26. Unforeseen

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I feel better after lunch, not great but better, like maybe this whole fiasco will blow over, and Katsuki and I can pretend like it never happened. I wave goodbye to my class and Uncle Zawa as they leave to meet 13 and All Might at the USJ for rescue training. Admittedly, I'm a little jealous. I love the USJ. It is a spectacular place just to be in, let alone train, but at least I will be doing something else fun. Plus Tamaki and Mirio will be there, so I won't feel totally alone.

"Ah, Miss (L/N), thank you for agreeing to join us today," Cementoss greets me in his smooth voice.

Like I had a choice.

"Of course!" I answer brightly. "What do you have planned for today?" He puts his hands together in front of him slowly, almost like he is stalling for time.

"Well..." He begins, and I narrow my eyes.

"You want me to fight your students again, don't you?" I ask, guessing his motives. His block like face blushes a bit, but he nods.

"But this time, I was thinking one on one, and," he smiles so wide that his eyes shut, "maybe you could hold back just a bit?" I laugh.

"Of course, but just so you know, I held back last time too." I grin and stretch, cracking my neck and shoulders. Cementoss laughs a little uncomfortably. "Don't worry, I'll scale it down to match my opponent. I know how to fight so the battle is instructive and not just a massacre," I say cockily. Cementoss bows his head at me in thanks as the class files in.

"Alright!" I say to the room at large, assuming they are partly behind this plan. "Who's first?" I ask, smiling dangerously. Some of the class steps back, but Mirio immediately jumps up, of course.

"Me! ME!" He says, looking close to wetting himself with excitement. I laugh at his enthusiasm, liking this boy more and more by the day.

"Actually, I was thinking Mr. Amajiki could go first, seeing as he didn't have a chance last time. How about it Amajiki?" Cementoss asks, looking at a now shaking Tamaki. He doesn't say anything but he gives a curt nod and steps forward.

"Whenever you're ready, Tamaki," I say in a voice for only him to hear. He swallows once and launches at me, wings sprouting from his back in the blink of an eye and powerful looking tentacles shooting at me from his fingertips. I dodge his attack just in time. 

Deciding to try something new, I activate Insight while increasing my power and speed with Space Time to match his. I can see a subtle switch in Tamaki's body and shoot forward before he can strike me down with his new manifestation. Seeing the muscles in his back contrast with Insight before he uses his wings to take off, I change my trajectory by bouncing off a block of solid space to land a hit on his jaw. But instead of hitting bone, my fist meets the squishy texture of a squid's head. I flip back and kick his torso with my feet only to be wrapped up by his tentacles. Rather than trying to disentangle myself though, I grab on to one and spin the space around us with me in the center. Tamaki loses his grip on me and I throw him as hard as I can. Before his body smashes against the wall, he uses his wings to stop himself midair. I land softly and grin up at him.

"Why do I get the feeling you are holding back, Tamaki?" I ask, almost laughing with how much I am enjoying this high speed fight.

"I could ask the same thing of you!" He shouts down, looking more confident than I have ever seen him.

Lose all the manifestations and he is pretty hot...

"Of course I'm holding back! You want me to just freeze you and pummel your motionless body? Cause I can do that!" I retort playfully.

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