chapter 37

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Alec POV
Wednesday arrived and i was super nervous. The band and i practiced the songs yesterday and i was glad i already knew the lyrics to the songs because if i didnt i probably wouldn't know them by now.  "Alec relax you got this." Magnus said as i was pacing around the apartment. It was 4pm and Simon would pick Magnus and me up at 5 but i couldnt stop the nerves. 

"Sorry." I said and i sat down next to Magnus on the couch. I put my head on his lap and he ran his hand through my messy hair.

"No need to apologise, it's okay." Magnus answered and he grabbed my hand and kissed it softly. He then leaned over and kissed my lips, our lips dancing together. I got up a little but Magnus pulled back.
I sighed in disappointment softly.
"Alexander you know how we get." Magnus said.

"Mags but-."

"No buts just believe me, if we continue kissing we won't be able to stop."

I pouted but agreed. I played a game on my phone while Magnus watched 'say yes to the dress' on TV. "I dont know how you can like a show like this." I said softly.  "It's just an amazing show, look at the dresses!" Magnus exclaimed.

"You sound like my sister." I mumbled. "But your sister doesn't fuck you so there is a big difference." Magnus retorted sassily. I blushed a bright red colour.

Finally Simon arrived grinning from ear to ear. "I'm so excited!" He said.
"Where is the gig anyway?" I asked Simon. He hadn't told me yet. "Just some club nearby." He answered vaguely. I looked at Magnus asking him if he knew something, he avoided my eyes. "Why are you guys being so weird?" I asked confused.  "I may or may not have lied about how big this gig is." Simon said keeping his eyes on the road.I took a deep breath to calm myself. "How big?" I asked voice shaking.

"It'satPandemonium." He mumbled. "Simon!" I said. Pandemonium was a huge club that could fit over the thousand people. "You're kidding right?" I asked glancing at magnus who was seated at  the back of the car. Magnus shook his head.

"Holy shit. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked loudly. They both shrugged. I was nervous but now even more. I couldn't do this. Thousand people watching me sing? Way to many! "I can't do it." I admitted softly.
"Alec you play soccer with way more people watching you." Simon retorted. "That's different! The eyes arent specifically on me they are on the game!"

"Just pretend that there aren't that much people." Simon said.
"Easy for you to say, you performed lots of times in front of a huge crowd." I mumbled taking a deep breath.
"So it's probably not a good time to tell you that i invited Cecily Herondale and who's taking Gabriel,  Gideon and the others?" Magnus mumbled.

"Fuck me." I mumbled.

When we arrived the others were already there. With the others i mean, the band and friends. I glared at Kit and Ty because they didn't tell me the performance was here even though i called them this morning.

Cecily walked over to me and hugged me, which i thought was odd because we only saw each other once and texted only a little over the phone. "Hey Cecily." I said and i noticed two guys and a girl followed her to me. Cecily hugged Magnus too and then turned to the others around me.
There was a muscular guy with sandy-blond and grayish-green eyes, the other guy was tall and slender with brown hair and bright green eyes, the girl was also slender with dark hair and hazel eyes, she has a scar from her left corner of her mouth to her temple, pulling her face sideways and distorting her features, but she was very pretty.
I recognised the guys of course, Gideon smiled and gave me a hug clapping me on the back. After that Gabriel also hugged me.
"It's been awhile." Gabriel said.
"Ale,c this is Sophie Collins." Gideon said puttig an arm around the dark haired girl. "Hey." She said softly, she seemed shy. "Hi." I responded awkwardly.
"Well you probably know but Magnus is my boyfriend." I said to the guys and the both chuckled.
"We figured thanks to Cecily." Gideon said and Cecily did the piece sign.
There was an arm thrown around my shoulder and i looked up to the person.
"Hey, Pretty boy." Ragnor said.
"Hey Ragnor." I said at the green haired guy. Magnus rolled his eyes. "Alec i want to introduce you to Will and maybe after that to Raphael." Cecily said and she grabbed my hand away from Ragnor. Magnus just laughed and started a conversatjon with the Lightwood brothers, Sophie and Ragnor
She pulled me to a tall black haired guy who was talking to Tessa and Jem i assumed he was Will.
"Will, lookie who i brought, it's Magnus' boyfriend." Cecily said with a bright smile.
"Aah Cecy, the famous Alec Lightwood!" The guy, Will said with a grin. "Will Herondale pleasure to finally meet you. I felt like everyone had already met you and i was the last one that didnt meet you yet." Will said as he stuck out his hand and grabbed it and he shook my hand firmly.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now