chapter 24

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-trigger warning later in the chapter-

Magnus POV
While on our way to the Hunters moon, Alec was driving, he put on the radio and Fireflies by Owl City was blasting through the car radio. Alec was singing along happily and I actually forgot how well he could sing. I sat there in the car just listening to Alec singing which was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.
Then the music stopped. "Huh why did you stop?" I asked confused but then I realised we were already at the Hunters moon. "We're here." Alec said, he got out of the car and I did the same. We glanced at each other quickly then took each others hand. We walked into the bar, everyone was there already. "Hey Alec." Liam said and he waved his hand to where they were sitting. It was pretty obvious where they were sitting because it was really crowded there. The soccer players were seated in the corner of the bar some of them even with a partner others just alone. We walked over to them and I actually felt insecure. What if they didnt like me? They all are such a big part of his life, they can't dislike me. "Hey, this is Magnus." Alec said with a smile. Everyone looked at me.
"Uuh hey." I said awkwardly. Alec told me all their names but i forgot most of them immediatle
"Who is in the mood for beer?" I think that was Logan who cheered. (Lets just say there is no legal age to drink in this story, everyone can drink if they want)

Everyone got handed a beer. Even Alec. Wait. "Alec you shouldn't drink on Lithium*." I said (*his bipolar meds) "It's fine Magnus." Alec assured me. "No really, your blood get toxic and it gets you drunk real fast." I said concerned, i felt eyes on us. "I'll only take one beer." He said. I nodded. One beer was okay.

"Magnus Bane." I heard a serious voice behind me say, I turned around and Jem was standing behind me. "James Carstairs." I said just as serious as he did. He smiled and we gave each other a hug. "It has been a while." I said when I let go of Jem, Tessa also appeared. "Hey Mags." She said also with a smile. "Hey." I said. She looked beautiful. Usually at work she wore like a 'girl suit'. Just a white dresshirt with a black long skirt, heels and her hair up in a pony tail or bun. Now she was almost the opposite, she is wearing black ripped jeans and a maroon shirt with a low collar and short sleeves. Her long brown hair was resting on her shoulders. "You look beautiful Tessa! I love your shirt." I said and she beamed. I looked over at Alec for a quick second he was seated next to Ty, they were watching Kit trying to pull of what seems like a prank on Liam, Kit was failing horribly and Liam had a tight (not to tight) grip around Kit's neck now. Ty and Alec were laughing at him. Alec seemed happy. I felt a happy feeling in my stomach, he is enjoying himself. He is happy. Jem and Tessa seemed to notice me watching Alec. "Magnus you're almost drooling." Jem commented which made Tessa laugh. I snapped my head towards Jem. "Jem have you seen him! He's handsome!" I said. "Are you gonna introduce me Mags? I wanna meet him!" Tessa said. I nodded and held out my arm for her to grab. She did and we walked over to Alec and Ty.
Ty saw us coming. "Imma get a refill." Ty said and he stood up and walked towards the bar.

"Hey Alexander I want to introduce you to someone." I said smiling at him and he curiously looked at Tessa. "Hi I'm Tessa, Magnus' best friend and also Jem's girlfriend." Tessa said and they shook hands. "Alec." Alec said smiling at Tessa. Soon they were in a conversations about their favorite books and i couldnt feel happier. They actually liked each other. I stood up and walked to the bar to get also get refill. I sat down next to Ty who was sitting there. "A coke please." I said towards the bartender "Hey Ty." I said. "Magnus." Ty said and he took a sip of his beer. "They seem to get along very well." He said gesturing towards Alec and Tessa. "Yeah, I'm glad." I said and the bartender gave me a glass of coke. "Thanks." I said with a smile towards the bartender. "And how do you like everyone?" Ty asked. "They're all great i understand why Alec likes them." I said and it really was true, Alec's team has been nothing except nice to me and it feels great to get along with my boyfriend's friends.
"That's good." Ty said also with smile.

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