chapter 17

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Magnus POV
I woke up the next morning with Alec in my arms, sleeping. I smiled and I immediately knew I made the right decision to come here and support Alec. I got out of bed carefully not wanting to wake up Alec. I got out successfully not waking up Alec. I looked at Alec's peaceful feature for a while, he always looked calm while sleeping. No worries, no pain. I touched his hair softly and went through it. After I did that I went to the kitchen finding Jace there at the table with a cup of coffee. I grabbed a cup from one of the cabinets and poured myself some coffee.
I sat down at the table on opposite of Jace.
"You came eventually." Jace said sipping his coffee.
"Yeah." I said, and I ran a hand through my own hair.
"We weren't so sure yesterday." Jace said.
"Me neither." I said looking at the black liquid in my cup. Jace didn't say anything else and when I looked up why he didn't, I saw Alec getting himself a cup of coffee and he sat down at the table next to me.
"Morning Beautiful." I said cheerfully.
"Morning."  Alec grumbled.
Jace stood up and got a bottle of pills.
He gave a pill to Alec who took it and he flushed it down with coffee.
"So what are we going to do today?" Jace asked.
Alec shrugged.
"Maybe you could come with me to my house? I need to get some clothes and make up. I'm of course going to stay here for a while so." I said.
Alec nodded.
"You want to eat something?" Jace asked Alec hopefully, Alec hadn't eaten something since yesterday afternoon at the clinic and Jace wanted to make sure he did eat something.
"Not hungry." Alec said.
I stood up and got some cereal for Alec, putting it in a bowl and infront of Alec.
"Honey, if you take those pills on an empty stomach you are going to throw up. So eat." I said pouring some milk in the bowl of cereal.
"Fine." Alec said and he started eating the cereal.
"Jesus your scary sometimes you know that? The way you said 'honey'."
Jace said laughing softly.
I smirked at him.
"Did i just scare the toughest guy in the house?" I said to Jace.
"Fuck off." Jace said with a laugh hitting me on he shoulder playfully.

After breakfast Alec and I went to my car.
"You okay?" I asked Alec who was staring outside the car window into the distant.
Alec shrugged and said, "I don't know." I grabbed his hand trying to comfort him as best as I can while driving a car. "It's gonna be okay, once your body starts to get used to the meds."
I said and the remaining time of the car ride was silent.

We arrived at my house. We got inside the house and heard someone walk in the kitchen. Alec and I looked at each other and we walked slowly to the kitchen trying to make no sound.
We arrived at the doorway and peeked around the corner we saw someone walking around probably making breakfast. Then it hit me.
I asked Catarina to take care of Chairman Meow.
"Catarina!" I walked around the corner and Alec looked confused.
"Hey Magnus!" She said and hugged me.
"Alec sorry I forgot, I asked Catarina to take care of Chairman." I asked when Alec also walked into the kitchen. "It's fine." Alec answered emotionless. "Oh my god this is Alec?" Catarina asked and I nodded.
"He's handsome indeed. Wow does he work out much?" Catarina admired Alec while he stood there uncomfortable. She whined, "Why are all the hot guys gay?" She said and that made me laugh.

"Catarina stop admiring my man." I said hitting her on her shoulder softly. 
"Cat, let's pack some clothes for me."
'Alec you wanna help?" I asked but he shook his head.
"Okay than make yourself at home." I said kissing him on the cheek as Catarina and I passed him on the way out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong with him?" Catarina asked. Shit I hadn't told her.
"Cat, we just found out he has Bipolar disorder. He's on his meds and they make him like this." I said as we walked upstairs. "Fuck really? Jesus poor guy." Catarina said. "But he'll be okay after his med really start work right?" Catarina asked she worked at an hospital but not with the mental ill people so she was really curious about this. "Yeah the doctors said so."
I said and we arrived in my room and we walked into my walk-in closet. I grabbed a backpack and stuffed some random t-shirts and jeans in it not really caring what kinda of stuff or how fancy it was. "Is THE Magnus Bane just stuffing random clothes in his backpack?" Catarina asked fake gasping. "Fuck off Catarina." I said chuckling. I put some boxers in the backpack too and then walked up to my make-up table to take some make-up with me.
I also put on some clean clothes while Catarina layed on my bed telling what happened in the hospital yesterday.
I was putting on some black eyeliner when Alec walked into the room, Catarina continued talking. I stood up when I was done with putting on my eyeliner and Alec walked over me and hugged me. "Wow what's wrong?" I said, it was not really usual that Alec showed affection when people were around. Alec shrugged. Catarina, who had stopped talking, awed.
Alec let go of me and sat down on the bed next to Catarina, who looked at him with a smile.
I continued to pack my stuff and Catarina started talking again.
It felt right being there with my best friend and boyfriend.
When I had packed the last of my stuff into the backpack I stood up and motioned for Alec to do that too. "Come on Babe we are going." He nodded and stood up. "Bye Catarina, and I swear keep my cat alive I will kill you if he isn't when I come home." I said.
"Calm your tits, I'll take care of him."
"Fine." I rolled my eyes at her and took Alec's hand in mine.
"Come on." We walked out of my room my backpack on my shoulders.
"She seemed nice." Alec said once we were seated in the car. "Yeah she is." I said with a small smile. My boyfriend actually liked one of friends!
We drove to his house again.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now