that long eared freak when she told me how I felt, how in the hell was I supposed to just say it to her fucking uncle?

"I-" Loud Mouth started to laugh.

"See, I told you Shota," he said smiling like a creep. Aizawa sighed again.

"Does she know?" Aizawa asked me. I shook my head, assuming what he meant. He nodded slowly. "Does she know how she feels about you?" I just shrugged. Why wouldn't she know how she feels about me? It's not like her feelings match mine. If they did, she would have been with me, not that half and half asshole.

"Insight is more than just reading what someone's quirk is," Aizawa said, taking me by surprise with this change in topic. "Her mother had the same quirk and it was... well it was incredible. She couldn't read your thoughts, but she could read enough about you to guess what you were thinking and your motives. Once she got a handle on it, the better she knew someone, the easier it was for her to use Insight on them." He lifted his left arm up to his face but set it back down in frustration when he remembered everything is still wrapped up. "But it can be... possessive," he said, trying to find the right word.

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