chapter 16

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Izzy POV
Jace and I were infront of the clinic 2 days after we sent Alec there. We were standig in the late afternoon sun waiting for Magnus.
Magnus said he would cone too but he wasn't here. Weird. I sighed and Jace called Magnus for the third time.
"Fuck again, straight to voicemail again. Why isn't he answering? I told him he had to be here at 4pm, it's 4:30 already!" Jace said.
"Jace let's just get Alec." I said putting a hand on Jace's shoulder.
Jace sighed and we walked inside the clinic. "Hey we are here to pick up Alec Lightwood." I said to the guy behind the counter.
"Yes one moment.'' He typed something in the computer.
"What's your relationship to Mr. Lightwood and what's your name?"  The man asked.
"I'm his sister, Isabelle Lightwood." I said.
"And you?" The guy asked to Jace.
"Brother, Jace Herondale." Jace said.
"Okay thank you, may I see your ID's?" We gave the man our ID's and he typed something in his computer again.
"Okay thank you. You can take place in the waiting room mr. Lightwood will be here in a few minutes." The man said giving our ID's back.
"Thank you." I said, Jace just grumbled and we sat down in the waiting room.
I grabbed my phone to send Magnus a new messages.


Magnus where are you?

You are going to miss the welcome home part and everything you know?
Don't you want to see him??

Few minutes later Alec and a nurse walked into the waiting room.
I stood up and hugged Alec. He hugged me back slightly but not like he would usually hug me.
"Ms Lightwood, can i ask you somehing?" The nurse asked and she stepped a little away from Alec who now got a hug from Jace.
"Yeah?" I asked curious about what she would say, probably somehing about Alec his meds.
"Hi I'm Charlotte." She introduced herself and gaveme a hand.
"About Alec, he may seems a little dead inside but that's because of his meds. His body has to adjust to the meds and that will take a week or two. He will likely sleep most of the day so don't be scared if he lays in bed all day."
I nodded and Charlotte gave me a 2 bottles of pills in it.
"These pills are the meds Alec needs to take. Two times a day with a meal."
"Thank you." I said, nodding showing her that I understood what she said.
"Take care." Charlotte said and touched my shoulder in a friendly comforting way.
"Thanks." I said smiling slightly at her.
I turned to Alec and Jace.
Alec stood there staring at the blank wall, Jace was telling Alec a story but it didn't seem like Alec was really paying attention.
I walked to them.
"Come on guys, let's go home!" I said putting my arms around both of them walking in the middle and leading them out of the clinic.

Magnus POV
I was working in my office when there was a knock on my office door.
"Come in.'' I said and the door was opened by a brown haired girl who I of course recognised as my best friend and assistant.

Hey Magnus." Tessa said and sat down at the chair in front of my desk. She looked a little distressed.
"Hey Tessa, what's wrong?" I asked her trying to sound as my usual self but I just couldn't. I have got non stop calls from Izzy and Jace because they were picking up Alec from the clinic today and I was at first planning to go with them but I really had much mixed feelings about all of this. I loved Alec I knew that for sure, but I was scared. No terrified, I was terrified of that our relationship is going to change because of his mental illness. And I know he couldn't do anything about it. It just hurt more that I can't help him good. That makes me feel I don't deserve him because I can't help him.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the clinic to pick up your boyfriend?" Tessa asked. I shrugged.
"God damn it Magnus!" Tessa groaned.
$You love him right? Then just go to him! It shouldn't matter that he has an mental illness!" Tessa semi yelled at me and gave me a death glare
"Fuck Tessa! Of course it doesn't matter! I'm just fucking scared okay?"
She stopped glaring at me and I realised what I said.
"Fuck I actually said that out loud." I mumbled. I ran my hand through my hair and looked at anythig except at Tessa.
"Magnus I get it but you shouldn't just leave him." Tessa said standing up and walking over to where I was sitting behind my desk.
"I know, I just need time to think okay?" I said weakly not having the energy to argue. She nodded and gave me a hug, almost making me tear up but I forced my tears back. "Just Magnus choose the right thing."  She said and she left my office.

Izzy POV
We arrived at Alec's apartment and we got inside. Jace and I decided we would stay here for a while till Alec was feeling a little better.
"You want something to eat Alec?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I'm tired, I'm going to get some sleep." Alec said looking around at the apartment. "That's alright, we will be in the living room if you need anything." I said and smiled at him. He smiled back a little.
"Thanks Izzy." Alec said. "Sleep well." Jace said. At least his stutter was gone, but I didn't know it was a good thing or a bad thing...

Magnus POV
It was 10pm and I was pacing around in my kitchen, I just don't know what to do. My phone rang. I looked who was calling. My heart skipped a beat.
Alexander. I picked up the call.
"Hey Alexander. How are you?'' I asked.
"It's not Alec. It's Izzy." Izzy's voice said. "Oh." I said kinda disappointed.
"Why are you calling Izzy?" I asked her. "I just want to tell you, Alec really loves you and you shouldn't let go of him so easy because he's got some fucking mental disease. He needs you and I know you need him." Izzy said and then she hung up on me.
"Fuck." I mumbled and I grabbed my coat and keys and I ran out of the house to my car.

I arrived at Alec's apartment and I used the key Maryse gave to me. I got inside and walked past the living room. Jace and Izzy both looked my way. Izzy smiled. "He is in his room." Jace said and I nodded. I walked to Alec's room and I opened the door and got inside.
Alec shifted and than looked at who was standing in the door way not expecting it to be me.
"Hey, I'm sorry for being late." I said and i walked over to the bed taking his shoes off. Luckily I didn't really wear my usual extraordinary clothes I was just wearing a plane black t-shirt, glitter jeans and his usual amount of rings. I got into bed next to Alec who was now lying on his back. I cupped his face and kissed his forehead.
"I love you and I won't ever leave you." I whispered to him, thinking he was already sleeping again but he wasn't he heard everything I said. They both fell asleep

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