40. Hard pressed

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My anxiety over training with Insight while Katsuki is in the same freaking room pushes Shoto from the forefront of my mind. Walking down the hall after changing into my hero costume, I want to just turn around. 

Surely whatever fates that be wouldn't let me force myself on Katsuki while Tamaki and my uncle are in the room, right? Maybe having them there will actually make it easier, maybe Uncle is right to make us do this.  With these thoughts in my head, I walk into the training room on steadier legs.

They are already there when I arrive. I ignore Katsuki and my uncle but smile at Tamaki. I hear Katsuki's audible groan, and I grin. Last night, after we got back to Katsuki's, I cornered him and forced him to admit that he told Uncle Zawa about the incidents that happened between us. I am livid they have been communicating behind my back even more, about something like this no less. And to top it off, he still wouldn't tell me whatever else it is they are both keeping from me. Katsuki apologized, yelled, ignored me back, and even begged at one point, but I was not relenting.

"Okay," Uncle says when I reach the center of the room. I grudgingly glance in his direction and see him scowling at me. It's hard to suppress my smile and concern when I see his actual face for the first time in weeks. His bandages have been removed since the festival and all in all he looks undamaged, but the deep scar under his right eye hurts my chest. "We're going to go back to you fighting without quirks but with Insight activated for the first quarter and we'll move on from there," Uncle announces. Tamaki and I have been fighting with our quirks for the past few lessons, but that doesn't mean I have mastered any level yet, so I understand Uncle Zawa's caution. I don't bother trying to activate Insight without touching Tamaki first. Katsuki's closeness will only make it that much more difficult to physically be near him, not to mention if I'm not touching Tamaki, there's a good chance I'll lose control and go after Katsuki.

I feel like a predator. I shake my head clear of these thoughts as I grip Tamaki's hand and activate Insight. I release the breath I'd been holding when nothing tries to pull me away. I look up into Tamaki's deep indigo eyes and smile the warm lazy smile of absolute peace that comes from using my quirk around him. The deep blue light around his body is shot through with various shades of blue as well as sparkling bits of silver. My mouth opens slightly as I gasp at the beautiful sight. It's almost bewitching as the light pulses, evenly fading and glowing in turn.

A loud cough from behind me pulls me out of my trance, and for the first time, I notice Katsuki. In an instant it's like elastic snapping back in place as my body pulls away from Tamaki with speed and force. Tamaki, however, must have anticipated this as he steps forward just in time and places his free hand around my back, holding me to him.

"It's okay, (y/n)," Tamaki whispers in my ear, his low voice demanding my full attention. I stop struggling.

"She needs to be aware that Bakugo is here while she is fighting you, but to do that we need to get over this initial hurdle," Uncle says in annoyance from the side of the room. "I'll erase her quirk if she can't control herself, no need to hold her back, Amajiki." I flush deeply in anger and embarrassment at my Uncle's words. Cursing under my breath, I let my mind wander to Katsuki while trying to prepare myself to fight. Suddenly, it's like I'm in a blazing inferno as heat spins all round me, the hot air burning my throat and stealing my breath. It's as though my skin would rather leave my body behind than not be with Katsuki. The light shining all around me is nearly blinding, but I know I can't focus on anything other than trying to breathe and stay in place. Unfortunately, it seems the two are mutually exclusive and soon, black spots start to blur my vision.

"Erase her quirk!" Two voices shout in unison and a moment later I suck in a lungful of much needed air.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks while hands lift me from the ground. I don't remember falling.

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