chapter 43

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Alec POV
Christmas was coming, we would be spending it at my mother's house and in the first time in years Gabriel and Gideon would be joining the dinner again, both with their girlfriends. Magnus and i would go to my mom's house 2 days before it was Christmas and we would go Christmas shopping with Mom, Max and Izzy. Simon, Clary and Jace had a few other things to do, like work and whatever Jace was doing in his free time. So they would be coming on the day of Christmas eve.

Tomorrow Magnus and I would leave to my mom, we had decided we would take Chairman Meow with us because if we didnt he would be staying home alone for two weeks . Today was also the last gig we would do in a while. Patrick and Ann are going to Cuba gor 2 week and celebrate Christmas and New year there with Ann her family.

"Alec we gotta go." Magnus said pulling at my hands, i let him pull me up from the couch and together we walked towards Magnus' car. "So what do you plan on buying for Izzy?" Magnus asked and i shrugged, we got in the car, me in the driver seat and we drove away. "I have no idea, you?" I asked Magnus and he smirked. "I'm glad you asked," he said and i sighed "Oh god." I mumbled. "I'm making her a self designed jacket." Magnus said excitedly. I smiled at his excited. "When did you start?" I asked him as we took a turn to the left. "Well i started the drawing at work two days ago and yesterday i started making the jacket yesterday and i just gotta add the sleeves and the snake design." Magnus said and he's face was literally glowing while talking about this. I smiled at him. "That sounds great Mags." I said and he nodded.

We arrived at the club where we would be performing 30 minutes later as traffic wasn't really that great. Everyone was there when we arrived and we helped them get the stuff inside. And so the gig started.

After the gig we stayed for a while and got Patrick and Magnus drunk (Ann, Simon and i had to drive). "Alec you are sooooo pretty, if i were gay i would totally do you." Patrick slurred and the three of us burst out laughing. Magnus glared at Patrick and tmput his arms around me tightly. "Back off Patrick he's mine." Magnus said. "Alec baby dance with me." Magnus then saif turned towards me. "I think it's time to go home." I said softly to him running my hand through his hair. "Yeah." He nodded. "We're going now guys." I told the others and they followed us outside.
"Have a great Christmas Alec." Ann said and she hugged me tightly. "You too Ann." I said back to her and she smiled brightly. "Bye Patrick have a good Christmas." I said to Patrick who was leaning heavily on Simon. He nodded. "You too." "Bye Simon see you in two days." I said and he smiled. "Later." He said and Magnus and i walked to his car. "Alec did you know your eyes are a beautiful midnight blue when you sing? You also look really hot when you sing." Magnus said and i smiled at him. "Thanks Magnus." I said and we got in the car and we drove home.

"Hey Mom." I greeted her with a hug when she opened the door the next day. "Alec honey." She said and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Okay enough of you guys hugging I want one!" Izzy squeeled and she wriggled herself inbetween my mom and I. I looked at Magnus who was smiling at the three of us. I held my arm out to him and pulled him into the hug too. We pulled back and we got inside. "Welcome guys." Mom said and Izzy and I got inside. Mom put an arm around Magnus and started talking with him while we walked to the livingroom.
"You okay Magnus your wound fully healed?" I heard mom ask Magnus. "Yes Maryse everything good, the scar isn't even that bad." Magnus responded and i smiled. "Alec, Izzy!" Max said and he ran down the stairs Draco following him. "Hey Max! I missed you so much!" Izzy said and she hugged him tightly. He groaned but hugged her back. "Hi Max." I said and he hugged me too.

Draco whined as i didnt give him any attention yet, i crouched down and scrathed behind his ear and hugged him. "Hi Draco missed you too." I said to the dog who barked happily.
Max hugged Magnus too and i smiled at that, he never really hugged new people that soon but if he did then he really liked you and/or he thought as family about you.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now