chapter 36

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Alec POV
"Alec wake up." A voice whispered.
"5 more minutes." I whined and Magnus chuckled.
"Your sister is here with Clary, don't ask me why, I have no idea." Magnus said and he kissed my forehead softly.
"Fine I'm coming." I opened my eyes and looked at his green gold eyes.
"Okay I'll tell them." He said with a smile that lit up his whole face. I checked the time 9am. No wonder i was still tired. I put on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed a tshirt. I walked out of the room while pulling on my tshirt.

I yawned again and leaned against the wall looking at Clary and Izzy who were sitting on the couch. "Iz what's up, why so early?" I asked her.
"Simon told me you joined the band and he wanted me to inform you that you guys have a gig Wednesday evening and he wants you at practice this afternoon." She said with a smile.
"Did you really have to come to my house in the morning to tell me this? He could have just send me a message. Do you know which time we arrived home?" I said slightly annoyed. "We wanted to take you and Magnus shopping today." Clary said with a smile. I groaned loudly.
"Why me God." I whispered.
"Stop being dramatic Lightwood."
"Shut up Bane."
"Malec stop bickering." Izzy said and Magnus and I snapped our head towards her.
"Malec?" We said in unison.
"That's your ship name, Jace helped us think of one." Clary answered
"Ship. Name...?" I asked i was totally confused and when i saw the three of them smirking at me i changed my mind.
"Wait you know what never mind I'm gonna change into some proper clothes." I said as i walked out of the living room my arms up in defeat. I quickly changed into jeans and a long sleeved shirt.
"I'm ready." I announced to the others .
"Did you take your meds?" Magnus asked.  "Shit no i forgot, I'll be right back." I said and i walked to the kitchen to take my meds and Chairman meow was laying on the table stretched to full lenght (which wasn't much).
"Hey buddy." I said and i scratched behind his ear for a second. "Meow." The cat responded. I took my meds and i walked back.
"Let's go." I told them and they stood up. Magnus put his arm around my shoulder and we went outside to Clary's car and drove to the mall. 
I wasn't the shopping kind of guy but i knew Magnus loved it so i would go for him. Once inside of the clothing stores Clary and I immediately lost sight of Izzy and Magnus.
"Seriously this day is gonna give me a big headache if they keep running of like this in every clothes store." I said to Clary who smiled at the comment.
Clary was one of my dearest friend who i learned to love. When i first met her I hated her, she stole my best friend heart, the person i loved. I was so jealous of her as Jace only had eyes for her, when i met Jake and got into a relationship with him i confessed to her why i was such an asshole. She had grinned and high fived me. The small red head is someone i could talk to about anything. Clary and i used to sneak away from Simon's gig's of his old band, they sucked so much and that wasnt because of Simon. We would get Taco's at place nearby and get back right before the gig ended.
"Hey Alec i think i found them." Clary said and she pointed over to where we could see black hair with yellow and blue streaks in it. "Finally." I said and we made our way to Magnus and Izzy who were searching clothes for Izzy. "Iz what about this." Magnus said and he held up a silver, tight and a slightly to short (in my opinion) glitter dress. "No ways she's gonna wear that." I said and she sighed.
"Your such a buzz kill Alec." She said with a smile. She still took the dress from Magnus and looked at me with her eyebrows daring me to say something. The also found her knee high boots to go with the glitter dress. Clary found a black dress she liked and Magnus too found some clothes. I was waiting for them to finish changing, on the couch that was in the store.
Izzy was the first one out showing her beautifully formed body in the tight dress.
"Wow Izzy." I said it wasn't even that short and it actually looked good on her. Izzy smiled
"Magnus, Clary hurry I finished and i wanna see yours." Said Izzy. Magnus got out, he wore a suit like thing (oh gods here comes the explaining) it had a high-ish colar and buttons, the torso was dark blue with glitters, the buttons and sleeves black. He wore black pants hanging loosely on his waist.
I sucked in a breath.
"Magnus i love that!" Izzy exclaims. Clary peeked her head around the curtain to look at Magnus and Izzy.
"Yes you guys look great." Clary said.
"Clary show your dress." Izzy squealed. How could girls (and Magnus) love clothes and shopping so much?
"I dont know, it's not really my style." Clary said hesitating.
"Biscuit you have two fashion lovers here seriously if it didn't look good on you we would tell you." Magnus reassured her.
"Okay." She said still unsure but she stepped out of he changing room.
The dress was sleeveless and and reached just above her knee, the upperpart of the dress hugged her form perfectly, from her waist on it was a loose hanging dress with a glitter patern.
"Clary you look so cute." Magnus said with a smile.
"That's it im never gonna go shopping with you!" She exclaimed jokingly to Magnus as he called her cute.
"Sorry but it's a good thing you know?" He said and she nodded.
"So Alec what do you think?" Izzy asked gesturing to the clothes from everyone.
"I like it." I answered.
"Guys we gotta find some different clothes Alec likes them." Clary said. I gaver her the finger and she laughed while they all got back into their changing room.

