chaper 33

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Alec POV
The next morning i woke up feeling good, not even tired from what time i finally fell asleep. All kind of thoughts and ideas had been running through my head most of the night, i think i finally drifted off to sleep at around 4, so roughly 3 hours of sleep. I glanced at Magnus who was still sleeping silently. He looked so peaceful when he slept, no worries, no stress. I smiled and got out of bed, changing quickly and grabbing my bag. I kissed him on his forehead and made my way outside grabbing my keys and phone on the way out.

I drove straight to Kit and Ty's house. Kit was sitting on the stairway in fornt of their house. I stopped the car and rolled down the window. "Yo Herondale, Ty kicked you out?" I said with a smirk. Ty would sometimes kick Kit out of the house when he was making stupid jokes this early in the morning. "No, it was Livvy this time." Kit said as he stood up and walked to the car and he sat down in the passenger seat. "She and Dru still here?" I asked curiously. "Only Liv, she keeps saying, and i quote 'she wants to spend some good quality time with her twin because they didnt talk to each other in ages' which is bullshit because she sees him every weekend and calls him everyday." Kit said and i chuckled. "Siblings." I said and Kit shrugged. "What is she doing up anyway?" I asked. "Dunno." Kit answered and we waited for Ty in comfortable silence. Ty finally got out of the house carrying his and Kit's back. "Look who it is." I said with a chuckle as Ty opened the car door and he just glared. "She's gonna be the death of me." Ty muttered and Kit and I started laughing. "Seems like you need coffee, I'll stop at Taki's on our way, my treat."  I said and Kit cheered.

Once we arrived at the soccer stadium, as i said we stopped at Taki's on our way there and I bought us three a cappuccino, Liam was standing in front of the door clearly looking at one specific car. "Hey Liam." said Kit as we got out the car and walked to him. "Hey." He responded absent-minded. "What's wrong?" Ty asked him. "I was just thinking, that car was in the drive-way yesterday too but it's not from any of us and i dont think that there is a new staff member, Lydia would have told us." Liam said, Lydia was the woman who actually ran the stadium, she was blond and was actually a really nice girl, but she looked really stern and could be mean sometimes. "It's probably nothing Liam." I said but i had this strange feeling in my gut that said it was not nothing, but i ignored it. "Yeah probably, let's get inside."  Liam said and we made our way inside officially starting our day.


Hey everyone! Yep im still alive. I  took, at the beginning of the month june (the 3th of june), a break from my editing account on instagram, everything what was going on in the world at that moment i couldn't take it, plus i didnt really feel like myself. I just stopped editing for a whole month, i even stopped drawing and writing for a month just because i didn't enjoy it as much as i used too.
I'm back because i wanted to write again and i actually enjoyed it, besides the fact that this chapter isn't much but i try to update as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, i hope you all are doing great!

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