chapter 23

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Magnus POV
After work I drove back to the soccer field. I got out of the car and leaned against the car waiting for Alec to come out of the building. He said he would be done at 5pm it was 4:55pm so i was a little early. But hey better too early then too late right? I scannend my surrounding it was just a normal parking lot with a few other cars probably from Alec's team mates.
I played with the rings on my finger not really knowing what to do while I wait.

At around 5:10pm guys started coming out of the building. Alec was walking next to Kit and Ty laughing. I admired Alec for a second. He was so beautiful. His muscular body. Strong jaw. Beautiful messy hair. Everything was perfect. Alec caught my eyes and he said bye to Kit and Ty as he walked towards me, Kit and Ty going the other way. "Hey pretty boy, need a ride?" I said with a smile. He laughed and kissed me on the lips softly. "Hey." He said with a smile as he pulled back. We got into the car and drove. "Also we are going to my house for a second." I said and Alec looked at me confused. "Why?" He asked. "You want me to look beautiful while meeting your friends? Because i do. So we gotta pick up clothes." I said while driving towards my house. "Plus we gotta say hi to Chairman Meow and Catarina." I added. "Okay that's fine." Alec said with a smile.

When we arrived at my house there were 2 cars parked in the parking lot. Catarina's car and a green BMW. "Shit." I mumbled. "Shit what?" Alec asked confused. "Ragnor is here." I said Alec still looked confused. "He is your best friend right? So why shit then?" Alec asked. "Well most of the time Ragnor is a total asshole." I said laughing slightly. "Oh." Alec exclaimed. "He is nice though, but i think he is gonna make some bitchy comments. Just so you're prepared." I said kissings Alec cheek. "He is a nice guy just really protective that's why he is bitchy." I said. "I can handle that Mags don't worry." Alec said getting out of the car. I followed and opened my front door. "Catarina!" I said and she came a moment later out of the livingroom, Ragnor following. He had painted his hair dark green. "Hey both of you." Catarina said and she hugged me. I hugged her back smelling her perfum.

"Hey Mr. Eyeliner." Ragnor said punching me on the shoulder "Who is your boy toy?" Ragnor asked eyeing Alec. "That's Alec my boyfriend." I said. "Alec this is Ragnor." I said pointing and Alec nodded. "Hi." Alec said, Ragnor didn't respond just kept eyeing him. "So we just came here to get me some clothes." I explained. "Then we will be gone thanks for babysitting Chairman Meow by the way." I said to Catarina. "Still a ridiculous name for a cat." Ragnor said. "Shs my cat my name." I said and I grabbed Alec's hand and dragged him towards the stairs.

"Meow!" Chairman Meow came running from the livingroom straight to Alec purring against Alec's leg. Alec let go of my hand and picked up Chairman Meow. "Hey missed me little guy." He said scratching the cat behind his ear. I could almost hear Ragnor's jaw drop to the floor in surprised. The only other person Chairman liked so much besides Magnus and Alec was Ragnor. Chairman Meow didn't really like other people but as we see he had a few exceptions. "Yeah he likes Alec." I said with a smirk turning around to Ragnor. Catarina was laughing soflty into her hand.

"C'mon Alec let's go upstairs." I lead Alec to my room. He was still holding a purring Chairman in his arms. Once in my room, I bursted out into laughing. "You should have seen his face." I said wiping tears from my eyes. Alec chuckled and sat down on my bed he put Chairman on the bed. Chairman rolled on his back and Alec scratched his belly which the cat only let a few people do.

I grabbed a few nice clothes for the week. A dark red button-up shirt and purple one. And two jeans, one tight black glitter jean and a pair of tight black jeans without glitters.
"Which one?" I held both jeans up. "Doesn't matter, if they show your ass it's fine." Alec said with a smirk. I couldn't believe that Alec said that. He never made comments like this. "Who are you and what have you done to my innocent Alexander?" I asked surprised wih a laugh. He's starting to make more jokes. I love it. He laughed too and scratched his neck. I took the black jeans without the glitters. These show of my ass and I respect Alec's wished i thought.
"The purple button up or the red?" I asked again actually enjoying choosing my clothes with Alec.
"The red one it matches the streaks in your hair." Alec said laying back on the bed.

