chapter 22

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Magnus POV
After Alec texted I digged myself into work. I started Designing a few new clothes for the upcoming season, fall. I always loved fall, the beautiful colours of the trees and everthing.
There was a knock on my office door.
"Come in." I said putting my pencil down looking at the jeans I just drew 
Tessa's head peeked into the room.
"Tessa, darling what can I do for you?" I asked the brown headed girl.
"Coffee break." She said pushing the door open fully to show me she was holding two Starbucks coffee cups. This is what she did more often when I was working hard, she would come in and we would drink coffee while we talked about our lifes.

"Oh my dear Tessa, this better be a Caramel Latte." I asked her with a smile. "You bet." She said and she gave me the cup off coffee. I pushed my chair away from my desk leaving some room between me and the desk. I eagerly took a sip of the hot liquid, it was sweet. I moaned softly at the delicious taste of the coffee.

I noticed Tessa was still standing infront of my desk. "Tess what's wrong?" I asked her one eyebrow raised. "Just want to check on you." She walked around the desk and sat down on my desk facing me. "I was worried you know? I didn't hear much from you." Tessa said sipping her coffee. "Jem was worried too! And you know what an calm person he is." Tessa said.  "Speaking of James, how is he?" I asked trying to get the topic on something else.

"Don't try to change the subject mister." Tessa said sternly. "Why were you worried? There is nothing wrong with me." I said but knowing what se meant. "Don't play dumb with me boy." Tessa said shaking her head. "He is not going to commit suicide, not like her. He is not like her." I said chewing my bottom lip slightly. It was a nervous tick i had. Tessa probably noticed that I was nervous.
"How is Alec?" Tessa asked.
"He is good. He actually went to soccer practice today." I said glad that she changed subject. "That's good." She said sipping her coffee.

"Hey did you know Jem is just joined the Red Bulls team?" Tessa said eyeing me. "No shit? Same team as Alec" I said surprised. She nodded. "Yeah he joined when Alec wasn't going to practice." The brown haired girl said.
"Nice, gonna see him tonight then. I was invited to get some drinks with the team tonight." I said taking the last sio from my coffee and throwing the cup in the bin next to my desk.
"I'm also going Jem just texted me that I'm also invited." She said doing the same with her cup.

"I'm getting back to work if you need something come to me." Tessa said kissing me on the forehead like she did often and she left my office closing the door behind her.
I shuffled the stool back towards the desk and i put my elbows on it resting my head in my hands.
Alec wasn't like her. I dragged my hand through my hair. Alec wouldn't commit suicide like her.
Alec wasnt Camille.

Short but y'all got to know more about Magnus

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now