Chapter 5

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Alec POV
I finished making pancakes and put them on two plates for me and for Magnus.
"D-Do you want coffee M-Magnus?" I asked looking over at Magnus.
"Yes please." He nodded.
I made coffee for both of us.
I put our plates on the table and then the cups. We both sat down Magnus on the opposite of me.
He took a bite of the pancakes and his face lit up.
"Oh my god Alec this is so delicious!" He exclaimed. I blushed.
We ate our food in silence.
Than suddenly my phone rang.
"E-Excuse me." I said as I stood up and picked up my phone.
"H-hello?" I asked, i didnt look at the contact as i picked up.
"Hey Alec." Liam the team captain from my soccer team said.
"So the boys and I thought maybe we should all go and hang out today. Do you wanna come?" Liam asked.
"I-I can't today, s-sorry. Maybe n-next time." I said.
"To busy with your girlfriend?" He said I maybe couldn't see him but I knew that he was wiggling his eyebrows.
"Y-you know i d-dont have one." I said seriously.
"Dude I just don't believe you, like you look pretty good so how is it that you don't have a girlfriend?" Liam said confused.
"I d-don't know." I said but in my head
I thought probably because I'm gay.
"Well anyways have fun with your girl." He hung up. I sighed and put my phone down. I sat back down again.
"Who was that?" Magnus asked.
"That w-was Liam one of my team mates he is the a-attacking midfielder and the captain." I explained to Magnus.
"Oh okay." Magnus said a she continued eating.

We finished eating after a little small talk and I put our dishes into the dish washer.
"So Alexander, I need to ask you something." Magnud asked seriously.
"Y-ye what's u-up?" I asked as i turned around to face Magnus.
"I'm going to a concert today but one of my best friends just cancelled and ny other friends don't wanna come, do you want to come with me?" Magnus asked with a smile. "I d-don't know if its a g-good idea, I-I need to g-get up early t-tomorrow." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"Please Alexander." He pleaded and he gave me the puppy eues.
God. Fucking. Damn it.
I can't resist those puppy eyes.
"Fine, w-who's concert?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Panic! At the disco." Magnus said and my face lit up.
"Y-you are a fan of them?" I asled excitedly.
"Yes, I love their music." Magnus said.
"M-me too." I said while smiling.

The rest of the morning we watched movies.
"lexanser are you coming with me to my house?" Magnus then spoke up after 3 movies.
"W-Why?" I asked confused I looked towards Magnus and I raised an eyebrow.
"I need to feed my cat and then I also can change before we go to the concert." Magnus said running his hand through his hair.
"O-oh yeah sure, I'll go change now t-then.' I said and i stood up and stretched.
"Alexander please let me choose your outfit for tonight!" Magnus said and he looked at me with big excited eyes.
I sighed.
"Fine." I said and Magnus ran to my room and searched through my closet.
I followed him and I jumped face first onto my bed.
I heard Magnus searching into my closet.
Then I felt clothes over me being dropped on me.

Wear this." He said with a big smil
I sat up. "That was f-fast." I said and Magnus nodded.
Magnus chose black tight ripped jeans and a dark (really dark almost black) blue long sleeved shirt.
I walked to the bathroom anI put the clothes on.
It actually did look good.
I brushed my teeth and tried to do my hair but it just kept looking like a bedhead mess
When i was done i walked back to the living room to put on my shoes, combat boots, and a jacket, black leather jacket.
"You really do love the colour black don't you?" Magnus asked with a smile
"In the c-colour black you don't stand out m-much. S-so i like that." I said fast without taking much of breath.
"Well okay then. Let's go." Magnus said. We walked outside and I locked the door behind us.
We walked over to Magnus his car and got in.
Once we both sat Magnus started driving.
"So Alexander just a question but how did you get your stutter?" Magnus asked curiously.
I didn't know what to say the reason i got the stutter was Jake...
But i wasn't ready to tell him that yet.
"You don't have to tell me if you dont want to."
I didn't realise i was silent for like 2 minutes.
"I-I'm j-just not ready to tell y-you yet." I said looking down at my lap, pulling a small lose string from my shirt.
"It's fine Alexander, I'm not gonna force you to tell anything." Magnus said in a soothing and calm voice.
They way he talked kinda reminded me of how Jake talked to me in beginning of pur relationship but it was different
"T-thanks." I said.
We drove for 10 minutes when we arrived at Magnus his house.
I didnt realise it before but it was pretty huge.
We got out of the car and walked towards the door.
Magnus unlocked the door and we got inside.
"Welcome to my home." Magnus said with a smile as he let me in.
The house was beautiful. The walls and ceilings were marble and the ceiling was high it made me feel small, it als made the house look bigger than it actually was. The floor was dark, and the stairs looked likethe ones you see in castles. The walls were covered with paintings from artist Alec didn't recognised but it seemed expensive.
"W-wow, i-it's beautiful." I stuttered out.
"Yeah I guess it is." Magnus said shrugging as he walked to the kitchen and I followed him.
Sitting in the kitchen on the counter was a tiny cat, it began meowing when Magnus came in.
"Hey Chairman Meow, you hungry?" Magnus said to the cat with a smile. He scratched the cat behind his ear.
'Chairman M-meow?' I burst out into a laughter.
"Don't laugh at my cats name! It's a great name.'' Magnus said when he made some food for Chairman Meow.
"I-If you s-say so." I said chuckling.
He put the food down for Chairman Meow who attacked it immediately.
"I'm gonna change now, you can sit down in the livingroom if you want." Magnus said as he walked upstairs.

"O-okay." I said and I walked towards the what i assumed was the living room.
I sat down on the couch grabbing my phone which had buzzed, to see i had a text from Izzy.


I hope the first day home alone is going great for you! xx

Yeah it is

I'm glad to hear that♡

Then i felt something jump on my lap, i looked at my lap and saw Chairman Meow sitting on my lap looking at me head slightly turned in confusing.

I scratched him behind his ear and he purred loudly.

Then he laid down on my lap and kept purring satisfied.

After 40 minutes of waiting till Magnus was done he came down. Yes he took so long. I was just scrolling on Instagram and Chairman fell asleep.

"What the fuck?!" Magnus exclaimed when he saw Chairman Meow sleeping on my lap.

"W-What? What's w-wrong?" I asked confused. "Did Chairman just went to lay on your lap by himself?" Magnus asked still gazing at the cat asleep on my lap.

"Y-yeah why?" I said still confused.

"Wow normally when strangers are around he would either try to get them out of house or he is hiding under my bed till the strangers leave." Magnus said with a chuckle.
"Oh." I said as i looked towards the cat.

"He probably likes you a lot then." Magnus said smiling.
"Y-yeah." I nodded

I now looked at what magnus was wearing, he wore a dark purple button-up shirt, he left the top buttons op so you had a good few at his colorbones. He wore black glittery tight jeans and black glitter combat boots. He wore black eyeliner and purple eyeshadow.
He wore chain necklaces around his neck and also his usual rings. His nails were painted black.

He also spiked his hair up who had purple highlights in it.

"Like what you see?" Magnus said with a smirk.

I blushed and looked away quickly.

"I-I'm sorry I d-didn't want to s-stare." I apologised. "Alexander, I'm just teasing you." Magnus said with a smirk.

Yayy another chapter♡

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now