chapter 14

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(The song at the top is just an extra thing that i thought i just put in and i will say when you can start it)

Magnus POV
"What's wrong with Alec?" I asked
Izzy looked at me sadly not knowing it either. Liam was looking down at the floor. Kit and Ty were hugging each other, well it was more like Kit tried to calm down Ty, who was having a small panic attack because he was worried about Alec. Jace was staring at the wall trying to think about what could possibly be wrong with Alec.
"Ty," I said walking towards him and Kit let go off Ty so I could talk properly with him.
Ty looked at me.  "Alec is going to be okay we will find out what's wrong with him.'' I said to him.
"I think I know what's wrong." Maryse said in a small voice.
"Mom what is it?" Izzy exclaimed.
'I think he has what your cousin Gideon Lightwood has and what Robert mother had." Maryse said softly. "Wait what did Grandma have, you never told her anything about her or hiw she died?" Jace asked confused looking at her.
"She committed suicide." Maryse said tears forming in her eyes and i knew what qas wrong with Alec wasn't a good thing, it's really bad.
Izzy walked towards Maryse hugging her and the kid who was sleeping on the couch when I came in, had woken up looking around at everyone. It was silent for a little while when Liam spoke up.
"Why?" Liam asked carefully.
"She had Bipolar Disorder.'' Maryse said. Izzy gasped again and Jace and Liam looked confused.  I just couldn't function, what if Alec had the same? Why didn't I notice it? His mood did change a lot sometimes he was really energetic and other times he would be really down "What's that?" Jace asked still looking confused
"It's Manic depression." Izzy said.
"I-It's a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks." Maryse continued on what Izzy said.
"D-Do you really think Alec has that Mom?" A small voice asked.
We all looked down at the kid looking at us with the big glasses.
"We don't know Max." Jace said to Max and ruffling his hair. I still stood still in the livingroom, not moving, staring at the wall not knowing what else I should do.
"Magnus are you okay?'' Liam asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
I tried to speak but couldn't get anything out.
"Get him some water Kit." Liam ordered Kit. Kit ran to the kitchen.
"I-I am fine.'' I managed to say. "We need to send Alec to a clinic or get him some medicines.'' Maryse said.
"No." I said before I even knew it. I didn't want him to go.
"Magnus, it's the best for him.'' Izzy said.
"No he will be fine, he don't need to go to a clinic or get medicines." I said not wanting to except the fact he Alec wouldn't be okay.

"Magnus he is going." Maryse said.
" can take care of him, he will be fine he doesnt need any-.." Izzy had walked up to me and slapped me in the face.
Jace and Maryse gasped.
"Magnus wake the fuck up! He isn't going to be okay! You can't take care of him he needs real help." Izzy yelled at me. I was dumb really? Of course he needed help. I literally said that to him a few days ago when we didn't even know this yet. "I-I'm sorry.'' I said looking down at the floor, feeling tears coming up in my eyes. Not because of the slap in my face but because of the emotional pain.
Izzy hugged me. She was crying and I was on the edge of crying.
I lowered us to the ground to sit down on our knees. Izzy was still sobbing in my shoulders and tears were now also streamig down my cheeks. Everyone else were looking at us. Kit who had came back from the kithen a little earlier hugged Ty tightly.
"Magnus, we need to get Alec out of bed, you and me together." Izzy whispered in my ear.I nodded not trusting my voice and we let go of each other and stood up.
"We are going to get him out of his bed." Izzy said determinedly.
We walked to his room, Alec still in his bed the same way I saw him earlier.Izzy motioned for me to try first.
"Alec? Babe, please we need you to get out of bed." I tried. Alec only grumbled softly. ''Alec hey. It's Izzy. We love you and we want you to get out of bed,  for your own sake.'' Izzy tried.
We both sat down on his bed.
"Alec, do you remember that song Mom always sang to us when we were little?" Izzy said.
Alec mumbled something sounding a lot like 'yeah i remember'.
'Should I put it on?' Izzy suggested.
I mouthed to Izzy which song?
But she just shook her head.
Alec's head moved and it looked like he nodded.
Izzy grabbed her phone putting on a song,

(Start the song at the top)

it started with a long piano intro.
"How long will I fly out until I listen.'"
Izzy mumbled along with the lyrics.

