chapter 26

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You're gonna hate me for this.

Magnus POV
"Dad?" Alec said when he entered the kitchen and my happiness turned to hatred towards Alec's father. A black haired male was sitting at the table in the kitchen with Max, Izzy and Simon. Alec looked first angry at Robert then he glanced towards his mother a look of agony in his eyes. "Mom what is Robert doing here?" Alec said harshly he tried to hide all the emotions in his voice but i still heard sadness in it. Maryse looked at Alec with pain in her eyes. She was about to speak up but I interrupted her. I got myself inbetween the two Lightwoods and put my hands on both of their shoulders. "You know what let's all calm down first maybe enjoy that amazing smelling meal Maryse prepared before we get to the other things." I said with one of my made up smiles trying to keep everyone calm. "Mag-.." Alec spoke up but an unfamiliar voice interrupted. "Who is that?" The deep voice belonging to Robert Lightwood said in slight disgust. He was talking to me. "I'm Magnus Bane your son's boyfriend." I said looking in the dark blue eyes of Alec's father. Alec and Robert might be family but you wouldn't say that if you looked into their eyes only. Where Alec's eyes were light and full of love, there were Robert's eyes dark and harsh. Robert scoffed and i started to dislike the man even more. How can two amazing persons like Izzy and Alec come from that? "Let's sit down shall we?" Jace said trying to lighten the tension in the room. "Yeah im starving." Clary and Simon said in unison. I put my hand on the small of Alec's back and lead him to two empty spots between Max and Izzy as far as possible from Robert who was sitting on opposite of Simon who was sat next to Izzy. I sat down next to Izzy and Alec sat down on my right. Jace sat next to Robert. Robert looked at Jace with a proud smile Jace just glared at him. The look of Robert towards Jace was fatherly, like he wished Jace was his real son instead of Alec. Maryse put down a big plate with lasagna on the table and sat down next to Clary. Now everyone was seated, no one moved. It was like some sort of spell was over them that made everyone unable to move.

"Well who wants some lasagna?" Jace asked as he took the spatula and scooped part of the food. Slowly everyone gave Jace their plate, me included. I took a bite of the food and despite the situation I actually enjoyed it. "This is great Maryse." I said at Maryse and she smiled a little. "Thanks Magnus." She said as she took a bite of her own. Izzy then started to talk about her job and what she enjoyed about it, I was actually really glad to hear that she enjoyed working for me. So i smiled slightly as i ate my food. "Alec honey, why are you not eating? Lasagna is your favorite." Maryse asked her oldest son when everyone was close to finish. I finished already. "I'm not hungry." He said, I put my hand on his leg trying to comfort him without making it look so obvious to Robert. Alec put his hand over mine and squeezed it a little. "Alec you gotta eat." Robert interrupted Maryse as she was about to say something. Alec looked at him. "Oh so now you care if i starve?" Alec snapped at him. "Alexander Gi-.." Robert started to say angrily but Izzy interrupted him. "Dad stop it." She said in a small voice. I heard Alec grumble something about going to his room and he stood up letting go of my hand as he made his way out of the kitchen. Max also stood up and dissapeared. I just stayed their in silence, Alec needed space.

Alec POV
I was sitting in my old room on my old bed in the dark. I didn't bother to turn on the light when i walked into the room. The room's door was slightly open so the light from the corridor was the only light there was. Why was dad here? It just didn't add up. Mom was having a divorce with Robert but he was here. She wanted to have a nice dinner to get to know Magnus but that's not possible when he is here. It was so confusing. I was pinching the bridge of my nose when there was a knock on the door and a voice spoke up. "Alec? Can i come in?" Max asked and I smiled a little. "Sure come in."  I said. Max opened the door wider and put on the light. He walked into the room and sat down on bed next to me. Draco followed Max and jumped onto the bed laying his head on my lap. "Alec I know now may not be a great time but can you tell me what happened with you and dad?" Max asked in a small voice scared of my answer. Of course, Max didn't know what happened. Mom probably protected him from the truth. "Max I dont want you to think less of him when i tell you this okay?" I said, i dont want my relationship with dad affect Max's relationship with dad, he was still his father with the divorce or not. Max nodded and i sighed softly.
"You remember when i came out around 5 years ago?" I asked the 13-year-old boy. "Yeah i remember you came home with that asshole right?" Max said and i chuckled slightly. "Yeah, when everyone went to bed that night Robert came over to me and started talking to me angrily about how i was a disgrace to our family and that he didn't want a fag for a son, he then started hitting me and with every hit he said something offensive." I said, Max looked at me wide eyed. "That happened more often when no one was around." I finished. "He really did that?" Max said he probably couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Im sorry Alec." He said and he hugged me. I smiled because he really is an amazing little brother. "It's okay Maxie." I said as I ruffled his hair. He let go of me and layed back on bed.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now