chapter 42

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Alec POV
It was official, soccer season is over and my long winter break started. (It was 10 november but as it is getting colder it's too cold to train outside.) I was cleaning the house, music blasting through my music box and i sang along with Have Mercy songs. It had been a while since i cleaned the whole house, yes i did vacuum the floor every weekend but now i was cleaning away the dust on and behind closets and all those stuff. Chairman Meow was safely hidden in my bedroom as the small cat was scared at the vacuum cleaner.

My phone rang and i stopped wiping the top of the TV cabinet witg a wet cloth and looked at the caller ID, Clary. I picked up the phone, "Hey Clary, 'sup?" I said.
"Hey, I finished your tattoo design, sorry for taking so long and for cancelling your appointment for that but i had a lot of others to do." She rambled. "It's okay Clary, let's make a new appointment and i wanna see the design please." I said while running my hand through my hair. "Of course I'll send it to you right now." And not even 2 seconds later i got a notification. I opened the message and looked at the design, it was a cool design, it was simple but almost exactly what i had in mind. "Holy shit Clary that's perfect." I said in amazement. She really was an talented artist and i really am glad that i made the decision to let her design it. "Im glad you like it." She said. "Now about the appointment. How about Thursday 10am?" She suggested and as i knew i didnt have anything planned for tomorrow except for band practice in the evening i agreed. "Sounds good." I said and even though i couldn't see her i knew she smiled.
"Great, i see you tomorrow then."
"See you tomorrow." I said and she hung up. I took a deep breath and continued cleaning.

"Hey Alexander I'm home." Magnus said when he walked inside. "I'm in our bedroom." I responded, I had just taken a shower and was now putting on clothes, sweatpants and a tshirt. "Okay I'm gonna start cooking." Magnus said. Barefoot I walked to the kitchen where Magnus was already putting down ingredients he had just bought in the grocery store.

"You're gonna make spaghetti like the one we had on our first date?" I said and Magnus smiled. "I didn't know if you remembered but it's has been 4 months since that date so i thought i would make spaghetti." Magnus said while smiling even brighter. "I actually forgot that I'm sorry," i apologised genuinely feeling guilty because i forgot such an important date. "But it has only been 4 months? It feels like i know you forever." I continued and Magnus laughed. "Yeah same." Magnus answered and he started making everything for the spaghetti, i helped him out with cutting the vegetables and setting the table and soon we were seated at the table in the candle light.

"Clary called, i have the tattoo  appointment tomorrow at 10." I said after we both finished our food but we remained seated just talking and Magnus smiled brightly and reached for my hand from the other side of the table. I grabbed his hand and he smiled even brighter, if that even was possible. "That's good, do you know where you want the tattoo? And what does the design look like?" He asked. "The design is a surprise and i want the tattoo on my left forearm." I answered. He turned my left arm around, funnily enough that was the hand he was holding, so it was facing upwards and we could both see the ugly scars that were scattered across my arm, but there was one really big scar and i turned my head away from my arm. I didn't like looking at my scars, i was scared it was going to bring back old urges to do it.

That big scar wasn't my doing, it was the first scar i got from a knife but i didn't do it to myself. That one was because of Jake, that one evening was an incredible horrible night that i don't like thinking about but just looking at it triggered my memory.
That night Jake had gotten home pretty pissed from work and he wanted to blow off some steam, he had first ordered me, he didnt see me as his boyfriend at that point in the relationship more as his possesion to make him his dinner, to make mashed potatoes and home style fried chicken, his favourite food, he had after dinner wanted to have sex with me and even though i resisted because i didn't want too he did it to me anyway, but when did he ever listen to me saying no? At some point while I was resisting him he had grabbed a knife and only threatened me to cut me with it, but as i made an unexpected move to grab his hand he had, in a reflex cut me in that arm. He hadn't even cared that he did that to me, he had tight my hands to the bed and did his needs anyway.

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