Chapter 13

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Alec POV
I woke up feeling disoriented, I was in a unfamiliar room and a unfamiliar bed and I kinda started panicking and sat up what if I got drunk yesterday and got kidnapped?! Then all the memories of the night before flooded back into my head. I was at Magnus' place, but I can't remember walking upstairs to his room, and where was he anyways?
I looked around the room, it was a pretty cool room and it littarly screamed out Magnus.

I got out of bed and noticed I wasn't wearing the clothes I wore yesterday. I was wearing red with black striped pyjama pants and a black t-shirt. The t-shirt smelled like Magnus and I smiled. He gave me his clothes to sleep in that's sweet. And I felt happy happier than I did the last few weeks
I walked downstairs and heard someone walking around in the kitchen. I walked slowly to the kitchen when I heard a soft meow behind me.
I turned around and saw Chairman Meow sitting on the ground behind me purring softly I smiled even brighter.
I scratched Chairman Meow behind his ear and then picked Chairman up and held him like a baby, I got an satisfied pur. I walked further to the kitchen seeing Magnus making some eggs and bacon.
"Good morning! I-It smells good." I said happily and Magnus turned around. "Thanks, and I've seen you stole the love of my cat.'' Magnus said gesturing to Chairman Meow sleeping in my arms. I smiled.
"Yeah sorry for that." I said and I smiled at him and Magnus smiled brightly back. "Doesn't matter." He went back to cooking the food and I sat down at the bar in his kitchen and put Chairman Meow down on the floor. He made an unhappy sound and then ran out of kitchen.
"Coffee?" Magnus asked holding a mug of coffee in his hand.I was dying for a cup of coffee and nodded eagerly.
He put the coffee infront of me.
"Thank you." I said and i took a sip of the delicious hot liquid. Magnus then put a plate with eggs and bacon in front of me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a soft kiss, pulling away shortly after our lips met.
"What was that for?" Magnus asked with a smile.
"For you b-being you." I said blushing a little.  "You are cute when you blush, now eat your food it is getting cold." Magnus said sitting next to me with an cup of coffee and a plate of food for himself. We ate in silence. But not an uncomfortable one, a comfortable silence.

"Alec,"Magnus started after we finished eating and we went upstairs to change. "Do you maybe think it's a good idea to go to an hospital or a therapist to learn to control you self harming thoughts, and maybe you stutter?" I looked at Magnus and I couldn't believe what he just said. No way  "A-Are you serious?" I said looking at Magnus wide eyed.
"Yeah."  He said looking at the floor.
I scoffed and put my shirt on and so I finished changing. "I-I knew it." I said my voice cracking a little "You knew what?" He said, looking back up to me concerned. "Y-You just want to change m-me because y-you can't have a relationship w-with someone like me. Y-you just want to f-fix me, but l-let me tell you something," I took an deep breath before i continued.
"I don't n-need to be fixed, I-I am just me!" I finished saying that grabbing my stuff and walking towards the door. Magnus grabbed my arm.
"That's not it Alec! I just don't want you to hurt yourself." Magnus said worry and honesty in his eyes.
I sighed and let him pull me back into the room.  "I just want you to feel better about yourself but I can't help you all by myself." Magnus whispered.
I nodded and let Magnus pull me into a hug. Why did i get so angry over this? I knew how i meant it but injust bursted out in anger.

We broke apart from the hug when my phone rang i picked it up.
"Hey Alec!" Izzy said through the phone. "H-Hey Iz." I responded and i looked ar Magnus while i was speaking in the phone.
"Where are you?" Izzy asked kinda worried. "At Magnus', w-why?" I answered. "Oh I'm at your house and when I got inside you weren't there, so I was worried."  Izzy said.
"Oh I was j-just planning on coming home so s-stay there I'll be t-there in 15 minutes.'' I said and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

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