The day was long (for me) and Izzy and Magnus made me buy a few things, new sweaters and jeans that weren't black. I also bought a hoodie because i love hoodies.
It was after dinner when we returned and Magnus and i were cuddled up against each other on the couch chairman meow on my lap. I got distracted from the movie so i was playing with Magnus rings. I looked up at the wall and thought i saw a shadow from another person. I shook my head and closed my eyes for a second but it was still there.
"Alec what's up?" Magnus asked as he looked at the wall where i was staring at.
"Nothing, I'm thirsty. You want something?" I asked as i took Chairman up off my lap and stood up. Magnus whined softly from the loss of contact but he shook his head.
"No thanks." Magnus answered and he turned back to the movie. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the tap. I took a sip from the water and than put it down on the kitchen counter. I leaned my hands on either side of the sink i took a deep breath. I'm not getting crazy. I told myself in my heaď. I thought i heard a sound and turned around and saw Jake. I gasped.
"You're not real." I whispered softly and out of breath. Jake came closer and i closed my eyes. I didn't want to see him, never again.
I thought he would touch me but it didn't, when i opened my eyes he was gone. Why was my mind playing tricks with me. Why? Why again?
I walked back to the livingroom and Magnus looked at me, first with his smile but his expression changed to a worried look.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat up. He muted the TV and grabbed my hand.
"I thought I saw Jake." I said softly. Magnus look hardened.
"Where?" He said. "Why didn't you tell me we could have left the mall?"
"Magnus it wasnt at the mall." I reassured him.
"Where then?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I thought in the kitchen just now." I said. "I don't know my mind was playing tricks on me i guess." I continued and i looked at my lap.
"It's okay Alec." Magnus said and he grabbed my hand.
"It's just i know people are worried about me, I've seen the team looking at me or giving each other looks if i act strange." I said. I've had it on my chest for a few days now so i will get it all out know I'm at it.
"You've been acting strange again?" Magnus asked calmly still holding my hand tightly.
I nodded.
"I don't feel manic but i never feel it if I'm manic." I told him.
"I just feel fine when im probably not because i keep snapping at people and sleep almost nothing, though i really was tired this morning." I said in one breath.
"I just don't want people to worry about me but i literally cant control this stupid illness, the meds help but that's it, they help, they dont solve the problem." I said. Magnus cupped my face inbetween his hands.
"Not every problem can be solved Alexander." Magnus responded and he kissed my forehead.
"And i think your meds are working, it's just you who worries to much about it. I love you and you know that, but we all know that you tend to overthink everything." Magnus said softly, i looked at his beautiful golden green eyes, that looked like the sun but also like grass in the spring.
"Every problem dissapears when i look at you did you know that?" I blurted out. Magnus chuckled and his eyes darted to my lips for a second but went back to my eyes. I smiled and leaned in to kiss his soft lips.
One question was still unanswered, why did i see Jake again? I used to see him at night when i had just moved away and broke up with him. But why is it back? Why do my old fears keep coming back?
Why can't I just live my life always happy with the man that i love?
These questions were questions even Magnus didnt have an answer on or a solution for.


Okay so two things.
1. I kinda changed my writing style so tell me what you think? For you who did not notice i used to put what people said in cursive but now im planning on doing the words that are spoken dramatically or are important, and important thought in cursive.

2. I hope you guys liked it that I wrote a bit more about Clary's and Alec friendship i recently read the ghost of the shadowmarket (i dont know if thats the correct translation for the title of that book) and i loved that in one of the shot stories Alec and Clary have developed a great friendship and that Alec had grown to love clary and that they would get Taco's if they thought simons band sucked and no longer wanted their ears to suffer.

Again if there is a friendship you really want me to include please comment i would love to know^^

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