chapter 34

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Alec POV
At lunch i couldn't find my water bottle, I stood up grabbed my back and zipped it open, and then zipped it close again zipped another zipper of my bag open looked into it and zipped it close and that in a sort cycle. I felt Liam's eyes on me. "What are you looking for?" Liam finally asked after watching me for a while. "My water bottle." I answered absent-mindly. "It's on the table." said Ty. "Oh!" I said and i grabbed it and i took the cap off and took a sip. I played with the cap for a little. Liam announced the break was over and we got back to work.

After training, I went straight home walking into the quiet peace of my house. I sighed softly with a smile on my face and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower i started making tea and do the dishes. I softly sang a song that was stuck in my head and i didn't even notice Magnus walked into the kitchen. He leaned against the wall silently looking at me. When i felt his eyes on my back i turned around. "Hey you." I said and i walked up to him and kissed his lips softly. "Hey. You need any help with the dishes?" Magnus asked but i shook my head. "Nah I'm good, do you want tea?" I asked the slightly taller boy. "Yes please." He said and he sat down at the kitchen table. I made him tea and then continued the few left dishes. When i finished washing the dishes i started opening cabinets, i had no reason exactly why but i opened a cabinet which had cereal in it, i closed that cabinet and opened another, glasses, closed that one and opened the cereal one again. "You okay Alexander?" Magnus asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah I'm just searching something to drink." I answered. "Try the fridge?" He said confused. I made my way to the fridge and opened it and grabbed a can of coke. I sat down and Magnus eyes still observed me. "What is it?" I asked him a bit harshly. "No nothing." He said and he took a sip from his tea.

-time skip-

Saturday morning i was in the car with Ty, Kit and Magmus today was the day that we had the finale, one of the most important matches, if we win this we won. Magnus was driving the car and Kit and Ty were chatting.  I was tapping my fingers on my leg.

Once there Magnus met up with Mom, Max, Izzy, Clary, Simon and Jace. We kissed each other, the kiss taking longer and was more passionate then a normal i see you later and wish you luck kiss. The guys and I spoke about the match and the strategy a little before we had to walk onto the field and give the other team hands. A few of the other teams started mumbling things that sounded awfully alot like, disgusting fag and other lot of curse words i rather not want to hear. Liam who was walking in front of me was about to hit one of them but i stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder and whispering "They're not worth it."
Liam nodded but gave the other team a angry look trying to say touch him and you wont see tomorrow. I noticed my team was more fired up then usual, i smirked and mumbled, "Bring it on!" The whistle sounded and the game began.

So it was almost the ending of the match, we had 3 goals the other team 2. But apparently Logan 'purposely' talked one of the other team so the other team got a penalty kick. It was literally the last shot the other team could shoot. If they scored my team and the other team would get turns of shooting in the goal until someone gets a higher score then the other team. But if i block this one we win.
I focused and the ball shot. If you analysed the kick you would have thought it would go to the left of the goal but it went to the right as i had i kinda expected it would but i still had to jump to the side and stop it. I managed to touch the ball with my hand and pushed it away from the goal. The stadium cheered loudly. The next thing were a little blurry but my team hugged me and we cheered. Liam held a small speech and he got the trophy. I couldn't stop smiling and once back outside Ty, Kit and I got tackled into a hug by my family and friends. Magnus kissed me on the cheek and congratulated me. All the Blackthorns also joined us and i got a hug of them too.

We decided we would go out to eat, with we i mean Kit, Ty, Jace, Izzy, Simon, Clary, Magnus, Max, Maryse, Jem and Tessa. We went to eat a dinner who has absolute amazing hamburgers. I was seated next to Simon and Jem, Magnus on opposite of me. We glanced at each other often, smiling or smirking at each other.
Simon tried to start a conversation with me but i wasnt really paying attention. "Alec?" Simon said and decided to give up talking to me as i was starrig at Magnus talking to Tessa, who laughed at something Magnus said. This was what i love to do. I love to be with the people i love just eating and talking.

After dinner Magnus and I immediate went to bed I was exhausted and just needed to sleep, Magnus was tired too. We layd down and almost fell asleep immediately. I took some time to fall asleep, despite the tiredness of my body almost screaming at my mind to let me sleep it wouldn't, my mind just wasn't tired, it kept thinking back to things i would rather not think about on a happy day like this but i couldnt, because well... you try to shut your mind off, believe me it doesn't listen!
Eventually i fell asleep.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, i dont even have an excuse now, i just am a lazy ass bitch;)

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