38. All good things

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The lights are too bright when I open my eyes, but everything else is comfortable. I am snuggled on a small but cozy bed, surrounded by a plush blanket and pillows while a cool hand holds one of mine and another strokes my face. It is exceptionally relaxing. Looking to my right at the person touching me, I smile.

"Hi," I say, my voice a little thick from sleep. Tamaki instantly pulls his hands away from me, his cheeks turning bright red. He hands me a glass of water as I sit up. "What am I doing here?" I ask him while looking around me. I'm clearly in Recovery Girl's office. "Where did I get all these pillows?" I laugh at the ten plus pillows surrounding me like a mold. Tamaki opens his mouth but doesn't speak. I sigh patiently at him and activate Insight. His nervousness hits me like a truck, it's worse than usual, but so are the other emotions that usually lie on the outskirts such as worry, guilt, fear, happiness, ease, and contentment. I smile at him while I reach out for his hand, taking one of his large ones in both of my small ones without a struggle. I watch the nerves fade from his light while peace and happiness settle in. He lets out a long breath and looks at me.

"I wish I could feel like this all the time," he says softly, catching me off guard. I smile brightly at him and his light reacts by expanding and deepening in hue.

"Me too, Tamaki. I'm so sorry you can't be yourself around me anymore," I say sadly, making him frown. He touches my cheek lightly with his free hand, his thumb bumping the turned down corner of my lip to get me to smile. It works and he smiles back at me.

"You used your quirk too much to heal the green boy. Midoriya, I think," he says after a minute. "No one could get to you..." He trails off, his voice softer than before.

"Except for you?" I half state half ask. He nods a little, but I can feel his internal conflict as well as see the struggle in his eyes. He wants to know something. "You can ask me whatever is on your mind, Tamaki. If I don't feel comfortable answering, I'll tell you." He relaxes a little and gives me a shy smile.

"The angry blonde, Bakugo..." I give him a patient smile and wait for the questions I know are coming. "He could have reached you too, couldn't he?" I nod.

"Probably, but then again, I don't know why no one else could, or why you could if everyone else was unable..." He nods a little to himself.

"He could have reached you, but he didn't. He actually came to find me to do it for him?" He phrases this like a question, and I frown deeply. "Y-you don't have to answer!" Tamaki immediately blurts out when he sees my reaction. I shake my head.

"It's not that. I just know he and Uncle Zawa are keeping something from me. This just adds to it." I let out an exhausted sigh. "I can't use Insight around Kats-, uhh, Bakugo," I explain. He nods again. I can feel understanding and excitement at connections being made in his mind.

"I know."

"What? How?" I question him.

"Aizawa told me. Also, I can tell he is the reason your quirk doesn't want you to touch me. I could feel that his presence around the acid girl drove your quirk into a dark corner and you struggled to get out. I was so worried for you." My eyes are wide. I am so confused. "And right now, I can tell you are having a hard time taking all of this in..." He keeps his eyes down cast and his emotions are, once again, everywhere, as though he himself is unsure of what and how he feels.

"What do you mean, Aizawa told you?" I question him, feeling anger well up in my chest. He won't tell me what's going on with my quirk, but he will tell Katsuki and Tamaki?! Tamaki rubs my hands with his. His touch sends little bits of calm through my angry mind. He smiles to himself, and I feel that he is pleased to be able to help me. I can't help but smile a little too.

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