Chapter 12

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Alec POV
Magnus lead me into the dinning room. When we walked into the dinning room I gasped. Magnus set the table with a maroon red tablecloth. There were candles on the table, one of the only lights that were on, wine glasses with red wine in it and a two plates with spaghetti on opposite of each other.
"You like it?" Magnus asked with a satisfied smile.
'I-I love it.' I said smiling at him. "Great, now sit down." He said andI sat down and Magnus sat on the opposite of me.

We were eating and talking for a few minutes when I, the clumsy me, knocked over my glass it went all over my shirt "Damn it!" I cursed
"I'll get you a clean shirt. Magnus ran upstairs and i waited till Magnus came back with clean shirt.
Magnus came back again with a black t-shirt. "There you go." Magnus said smiling slightly and he gave me the shirt and i changed into the clean shirt, Magnus stared at me as i took my shirt off. The short sleeved shirt was a little to big for me but it qas comfortabl the only thing i did not realise was that you could see the cuts very clearly now. Magnus went totally silent, he had started to tell a story about how Catarina, Ragnor and he got banished from Peru. "Alec what happened to your arm?" Magnus asked worriedly as walked closer to me. Fuck. I had told him i cut myself in that story but i left out that i still do it sometimes. "Oh n-nothing much there i-is no need to w-worry." I hid my arm
"Alexander," he grabbed my arm and held it see the cuts better. He gasped.
"Did you do this?' Magnus stuttered out. I couldn't look him in the eyes.
His eyes went wide when he realised it. I nodded slightly, still not daring to look him into the eyes.
"By the angel!" He got closer to me and hugged me. "Alec you should have told me." Magnus said "I t-thought you would b-be disappointed, that y-you would hate me, d-despise me." I said, i actually felt relieved that finally someone knew. I wrapped my arms around him clutching at the back of his shirt. "I could never hate or despise you."Magnus said kissing my cheek softly. "Come on lets talk further in the livingroom." Magnus said pulling me up to stand and we both walked to the livingroom. I sat down on the couch, Magnus kneelded down in front of me looking into my eyes.
"I'm sorry f-for being such a b-bad date." I apologised.
"What? No you aren't a bad date. You've only been here for like, what? An hour? And I already got you to take of your clothes." Magnus said with a big grin on his face.
"I wasn't t-talking about that, I-I was talking about t-this." I said and i pointed at my arm.
"It's more reasons to love you, you loved the wrong person, who didn't love you back, which caused you to not love yourself. I'm going to give you my love, my love so you can love yourself again." Magnus said seriously his yellow green eyes gleaming in the faint light. I sniffled, i wasn't going to cry but his words meant so much.
"Y-you are gonna make m-me cry when you s-say stuff like that." I said laughing softly and blinking away the tears in my eyes.
"Sorry." Magnus said softly. He cupped my face with both of his hands.
"You really are beautiful did you know that?" Magnus said looking into my eyes lovingly.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered.
I nodded and then he leaned over to kiss me. The kiss was soft but told so much emotions. When we broke apart Magnus smiled at me and then hugged me.
"Let's eat the dessert in the livingroom, we could watch a movie, if you would like that." Magnus suggested.
I smiled. "Y-Yeah, I would like that." I said, Magnus beamed qt me..
"I'll be right back then.'' He went to the kitchen and I stayed on the couch in the livingroom.

He came back with ice cream and we decided to watch Maze Runner.
We were on the couch I was curled up against Magnus his side and Magnus had an arm slung around me, it was pretty comfortable.
At almost end of the movie i fell asleep

Hey! Finally a new chapter, I'm sorry for the lack of updates, the last few weeks im trying to get some good rest because im kinda stressed, lets say its not working so i thought well then i should atleast write chapters again right?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's really short😅

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