chapter 41

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Alec POV
"Good morning." Magnus yawned when he walked into the kitchen where i was making breakfast for the three of us. Liam was still sleeping in the guestroom. "So you want a tattoo?" Magnus said remembering our late night conversation. "Yes, I've been thinking about it a lot and i really want to." I answered while putting the eggs and bacon on three plates. "Why a bow and arrow?" He asked, i smiled. "Because of the quote: an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming." I said and i walked to the guestroom, leaving an awed Magnus in the kitchen. I knocked on the door of the guestroom and a loud groan was heard from he inside. "I'm coming in Liam." I opened the door and Liam was sitting up slowly grabbing his head with his hands. "Ugh i feel like I hit my head against a table or something." He said and i chuckled. "I made breakfast so come to the kitchen when you're ready and painkillers and water is standing on the nightstand." I said and liam mumbled a soft thanks.

I grabbed the coffee and poured three cups of coffee. I gave one to Magnus who smiled at me. I put the other one on the table together with the third plate. I sat down next to Magnus and sipped my coffee. "I actually think that tattoo idea is a great idea." Magnus said and i smiled at him. "So i should ask Clary to design one for me?" I asked and he nodded. Liam stumbled into the kitchen and he sat down. "Thanks for letting me crash here." He said and he dug into his meal.

I had send Clary a text with  the request and she responded happily and she would work on it immediately. I also made an appointment to get the tattoo, for next Friday, Clary would be doing it and that made me more comfortable. She is an amazing artist and i trusted her with this.

Liam had left and Magnus and i had a little free time together before i had to go. The band and I had another gig, it was for a Halloween party, (even though it was the 1st of november).
So we were cuddled up against each other on the couch watching a random tv program. Magnus hands were slowly running up and down my back and he kissed my neck soflty.

"You're not planning to watch the show were you?" I said chuckling slightly. He grinned and shook his head. I turned off the TV and he enveloped my lips in a kiss, pushing my down on the couch softly. I was grabbing the colar of his shirt to pull him with me slowly. He was straddling my lap and his hands were roaming my body.

Then the doorbell rang. "For fucks sake." I said and i got up from the couch while Magnus' face was red and he was a little out of breath. I opened the door revealing Simon. "Seriously Simon now is not a good ti-...." I started buthe interrupted me. "Dude i was supposed to be picking you up right now so don't be a bitch because you didnt get cock today. Go change." He said and he pushed past me to the livingroom. "Sorry that you didn't get to have your fun Magnus but we gotta go." Simon said to Magnus and i walked past them into my bedroom to change. "Imma change too." I heard Magnus muffled voice say through the door. "Sure." Simon said and the door opened as i was taking of my tanktop. "Hey." I said and Magnus walked over me touch my chest and about to kiss me but Simon yelled through the door, "And no funny business!" Magnus and i laughed and we both changed. I into black jeans, and white tshirt, with a black hoodie over it and Magnus a longsleeved black shirt and blue jeans with a chain dangling from his belt. He put on his eyeliner real quick and we might have kissed a little before we went back to Simon. He just shook his head at us and we grabbed our phones and keys and put on our shoes. Magnus his boots and i put on my sneakers. We followed him to his van and we drove off.

Ann and Patrick were waiting with a little worried faces. "Bat cancelled, he said he doesnt want to be in the band anymore." Ann said as soon as she saw us. "What?" Simon said shocked. "Yeah." Patrick whispered. "I knew something like this would happen, we never really clicked with the guy, not like we did with Alec." Patrick continued. "Is it bad that he isn't here?" I asked. "If we wanna do the song the End of all things? Yes, with every other song? Not so much." Ann answered.

I sighed i really wanted to sing the end of all things, it was a different kind of song than we usually do so it was kinda challenging. "I can do the piano." I said, "I've had piano lessons when i was younger and did it till i was 17." I continued. "Really?" Simon said and i nodded. Magnus smiled. "Should i help backstage as you lost one man?" Magnus asked and Ann nodded. "Yes please." She said. I nodded too.

We eventually got all the instruments inside and we sat down on the ground for a little, sweating and breathing heavy. I had gotten rid of my hoodie and was left in my white t-shirt. Magnus sat next to me our shoulders brushing against the other.
"Should i go mix into the crowd or you want me to stay here?" Magnus asked me softly. "Stay here please." I whispered. I was kind of sad, i hadn't known Bat for that long, well i mean i knew him long i just hadnt had a bond with him, but together in a band it kinda felt like my second family and it hurt that he just quit like that.

"You guys cheer the hell up!" Simon said when everyone was sitting there just a bit gloomy. "We gotta go on that stage in a bit and y'all are sitting here looking like the world just ended! Yes I'm sad too that Bat left but that was his choice, we gotta perform like we usually do without Bat." Simon said finishing his pep-talk. Ann nodded. "We know." She said and as she stood up Patrick and I did too. She was, even if we liked it or not, the person we look at if something is wrong, she gives the band power. "Let's rock this." Patrick said and we all agreed.

After the show i was covered in sweat, breathing heavy and tired, singing was kinda walking around stage or dancing whatever you called it, it was just tiresome. My shirt sticked to my body and as it was white you could see my abs underneath it. "You were awesome." Magnus said and he walked towards me to throw his arms around my neck, i put my hand against his chest. "No, i'm covered in sweat." I said and he scoffed. "It's not like i haven't touched you before when you were sweaty." He said and Ann who just walked by burst out laughing. "I'm gonna pretend i did not hear that, that sounded so wrong!" Ann said laughing her ass off. "Shut up Ann!" I said laughing a little too. Magnus threw, despite i said he shouldnt, his arms around me neck and kissed my cheek. "Get a room!" Ann cooed from where she was sitting on one of the soundboxs. Patrick, who leaned against said box, hit the back of her head softly, and he smiled towards us and turned his gaze away.

"Those two." I laughed softly and Magnus chuckled too. "Let's get the stuff back into the van and get back home, i need my bed." I announced for everyone to hear and Patrick and Ann hummed an agreement.

We eventually an half hour later were seated in the car. I wasnt really following the conversation Magnus and Simon were having, i was too tired, my head layed on Magnus' shoulder and i listened to his breathing. Everything felt so surreal that moment, sitting in the car, tired as hell focusing on the breath of a loved one. It made me feel good but at the same time really weird.

I hadnt realised i eventually drifted off but i woke up when someone was carrying me in their arms and of course i recognised the strong arms around me. "Im sorry i fell asleep." I mumbled and Magnus smiled as he walked through the house, chairman meow meowing at his feet. "That's okay, i love having you in my arms." He said winking at me as i looked up at him. "You're such a sap." I said when he layed me down on bed kissing me on my lips softly. "You're beautiful." He said making me blush. "You too." I mumbled. "I love you." He whispered when pulled me up in his arms embracing me tightly. "I love you too." I whispered back and he kissed passionately. This time no one walked in to disturb us.
Yes another chapter!! Okay school starts tomorrow and I've been freaking out all day. Even had a breakdown this morning. I'm all good now (just really anxious and nervous). I also started working on a new story, i havent published it yet it's still in the beginning stage of the progress but i love the idea and i hope you do too. It's sadly not a Malec story but it's gonna be a solangelo story (Nico di Angelo x Will Solace from Percy Jackson) 
I'll try keep the chapters coming now school started but I'm making no promises.

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