chapter 32

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Alec POV
I wake up the next morning at 6am and i get ready for training.
On my way to the stadium i pick up kit and ty who are both looking really tired. "Wow are you guys okay?" I asked. I got from both a grumble in response not really an answer.
I just shrugged and we arrived a few minutes later. Once inside the changing room Ty slowly started talking. "Rough night?" I asked. "Livvy and Dru stayed over and they couldn't shut the fuck up and Dru made us watch a really scary horror movie. So we couldn't sleep because of that." Ty said and i laughed. "Alec shut up." Kit said and he flicked my forehead. "Kit be nice." Liam said as he walked into the changing room with his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Hey Liam." Ty and i said in unison. "Hi." He said and the other team mates also started to stream into the changing room.

At lunch we were all seated in the cafeteria, i was eating my sandwich in peace when there was a gasp besides me. "Alec!" Ty exclaimed offended and i looked at him confused. "Ty!" I said to him in the same voice as he did. "Is that a hickey on your neck!?" Ty exclaimed and now all the eyes of my teammates were on me. Fuck i forgot.
"I- yeah that's a hickey." I said trying to sound casual. "You got laid last night?" Logan said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Obviously." I mumbled. "Magnus?" George asked and i nodded. "Yeah." I said. "How was it?" Jaime asked with a smug look on his face. "I had better sex in one night then all of you ever will be able to experience." I said and Liam, Jem, Ty and Kit burst out in laughter. The others just smirked. "Were you top or bo--..." Logan started the question but i interrupted him quickly. "Okay enough questions." I said blushing. "Bottom!?" Stephan said almost choking on his own sandwich. I just hid my face in my hands, while Ty, Kit and Liam kept laughing, i knew Jem was smirking. "Another topic please." I said and Ty and Kit wiped their tears of laughter. We joked around and talked for a bit longer and then finally continued training.

I arrived home around 6pm and I noticed the lights were off. Magnus wasn't home yet? I made my way inside the house towards the kitchen. "Magnus?" I said but there came no response. I searched for my phone in my bag to send Magnus a text but i noticed he already texted me 10 minutes ago, i probably didnt hear it buzz because my phone was in my bag.
Mags♡: Hey Alexander, i wont be home for dinner, I'm behind on work for my upcomig fashion show. I'll be home later. Love you xx
I smiled, home, he thought of my house as home. Should i ask him if he wants to move in? Or would that be too soon? He practically lives here already, so wouldn't it be better if he just had all his clothes and Chairman Meow here? I shook my head, i should stop overthinking and just ask him later. I send him a text back.
Alec: good luck with working I'll see you later, love you too xxx
Almost immediately after i send that text my phone started to ring. Jace. I picked up and he immediately started talking. "Alec, we are going to have fun tonight just you, me and Simon you don't have a choice." Jace said and i blinked a few times. "Hello to you too." I said sarcasticly. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "It's a surprise we will be at your place in 10 minutes." He said and hung up. I sighed softly. I was actually really tired and wanted nothing more than to just lay down in bed but i decided against it. I threw my bag on bed and quickly took a shower. Then i changed into black jeans, and a black tshirt and combat boots. I quickly send Magnus another text saying i would hang out with jace and simon and i didnt know what time i would be back.

The doorbell rang, i opened the door and Jace pushed me aside and marched inside to my bedroom and he walked back with my bow and quiver in his arms. "Oh no no wait, what are you doing with my bow and arrows?" I said as i quickly stood in front of him, blocking his way with my hands on my hips. "It's a surprise!" Jace exclaimed, i rolled my eyes, but didnt step away. "Give them to me. I don't want your clumsy ass holding my stuff." I said and this time Jace rolled his eyes. "You're more clumsy than i am." Jace said. "Give them to me." I demanded and he gave them to me with a scoff. I put the quiver over my shoulder (there is a strap attached to the quiver so you can wear them on your shoulder or back). I grabbed my jacket and we walked downstairs and i noticed a van. "Since when does Simon has a van?" I asked. "He wanted too, he's starting a band so with his van they're able to move the instruments easier." Jace said and i nodded. We got inside the van i sat down in the passenger seat before Jace did. He had to sit in the back. "Hey Sheldon." I said as a greeting to Simon. He rolled his eyes at the nickname, Magnus once called Simon that because he forgot his name since then we are calling Simon, Sheldon sometimes. "Shut up Alec." Simon said as he started driving. "Also Alec we brought some coffee from Taki's, we thought you might needed it after training."  Jace said from the back and he gave me a cup of the warm liquid. "Thanks." I said. We had some small conversations on our way.

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