47. The feeling's mutual

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WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD - read the author's note at the bottom of the chapter for information on future content warnings.


Back at my house, I grab a bite to eat, shower, and shave the stubble off my legs so it won't rub against my hero suit later. I feel relaxed when I step out onto the bathroom tile but also a bit jittery?

Yeah, that's about right.

Ugh! I wasn't asking you!

Alright! Sorry!

Insight has been relatively quiet in the back of mind, but I can tell it won't last long. I can practically feel her chomping at the bit to overload me with thoughts, but I think she realizes my patience and sanity depend on her silence.

Out in my room I sigh a little sadly. It feels so empty without Katsuki here. I just want to spend time with him like we used to. With these depressing thoughts, I open the closet and pull out one of his bigger shirts instead of my own PJs. I hate being this far away from him. Finally dressed, I spot the sheet that he wrapped around me this morning on the floor by my bed and frown.

What was I thinking?

You were thinking that you were naked next to the most attractive man you've ever seen, not that hard to figure out.

I glare at these thoughts.

No shit. But I'm next to him all the time, and this is the first time I've done anything like that!

Not true. There was the time at the beach..

I wasn't in control...

And the time in Kirishima's room...

That wasn't me eith...

And again when you couldn't move...


How many times do I have to tell you?! YOU are ME, I am YOU. We aren't two separate people, dumbass! I am a product of your thoughts created by your quirk. I am telling you your ACTUAL thoughts and feelings, not the bullshit you tell yourself! You can only hear me as a separate voice because of your quirk! How is that so hard to understand?!

So, this morning, it wasn't actually me. It was you.

I feel my heart sink a little at this while Insight grumbles angry thoughts too fast for me to make sense of.


She finally manages to yell in my head.

What the hell do you want me to do, huh?! If you've been around all this time, then you know why I can't just accept what I may or may not feel for him.

Tears form in my eyes as I think about the paths presented to me.

It's his life, I can't just take that away. I won't do that to him.

Insight doesn't respond, and I can't even feel her nagging presence right now. All I feel is torn. Picking up the sheet from the ground, I hug it to my body and get the slightest whiff of Katsuki. Sighing, I squeeze into his hotel room through spacetime. I don't care if it will be awkward seeing him when he gets back anymore, I just want to be near him.

I find my phone on the bedside table when I get there. Ignoring the missed calls and messages, I send a couple texts to Katsuki, letting him know where I am. It's still too early for him to be done with his internship for the day, so I make myself at home on his bed. I hold his pillow close, letting his sweet, familiar scent comfort me until I drift off to sleep.

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