chapter 30

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-monday morning around 2am-
Alec POV
I couldn't sleep, i was sitting on the edge of the bed while running my hands through my hair. Magnus was sleeping peacefully behind me.
I just couldn't stop thinking about the hearing, what if the judge thinks this hearing is bullshit and just let Robert go? He might do worse? We can't do this,  i can't do this. I sighed deeply trying to calm myself down. I was scared, terrified. I couldn't think of anything positive, because even if dad ended up in prison he would get out eventually. I also dont want my siblings to live a life without a father. I just feel so bad that because of me they won't have a father anymore.

I stood up and walked out of the room downstairs. Once downstairs in the kitchen, i started pacing and i kept thinking about how terrible wrong this could go. "This is so stupid pull yourself together." I muttered to myself, still pacing.  I'm such a terrible brother, a terrible boyfriend. Magnus got hurt because of me. My sibling will lose a father because of me. Everyone will eventually turn their backs against me because I hurt them so much, they will all leave. Leaving me alone to pick up the broken pieces of my heart. "Alec, calm down." Izzy voices snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't realise i said all those things out loud. "Deep breaths okay?" Izzy said as she walked closer. I took a deep breath which calmed me down a little. "Alec you are an amazing brother, and it's not your fault. It's all Dad's fault. Not yours, his'." She said and i nodded slightly. "And we will never leave you alone ever, we love you. Magnus loves you so much. You think he would leave you because something Dad did?" Izzy said and i shrugged. "Believe me he won't." Izzy said and she pulled me in a hug and i nodded. "She's right I won't." Magnus said from the kitchen entrance.

Izzy and I pulled back from the hug and looked at Magnus, he was leaning against the wall his arms folded. "Alec everything will be fine. There is enough evidence that scream your father tried to kill someone, plus you all were there as witness, they will believe 7 people telling the same story then 1 person who is saying he didn't do it. And i still have the wound i can show." Magnus said walking over to me and Izzy. Izzy had tears in her eyes. She was scared too. "Come here both of you." Magnus said as he opened his arms for both of us to hug him. Izzy and i hugged him. "You Lightwoods with being emotional." Magnus said jokingly. "Shut up Magnus." Izzy said chuckling slightly. I hid my face in Magnus right shoulder. Magnus kissed the side of my head. "Is there room for me in the hug?" Jace's voice said. "Yeah come here Blondie." Magnus said and Jace put his arms around my shoulder and Izzy's.

"I love you guys." I said and they beamed at me. "Ditto." Jace said ruffling my hair. I glared at him ruining my already messy hair. "C'mon let's try to get some sleep okay?" Magnus suggested and i grabbed his hands. Izzy and Jace went upstairs first.

I pulled Magnus in for a short kiss or so i thought. Our lips met first softly but i pressed my lips harder against his. Magnus' lips were like drugs and i was addicted to the taste of it. Magnus grabbed my waist and pulled me closer i wrapped my arms around my neck. Magnus licked my bottom lip asking for me to open my mouth which i gladly did. My tongue and Magnus' were battling for dominance.
Magnus slowly pushed me, my back now pressed against the kitchen wall. I sighed in the kiss happily. Magnus broke the kiss and kissed my neck, kissing and sucking at my neck. I moaned softly. I pulled him back up to kiss me softly again. When we pulled apart, my lips kiss swollen, Magnus smiled at me. "Let's sleep okay?" He said and i nodded. He took my hand and we walked up the stairs.

I woke up at 9am, the court hearing was at 11:30 bit we needed to be there earlier in case the hearing before us is finished sooner. Magnus was already downstairs. I yawned and quickly changed, a black button up and black jeans. I made my way downstairs. "Morning." I said as i walked into the kitchen, Magnus, Mom, Max, Izzy and Simon were up already. I kissed Magnus on the cheek and poured myself some coffee.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now