"Truth is I'm used to making it up on my own."

"How long will I climb out? I never listen."

"I'm in remission.'
Me and Izzy looked at eachother and then back to Alec.

"No more wide eyes, I can't pretend."
"I can't pretend, No morning cries,"
"I can't pretend, It's not the end."
This song was beautiful I got tears in my eyes.

"How long will I say yes over my conscience?"
Alec started to sing along sofly, his voice matching the singer. His voice was beautiful.

"Truth is I'm wasted before I take it all in."
"How long will I blame it all on past life tragedy?"
Izzy started to cry softly.
"There's no remedy."

"No more wide eyesn I can't pretend,"
"No, I can't pretend, No morning cries.'
"It's not the end, No, It's not the end."

"No more wide eyes, I can't pretend."
"No, I can't pretend, no morning cries.'
"It's not the end."

"No, It's not the end..."
The song ended and Alec sat up slowly.
"I'm sorry." Alec chocked out before starting to cry, I hugged him.
"Alec, you're fine, you're okay," I said rubbing circles on Alec's back
"We are okay.'" I mumbled more to myself than to Alec.
When we all calmed down Alec came out of bed. A few locks of Alec's hair was down in front of his right eye, his hair looked really soft and fluffy but this wasn't the time to admire his soft hair. He was pale, paler than usual and his eyes were blood shot. The usual gleam in his eyes was gone.
Izzy had walked out of the room so now me and him were standing in front of each other. "We need to get you to a hospital, to get you some meds, okay?" I said cupping has face with one hand. He looked down not really showing any emotion, just emptiness. But he nodded.
He was wearing a black tanktop with an blue zip-up hoodie and grey sweatpants. We walked out of the room to the others and Alec let everone hug him.
"Izzy?" I called out to her and she walked to me with Maryse with her.
"We need to take him to a clinic." Maryse nodded sadly and Izzy agreed.
Jace also heard it. "I'll drive." Jace said.
Izzy nodded and said she would come to with Max. "Magnus you are going with them." Maryse said stern but with a good meaning. I nodded.
So Jace, Izzy, Max, Alec and I left. Everyone who stayed home first said a good bye to Alec and then we left.
We sat in the car. Jace in driverseat, Izzy in the passenger seat next to Jace, Max behind Jace, Alec in the middle and me behind Izzy.
Alec had his head on my shoulder, sleeping again.  It was an hour ride to the clinic. I was looking out of the window thinking of how i could have helped Alec better.
"You did great Magnus.'' Jace then said out of no where.
My head snapped towards Jace.
"You did everything you could have done. Jesus, you did even more than any other person would have done." Jace said. I smiled a little at that but I still couldn't help thinking that I have let Alec down. I looked at Alec who was still sleeping on my shoulder. He looked so peaceful now.

Once we arrived at the clinic we all got inside and checked in. Izzy and Jace explained what happened.
Alec, Max and me waited in the waiting room. When they came back Jace and Izzy didn't look happy. 
"They are keeping Alec here for 2 days. To check if he really has Bipolar or not.'' Jace said sadly. Alec looked at Jace and when Jace smiled at Alec he just turned his head away.
"Alec Lightwood.'' A staff member of the clinic said, announcing that they could take Alec in now.
Izzy gave Alec hug.
Then Jace gave him hug.
And then Max.
Alec looked at me.
"I'm s-sorry." He said softly and he walked towards the woman who was waiting for him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around hugging him tightly. He burried his face into my shoulder and I put my hand on the back of his head.
"No Alec, I'm sorry." I whispered to him. We pulled back from the hug. I cupped his face with one hand and then kissed him on his forehead.
"I love you."
Alec nodded.
He then turned around again to the woman who took him into the clinic. From our sight.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now