chapter 28

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Alec POV
When I arrived at my house, i noticed lights were on. I frowned, did i forget to put them off? Or is someone in my house? "Come on Draco." I said to the dog and he followed me out of the car. The door was still locked, maybe i just forgot to put the lights off? I unlocked the door and made my way inside walking silently. I heard the TV playing. I looked even more confused why is the TV on? My heart was beating in my throat as i slowly walked to the livingroom. I then turned the corner ready to hit the person while yelling, "What are you doing here?" A startled Ty fell from the couch to the ground. "Alec what the fuck!" Ty yelled at me. "I'm sorry! I thought you were a thief okay?" I apologised as Ty sat back down on the couch. "What are you doing here?" I asked Ty. "Well you told me to call you but you weren't picking up, so I decided to come here and wait for you to come home." Ty explained. "I'm sorry i left my phone at my moms house." I told ty and i plopped on the couch, draco sniffed around in the house. "Awh you took Draco with you." Ty said as Draco walked towards us and licked Ty's hand. "Yeah." I said. "So what did you wanna talk about?" Ty asked. I sighed softly. "Well uuh Magnus and I went to have dinner at my mom's house but dad was there." I took a deep breath before continuing, "he uuh was about to hit my mom when i stepped and told him to stop. Also important detail a plate was lying in pieces at our feet because mom dropped it. So i kinda told him to fuck off he said fine and as i turned around he grabbed a piece of glass from the floor and well wanted to stab me but Magnus jumped in between me and dad and got stabbed instead." I said and Ty gasped is he okay? "Yeah he luckily is, we got him to the hospital on time he's beig released tomorrow, dad is held at the police station and is being questioned." I said, Ty ran his hand through his hair.

"Fuck, right before your birthday." Ty exclaimed."Kit and I organised a great party for you." Ty continued. "I'm not in the mood for a party anyways." I said and I stood up. "Alec I'm sorry, are you okay?" Ty asked. I nodded. "Just worried and scared. Robert tried to kill me but got Magnus instead, it could have ended so much worse!" I exclaimed. "Yeah but it didn't Magnus is alive and your dad is at the police station." Ty said as he also stood up. "Please don't call him my dad." I whispered softly. "Sorry." Ty said also unconsciously whispering. "I'm staying at my mom's place for a while the hospital is closer to her house, im here to get some clothes." I said blinking away a few tears i felt forming into my eyes. "You want me to come with you?" Ty asked, of course he would ask that. "No I'm gonna be okay." I reassured him. "Just mak sure to cancel the party okay? And could you also tell Liam this? I'll try to be there at the game Saturday but I'll text him if im not gonna make it." I rambled quickly."Of course I'll do both of the things." Ty said.

He helped me pack my clothes and some of magnus clothes into a bag and also my medicines. I also took my bag with my football gear with me. "Thanks Ty." I said as we both made our way outside, i made sure to lock the door behind me, Draco made sure to get attention from Ty before they parted ways. Ty scratched the dog behind his ear, Draco happily wagged his tail. "Of course this is what friends are for." Ty said and he gave me a pat on the shoulder. "See you later Alec." Ty said and be disappeared. I made my way towards Magnus' car and i drove back home, Draco sleeping in the back seat.

-little time skip to the next day, so Alec's birthday, thursday-

Magnus POV
"...ake it easy, try to rest as much and most important: no sexual activity!" Catarina summed up to me as i was almost ready to be released, Alec was on his way to the hospital, he had texted Catarina on my phone to announce that, and Catarina, who knew my clumsy not being able to sit still ass, was giving me a speech about what i cant do to decrease the risk of my stitches ripping apart. I looked weirdly at her when she said no sexual activities and she then realised something. "Wait you and Alec didn't have sex yet?" Catarina said surprised. "Wow, literally wow." She kept saying. "You THE Magnus Bane never kept it in his pants for this long, Alec must be really special." Catarina said with a smirk as I glared at her. "It's not that i dont want to, Alec and I are just taking our time with everything." I explained her and she nodded. "Magnus is in love." She teased me . "Catarina stop it." I said but i couldn't help but laugh. "Just admit it Magnus, you love him." Catarina said. "Of course i love him, he's one of the most important person to me in the world, when he is not around i just feel like a part of me is missing, and every time I'm with him i can't help but smile just by his presence." I said and Catarina her mouth was wide open. After a few seconds she squeeled. "Finally! You're not a fuck boy anymore!" Catarina exclaimed loudly. "Jesus Cat keep it down." I said laughing at her reaction. She was bouncing around the room when Alec came in, and he smiled when he saw me sitting upright with my legs over the edge of the bed. "Hey you." I said with a smile as he made his way towards me and kissed me on the lips softly. "I brought you some clothes, i dont want you walk around in a hospital gown." Alec said as he put my folded clothes down next to me. "Thanks handsome." I said. "You guys are to cute!" Catarina exclaimed with a big smile. Alec blushed, i loved seeing Alec's flustered face. "Thanks Cat." I said to her with a smile. "Also Alec happy birthday." I said remembering it was Alec's birthday. "Thanks." He said. "Now put on the clothes i wanna get out if her as soon as possible." Alec said to me and i nodded. "Im gonna go now, Magnus take it easy, Alec happy birthday." Catarina said and she left the room. I stood up slowly not wanting to hurt myself in the progress but i still groaned softly. I quickly changed feeling Alec's eyes scanning me, either checking me out or making sure i was okay. I looked at Alec for a second and realised he was worried. "Alec i'm fine." I said as i finished changing into the clothes. It was a plain black t-shirt, one of the few plain shirts I have, and gray sweatpants. "I know I'm just making sure." Alec replied. "C'mon let's get out of here." I said and i reached out my hand towards Alec who gladly took it and squeezed it softly once.

