chapter 19

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Magnus POV
We woke up around 6pm when Jace came to get us for dinner.
"Yo Sleepyheads, Ty came by and made for everyone dinner so let's eat." Jace said.
"Yeah we're coming." I said, and Alec sighed. "You hungry Alexander?" Alec nodded.
We got out of bed and walked to the kitchen where we sat down at the table with Izzy, Jace, Ty and Kit.
Ty had made meatloaf.
I started eating but I noticed no one had started except for Ty and I.

I looked at Ty who made eye contact with me, we both looked confused. I looked at Izzy then at Jace then at Kit, they were all looking at Alec waiting for him to do something Alec sat there uncomfortable.
"Guys just eat geez." I said taking a bite. It tasted good.
"Tastes good Ty." I said and Ty smiled.
Slowly everyone else started to eat too.
Jace kept glancing up at Alec.
"So Alec how are you?" Jace asked. I heard Alec sigh next to me.
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Alec asked and he continued, "it's not like my mood changes every minute, I'm taking the meds for Christ sake. Okay, I just started them and they told you it would take a while till they work but it's annoying. So stop asking me every hour how it's  going."
Alec took a bite of his food. "Alec I'm so-.." Jace started but Alec interrupted, "Jace don't. Just don't."  Alec stood up and put his shoes on. Then he walked towards the front door. "Alec where are y-."  Izzy tried to start.
"Out." Alec said and the front door opened and slammed close.

Izzy wanted to stand up and go after him but Ty shook his head at her. If anyone knew how to handle Alec it would be Ty. I sat there a little confused about what happened.
"Magnus go!" Ty said. That was the only thing Ty had to say to get me moving. I quickly put my shoes on and followed Alec outside which wasn't hard because he was sitting on the steps. I sat down next to him not saying a word. "It was the first time I felt anything since... You know."  Alec said sighing softly. "I just got so angry, everyone keeps asking me if I'm fine. But I just don't know." Alec said and he looked forward at the passing cars.
I put one of my arms around his shoulder pulling him towards me. "It's okay, Alec." I whispered. It was quiet for a while. But then Alec broke it.

"I want to report Jake to the police." Alec said voice cracking a bit. "You.. What?" I was confused, he never reported Jake? Everything Jake had done was never reported?
"You never filed a report against Jake?" I asked finally. He shook his head. "I was to scared that he would find me. Do something to me again. He knew I loved him that I would forgive him easily." Alec took a shaky breath. 
"But now I got you and I'm not scared anymore." Alec said and he looked at me. In his eyes was light again. His beautiful blue eyes shone again. Like they used to do before all of this.
"I love you." Alec said. He looked at me insecure. I smiled and put one of my hands on his cheek. My other hand found Alec's and I interlocked out fingers.

"I love you too." I pressed my lips against his. He kissed back softly, just our lips moving against each other.
I pulled back and looked at him again. He was smiling a little.
"Can we report Jake after your meds started working? I don't want you to make decisions you might regret later." Alec nodded. "Wanna get back inside, it's freezing?" I asked standing up reaching out my hand to him.  "Yeah." Alec grabbed my hand and let me pull him up. I held his hand when we went back inside. Ty looked at Alec's and my hand smiling a little while he took a bite of his meatloaf.

"So Alec, Liam was curious when you come back. He hates the new keeper, he can't do shit." Ty said chuckling a little. "After everything he still wants me?" Alec asked surprised. "Jeez Alec,  yes of course you're a good player and you belong in the team." Kit said with a sigh and he ruffled Alec's hair.
"Tell him that I'll come back when I'm adjusted to the meds." Alec said eating the now cold meatloaf. "Will do." Kit said grinning.

Short chapter once again.

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