Chapter 10

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Alec POV
"For you Alexander, I would wait forever." Magnus said seriously, looking me in the eyes
"W-Why me? I-I am used,
b-broken..." I said looking away from Magnus.
"Alexander seriously? You should see how I see you in my eyes." He said.
"You are beautiful, important, loyal and yeah maybe a little broken but that doesn't matter! It's who you are." I felt tears in my eyes how could he say these sweet things without even knowing what it actually meant to me? "Y-You don't k-know what you a-are talking a-about.' I protested.
"Yes, Yes I do, I know you have been hurt before. I know that trusting me won't come easy but please please try to go out with me.: He pleaded, trying to catch my eyes but I kept avoiding his gaze.
"Alexander I really do care about you." He said, and I looked at him shocked. He didn't say he loved me but he did care. He smiled.
"I knew you would look at me with those beautiful ocean coloured eyes when I said those words."
"Shut u-up." I hide my face in my hands. "But do you wanna try to be in a relationship with me?" He asked.
"We don't have to go fast for you, let's just start with the date you owe me." He said with a smile and so many emotions were in his eyes. Excitement, you could see he was kinda scared for what I would say but it was small, also there was... What was it? Maybe love? No he wouldn't love me. I nodded. "I-I do really w-want to try to have a r-relationship with you." I said. He sighed in relieve and hugged me, he also wanted to kiss me but I turned my head away.
"I don't w-want you to g-get sick." He nodded and smiled. "Now eat your soup Alexander it's getting cold." Magnus said letting go of me and I grabbed the bowl of soup and started eating. "It's r-really good!" I said, Magnus beamed at me.

After I finished my soup, we were just laying in bed next to each other, I was staring at the ceiling and Magnus was looking at the wall where my bow was hanging. "That's a cool bow you've got there. Where did you buy it?" Magnus asked curiously.
"Thanks, I-I didn't buy it, m-my mom got it f-for my 10th b-birthday." I said.
"Why would should she buy a bow for someone that young?" Magnus asked confused. "Oh you don't k-know of course, when I was y-younger I did archery, p-people always told me I w-was good at i-it and i probably was and I-I loved doing it, but I-I stopped with it when I m-met J-Jake. He didn't like i-it." I said with a sad smile.
"You should do it again!" Magnus said and I smiled at him. "I was t-thinking of doing it a-again soon." I said and he got and even brighter smile on his face. "I'm going with you then." Magnus said. I nodded with a smile.
We talked a little more and eventually I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was with my back against someone's chest, arms were wrapped around my waist and a leg from someone else was over my legs.
I was so scared for a second before i realised it was Magnus.
I let out a shaking breath, before I tried to get out of Magnus' arms without him noticing much.
After I finally managed to do that, I got up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I looked at the time 2am. I sighed knowing I couldn't sleep anymore. I didnt feel sick anymore only my throat still felt a little sore but not much.
Then arms wrapped around me from behind and I automatically tensed.
"Sorry I didn't want to scare you." Magnus said, letting go quickly.
I turned around to face Magnus.
"It's f-fine, don't worry." I said and I wrapped my arms around Magnus' neck and I burried my face into the slightly taller man's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Why are you up Alexander?" Magnus asked. "Couldn't s-sleep, you?" I asked.
"I didn't feel you warmth next to me anymore and that made me worried. He said. I blushed. "Let's go back to bed." Magnus said and he guided me back to bed. We lied down again, Magnus arms wrapped around me, my head against chest, he pulled me closer if that even was possible.
"Good night Alexander." He said.
"Night." And so we both fell asleep again.

-next morning-
I woke up because someone was moving a lot. "Stay still, will ya?" I mumbled tiredly and I wrapped my arms tighter around the person who was trying to get out of bed.
"Alexander, I need to pee let go of me." Magnus chuckled.
"Fine." I said with a yawn.
I let go of Magnus and he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.
I took my phone from the nightstand and sighed 6:30am why does Magnus wake up so early? I'm sick, I'm allowed to sleep in. Magnus walked back into the bedroom.
"C'mon out of bed, we are going to do something fun." Magnus said brightly.
"W-What?" I asked, sitting up in bed suddenly feeling excited.
"Thats a surprise." Magnus said.
"I-I don't like surprises." I mumbled but he didn't seem to hear me.
I got out of bed and got some clean clothes out of the closet.
"M-Magnus do you want s-some clean clothes?" I asked.
'Only a shirt please, I'll fully change when I'm home.' Magnus said with a smile. O-okay.' I gave him a black t-shirt. "You c-can change here, I'll change in the b-bathroom." I said and Magnus nodded. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I first brushed my teeth and then I changed clothes.When I finished changing I got out of the bathroom walking in on a shirtless Magnus.
"S-sorry!" I blushed brightly. Magnus smirked.
"I didn't fit the shirt you gave me." He said. "So you a-are going to run a-around shirtless?" I asked.
"No I was waiting for you to come back to give me an new shirt." He said with a big smirk plastered on his face.
I sighed and searched into my closet for a bigger shirt. I finally found a bigger shirt and threw it into Magnus face. "Thanks." He put on the shirt and it fit him perfectly, you could really see his arm muscles in it.
"Now let's go or we will be late." Magnus said and he grabbed my arm dragging me outside. I barely had time to get my keys and lock the door.
I was confused late? What are we going to do?

It was still dark outside and we drove somewhere. I didn't recognise where we were going but I was with Magnus so it would be fine.
We drove out New York and after 10 minutes we were driving with nature around is. No high buildings or many cars just our car on the road with nature around us. After like another 10 minutes we got into a abandoned parking lot next to a hill.
"This is the part where I kill you and hide your body where no one can find it." Magnus said jokingly and I hit his shoulder. "Not f-funny asshole." I mocked him. "What!? Alexander I was just kidding!" He whined. I smirked and got out of the car he also got out of the car. "Now let's go.'' Magnus grabbed my wrist and walked towards the hill. It was slowly getting lighter outside. Almost on top of the hill Magnus stopped walking and i almost bumped into him.
"Close your eyes Alexander," he said and i raised an eyebrow. "You trust me with this right?" He asked, I smiled and nodded. I closed my eyes and Magnus grabbed my hands again and we started walking again. Then Magnus hands left mine and I started to panic a little but I kept my eyes closed.

Then I heard him say from behind me. "Open your eyes, Alexander." And I did what he told me. I saw a beautiful sunrise. The sky was orange, pink and yellow mixed with dark blue and light blue.
"M-Magnus, it's beautiful." I looked at Magnus who was now standing next to me.
"It is. I always came here when I was younger." He said. He put an arm around me and we sat down next to each other. I put my head on Magnus shoulder and so watched the sunrise together. Like normal people would, not broken people, but at this moment I didn't feel broken anymore. Magnus made me feel whole again, like I mattered.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now