Once in the car, which took actually a lot of effort to get i to without hurting myself, silence fell between us. "I'm sorry for everything Magnus." Alec said as he kept his eyes on the road. I looked at Alec's side profile. "Jesus Alec, it's not your fault!" I exclaimed i little to loudly. "Sorry." I quickly apologised. "I'm so-..." Alec started but i interrupted him "Stop apologising for everything. Darling please, it's not your fault and you know it." I said and Alec nodded. "I know. I just couldn't help but to feel like it was my fault because you protected me." Alec said. "Alexander, I love you and it was my choice to protect you not yours so it can never be your fault." I said and Alec smiled and shortly after the conversation we arrived home. But before we got out of the car Alec kissed me long and slow, it was just lips pressing against lips but i loved the feeling of Alec's lips against mine.
"I love you too." Alec said as he pulled back. He got out of the car and quickly came to my side of the car and helped me get out.

"What a gentleman." I chuckled as Alec offered his arm to me to hold on to. We made our way inside and i noticed no one was waiting to great us. I shrugged it off as we made our way towards the dark kitchen. When we entered the kitchen the light turned on. "Happy birthday and welcome home!" Everyone said in unison. This family i thought to myself with a smile. They all gave both of us a hug, with me everyone wa sbeing careful not to hurt me.
"Alec, i got you an amazing present. It's way better than Jace's present so now I'm your favorite sibling." Izzy said as she handed Alec a smallish box. Alec opened the box revealing a new watch, it was silver and it really screamed out Alec. "Izzy i love it, thank you." Alec said with a smile and hugged her. "Okay my turn." Jace said. Jace was holding a long in wrapping paper wrapped present and he gave it to Alec. "Oh is so gonna love this." Jace mumbled to me. Alec tore the paper apart and revealed and quiver with arrows in it, which I noticed matched his bow Alec had hanging in his room, it was covered in some kind of black marks which i didnt recognised. "Holy shit Jace." Alec breathed out. I smiled. "I love it." He said as he took out one of the arrows from the quiver, the head was gray also covered in those marks and the feather at the end was black. "I told you he would like my present better, now I'm his favorite sibling." Jace said sticking his tongue out to Izzy. "Jace, we all know I'm his favorite sibling no matter if he likes your present more." Izzy said. "Guys, we all know who my favorite sibling is." Alec said as he walked over to Max. "It's Max." Alec said with a smirk and Max stick his tongue to both his older siblings. The others also gave their presents to Alec, Simon bought Alec a red with black ball, Clary had made a beautiful painting of a sunset, knowing Alec loved the sunset, Max bought Alec a manga. Maryse had bought new soccer shoes, which Alec needed badly his old one were worn and smelled.

"Alexander, i was actually planning to take you out on your birthday as a gift but because of the circumstances we can't. I'm sorry." I said as everyone else sat down at the kitchen table and light the candles. "You being here is enough of a gift for me." Alec said as he kissed me on the cheek softly. "Come here love birds, Alec need to blow out the candles." Izzy teased and we both sat down. Alec closed his eyes to make a wish before he blew out the candles. Everyone clapped and Alec cut the cake into pieces. Everyone ate and chatted happily amoung each other and i smiled as Alec was chatting with Jace excitedly, i had no idea what they were talking about but it made me happy that Alec was happy. I slowly took Alec's hand and intertwined our fingers. I saw Alec smiling more and he glanced quickly at me. At this moment with everyone it was like all the bad things never happened, that they were just a normal family having fun on a birthday.

I felt tiredness hitting me like a truck, i yawned and put my hand on Alec's shoulder, we were still sitting at the table still talking. "Hey you tired?" Alec asked me. "Yeah these painkillers are good but make me really tired." I said chuckling slightly regretting it because a sting went through my abdomen. I grunted softly. "Let's get you to bed then." Alec said which made me smile. We both stood up getting a questioning look from Maryse and a smirk from Izzy. Alec returned the smirk with a glare. We made our way upstairs towards Alec's room. When we got in the room we both layed down on bed facing each other. "You don't have to lay with me you know?" I said sleepily to Alec who was looking at my face "I want too." Alec said with a smile. I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead as he shuffled a little closer to me.
I fell asleep shortly after.

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