"Ugh I'm sore from the training." Alec groaned which made me laugh.
"Awh poor baby." I said chuckling walking towards him and sitting down on the bed. "Can we take a nap?" Alec asked with puppy eyes. "What time you promised to meet the boys?" I asked not being able to resist Alec's puppy eyes. "8:30pm at the Hunters moon." Alec said and i looked at my watch on my wrist 5:36pm.
"Okay 1 hour okay? You and I both need to shower." I said as I layed down next to Alec while putting on an alarm for 6:30pm on my phone.

Alec turned on his side his back to me. I shuffled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him against my chest. I kissed his neck softly and then rested my head against his back taking in the scent of Alec. He smelled like cheap shampoo and sweat. Alec's breathing became regular he had fallen asleep. I never know how this guy fell asleep so soonn we were laying here for like 5 minutes.
I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep and eventually i did.

We were woken up by my alarm.
"C'mon sleeping beauty let's go to your house to get ready." I said while sitting up and stretching my arms. Alec groaned and sat up. He was so adorable.
"Fine." Alec said dragging his hand through his hair and yawning.
When we walked past the livingroom Ragnor smirked. "What took you so long? No dirty things i hope." Ragnor asked and Catarina hit Ragnor. "Yeah we totally did it on the bed where you are sleeping." I said and grabbed Alec's hand with my free hand. The other hand was holding a bag with my clothes. I pulled Alec out of the house before Ragnor could make another comment.

"Ragnor seems nice." Alec said while sniggering. "Oh boy, you should see him when he is together with Raphael. Then it is Roast the Magnus party." I said laughing as I drove towards Alec's house. "Alec could you order a pizza? Then when we get home we have food."  I asked. "Sure." And he ordered food.
We arrived 5 minutes later. I parked the car and we got out. I, who also had a key of Alec's house unlocked the door.

We closed the door and I walked to our bedroom. Putting my bag with clothes down. "Alec I'm gonna take a shower real quick." I said and i walked to the bathroom. I took of my clothes and turned the shower on. I quickly removed my make-up with some tissues and got into the now warm shower letting the hot water stream down onto my body. I sighed content. I shampooed my hair and rinsed it out.

I heard the doorbell and Alec saying. "Coming." I quickly finished the shower, dried myself and wrapped a towel around my waist walking back to the bedroom. I put a boxer on and a random t-shirt and walked to the livingroom where Alec sat with two plates and the box of pizza. "Yes pizza!" I exclaimed as I sat down on the couch and we both took a slice and plate. We ate in silence and after dinner everything was over and the leftover pizza was in the refrigerator. I send Alec to go take a shower and i changed into the red button-up and the black tight jeans. I put gel in my hair and I slicked my hair back. Then i started on my make-up, I didn't use much only black eyeliner.

Alec walked into the bedroom a towel wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help but gaze at him. I turned back around to the mirror to perfect my eyeliner. Alec, although i didnt see it, dropped the towel and put on boxers then searched his closet for something to wear. "Black ripped jeans, and that denim shirt." I said helping the fashion disaster of a boyfriend I had. "Thanks." Alec said taking out the clothes I said he had to wear. It wasn't really that fashionable but it was perfect for Alec plus the denim shirt hugged his from perfectly so I can see his muscles.
Alec put on the jeans and started buttoning his shirt but he messed up and had to do it all over again. "Here let me help." I said standing up and buttoning his shirt for him. Then I rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.
At that moment i noticed something i hadn't noticed before, scars on his fore arms. I knew he cut himself but I never actually realised how much he did it. By the amount of scars he did this for a while. But i was glad to see that there was no new one.

Alec pulled back his arms, slightly insecure holding his arms against his chest. "It's okay." I said grabbing gently Alec's wrist again and revealing his scars again. I brought his arm up to my lips and kissed the scars softly. "You're perfect scars and all." I said smiling at him and drowning in Alec's eyes. His ocean blue eyes were eyes i could look at all day. Alec glanced at his watch around his wrist. "It's 8:15 let's go." He said as he walked past me out of the room.  "Wait!" I grabbed his wrist and turned him around putting one arm around his waist. I kissed him softly on the lips. He took some time to kiss me back but when he did he pressed his lips against mine harder. I pulled back and smiled. "Yeah lets go." I said and I took his hand in mine as we walked out of the bedroom making our way outside.

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