chapter 21*

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Alec POV
The rest of the sunday was just relaxing and it was now the next day, which means I'm going to see my team again after almost 4 weeks of absence. Liam and Ty had told the whole team what was wrong with me, with my permission of course but I'm just scared they'll treat me differently.
Liam, Ty and Kit kept me updating about what was going on with everything. They said a few paparazzi people kept coming back looking for me because of the news that came out before my first bipolar low and of course they came by because I've been absent in a few games. I had told Liam that i didnt want the paparazzi to know why i wasnt there.
Magnus and I were now sitting in the car on our way to the soccerfield. I am fidgeting with my hands because I'm nervous and Magnus seemed to notice because he took one hand of the steering wheel and grabbed my hand resting it on my lap.
"It's gonna be okay no need to be nervous." Magnus said in a soothing voice while glancing at me quickly. "I know just can't help it." I said looking at Magnus who was looking at the road again.
"You'll be fine they all missed you." Magnus said.
"I'm just happy I'm finally mentally stable enough to see them again."
I said with a small smile.Magnus smiled.
"And you know what. Let's celebrate tonight, we'll go out for dinner you in? We could even make it a double date with Ty and Kit if you want."
Magnus said glancing at me quickly again as he parked the car in the parking place nearby the soccerfield.

"Yeah lets do that. But just the two of us." I said. Finally a normal thing couples do. "Yeah sounds good." Magnus said smiling looking over at me. I leaned over to kiss him softly.
When we broke apart from each other I looked into his beautiful golden green eyes. "See you later Mags." I said with a small smile.
"Yeah, call me if there is something." He said, always so caring. "Just focus on your own work, go take some time for yourself, I'll be fine. If something is wrong I have Liam, Ty and Kit who can help." I said while grabbing my bag and opening the car door.
"Okay, have fun Alexander." Magnus said looking at me as I smiled and closed the door. I felt him staring at me as I walked into the building.
I smiled to myself and shook my head. He is so overprotective.
Once I walked inside the building I was shocked about how many paparazzi were inside, standing at the reception and overthrowing the poor unknowing receptionist with questions. Once the door closed the paparazzi all turned around and looked at me. Some of them surprised to see me others with smirks on their faces.

They all stormed over to me taking pictures and almost pushing microphones in my face while recording me.
"Mr. Lightwood!" "Mr. Lightwood!"
Everyone was trying to get my attention.
"Everyone! One at the time please!" I yelled over all the voices. Everyone stopped. Of course they did, I didnt stutter anymore that was something almost everyone knew about me. The famous soccer keeper stutters.
"Thank you." I said annoyed when everyone was silence.
One of them stick their hand in the air it was a red haired man with freckles all over his face. "Yes Sir with the freckles?"
"Hi, I'm Sean Fisher from the New York Times magazine. Can I ask you a question?" The red haired guy said.
"You just did but yeah you can."
"You really abused your ex-boyfriend?" Sean Fisher asked. Fuck of course that question would be asked.
"I didn't. I truly didn't it's your choice to believe it or not. I know this sounds like im lying but I'm really not." I said, should I tell them it was the other way around? Everyone started to ask questions again yelling louder and louder trying to get over the others sound. Luckily that's when Kit and Ty walked in. They saw my situation and I looked at them practically begging them with my eyes that they had to save me.

"Enough questions, god damn it!" Kit yelled out pushing himself through the crowd, Ty following him. "You are keeping my best friend here and fellow soccer player from his precious training time." Ty said taking off his head phones which he was wearing, he put them around his neck. He stood infront of me with his arms in his side. He was slightly shorter then I was but this black haired boy was more intimidating then I was, looking at the paparazzi with his light gray eyes. "I request y'all to leave or I'll call the security." Ty said and the paparazzi was so shocked about Ty the usual quiet boy who always wore headphones was bossing them around because they were overthrowing his best friend with questions.
It's not that Ty would this for every friend of his.

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