chapter 25

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Yep i edited everything i wanted to edit so now i can continue writing.

Magnus POV
I woke up because sun was shining onto my face. The bed next to me was empty Alec went to work again. I smiled to myself, he steadily is going back to his normal life. I got up and yawned. I should go to work myself too. I took a quick shower, i brushed my teeth, did my hair and make-up and i put on a purple button-up and black jean, of course with my usual amount of rings and my necklace.
When i walked out if the Alec room i passed the living room and a blond haired boy and a red haired girl were sitting on the couch. "Jace? Clary?" I asked confused of why they were here. "Hi." Clary said. "No to be rude but what are you doing here?" I sasked them. "Oh Alec didn't tell you? We are going to have dinner with all of us at my parents house, she wants to meet you properly." Jace said. "Oh sounds fun but it's 10 in the morning you said dinner." I said raising an eyebrow. "Alec said it was fine for us to stay here for the day so we can ride with you to Maryse's house." Clary said her green eyes shining like they always did. 
"Okay im off to work just don't fuck on the couch please." I said jokingly. "But seriously dont." I said. "Cant promise." Jace said and i scoffed. I left the house. This family I thought with a smile.

Alec POV
"Saturday we have once again a game, if we win this we immediately place for the finals in the competition so it's really important." Liam said. "So focus on the things you want to practice today, tomorrow we are going to have a practice match with a local team from nearby." Liam said and everyone started to practice their own things Kit and Ty walked up to me. "Hey Alec should we shoot some balls for you so you can train?" Ty asked and I nodded, i really appreciate it that they wanted to help me out. We made our way to the goal and i took my place in front of it. "Also Alec isn't it your birthday soon?" Kit stated. "Yes the 12th." I answered as i caught the ball Ty shot at me and I rolled it back to them. "Wait that's in 2 days?! I didn't buy you a present yet!" Ty exclaimed as Kit shot a ball at me. It was a low ball so i kicked it back to Kit with ease. "Ha well good luck." I said to Ty. He grumbled and Kit kicked the ball again which I caught. "C'mon I've been gone for a few weeks and I'm in a better shape than you guys are." I said to them with a smirk. "Oh you want a challenge Lightwood?" Ty said back with a smirk. "Bring it Blackthorn." I said.

After practice i brought first kit and ty home. I was really excited to see my mom and Max again especially because the last 2 occasions weren't really that great. When I arrived home Clary and Jace were on the couch. "Hey is Magnus here?" They nodded. "In your room we already told him that we're going to have dinner at your mom's." Clary said with a smile. "Thanks." I said and I made my way to my room, Magnus was standing in front of my wardrobe only wearing jeans. His toned caramel skin shone in the light from the lamp. "Hey Alexander." He said with a smile and he walked over to me to give me a kiss on the cheek. When he wanted to walk back to the wardrobe to probably continue searching for an outfit for me, i grabbed his arm. I pulled him into a kiss softly pressing my lips against his. Like always when i kissed Magnus i felt a feeling in my chest, almost like butterflies fluttering around. He put one hand on my neck pulling me closer to him but he changed his mind about where this might be going. He pulled back with a grin. I smiled a little. I love that face. "C'mon pretty boy take a shower and get ready I'm gonna choose your outfit." Magnus said as he softly moved his hand away from my neck to touch my shoulder. He then completely stepped away and turned around to search my wardrobe for an outfit. I walked to the bathroom and showered quickly. After he shower i walked back to my room with a towel around my waist. Magnus was not in the room anymore. He probably finished getting ready. Magnus had chosen ligt blue denim ripped jeans with a black belt, a black t-shirt and a  red with black flannel shirt. I raised my eyebrow a little, since when do i own a flannel shirt? I put on the clothes and noticed the flannel shirt wa slightly to big. It also smelled like Magnus. Magnus his flannel shirt? I smiled brightly at that. When i left my room Magnus was sitting on a chair and he looked amazing as always.  He was wearing a black turtleneck he narrowed down his amounts of necklaces and wore a simple one with a moon, he wore black jeans. He was wearing a black suit jacket with a red flower print on it. He had his usual amount of rings on his fingers and his hair was spiked up. Magnus smiled at me and eyed my clothes. "Wow Alec that's more colour I've ever seen you wear." Clary said, Jace laughed at that. "Since when do you own a flannel shirt." Jace added. I locked eye with Magnus quickly but Clary noticed. "Awh that's Magnus his flannel shirt!" Clary squeeled. "You two are to cute." She continued. "Fuck off." I mumbled. "Thanks biscuit, now let's go." Magnus said and he stood up. Clary and Jace followed his example and we all made our way outside to Magnus' car. Clary and Jace sat in the back and i sat in the passenger seat. "Alec you need to give me directions to go." Magnus said. "Wouldn't it be better if I would drive then?" I asked but Magnus already started the car and went onto the road. "Fine I'll give you directions." I said around 50 minutes later we arrived. Simon's car was already parked in the drive way. We got out and knocked on the door. Mom opened the dor and greeted all of us with a hug, even Magnus. "I missed you guys so much. C'mon get in you guys are just in time for dinner." Mom said and she let us in. Draco was wagging his tail happily when he saw us coming in he first give Jace and Clary his hello, so standing in front of them excitedly waiting for them to pet him. Then he ran up to me and Magnus, Magnus looked at the dog and then to me. "Didn't know you had a dog." Magnus said and he smiled when Draco sniffed his hand curiously and the wagged his tail and he allowed Magnus to touch him. "Yeah this is Draco." I said and scratched Draco behind his ear. "Let's go to the kitchen." Mom said and I noticed she was acting a little strange, nervous. I walked next to her and wr entered  the kitchen together. "Mom what's wro-.." When I looked around at the people in the kitchen my face dropped into a frown. It wasnt only Max, Simon and Izzy. There was also a person i really did not want to see, the one who brought back memories i would rather forget.

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