chapter 40

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Alec POV
It's been a few weeks now with my busy schedule and halloween was coming closer and closer. Magnus was excited and was thinking of our halloween costume, Simon and Clary decided to do a best friends costume-with protest of both Izzy and Jace but they eventually gave in because the idea was literally perfect- Clary would be going as Kim Possible and Simon as Ron Stoppable. Izzy had decided she would go all out on her make up and probably be a skeleton. Jace hadn't really answered as what he was going as.

At the moment I was sitting at Taki's, with Magnus, Izzy, Jace, Clary and Simon. Izzy wanted to have lunch with everyone as it has been a while since we did that, so here i was on my only free day-sunday- enjoying my food in my peace...

Depends on what you think peace is though.

Jace and Izzy were bickering about something (but when not?). Simon tried to calm the two down as they kinda were making a scene. Magnus and Clary were in a conversation about the Halloween costumes or more precisely about how Magnus and I should be going.

I started to get really annoyed by my siblings i put my fork down with quite some force. "God damn it Izzy and Jace that's enough." I said angrily and they immediately quit their fighting. "Sorry." They said at the same time
We continued on with normal conversations.

"You know what we should do?" Izzy then said out of nowhere. "What?" Clary asked curiously. "We should go lasergaming!" She said happily.
Jace and Simon immediately agreed on it. "Let's do it." I said and Magnus and Clary nodded.

And so we ended up in paintball & lasergaming hall. "Okay so Izzy, Magnus and I against Simon, Jace and Alec. Is that fair?" Clary asked. "No way! Alec is way to good in aiming." Izzy said. "With bow and arrow yeah, this is different." I responded and she agreed with the teams. "Okay than, you can go in." The guy from the lasergame hall said and he let us in. It was a dark maze like room lit with coloured lights and barrels and other things to hide behind. We parted with the girls and Magnus and went the other way. "Let's split up and we will meet again later."

"Three, two, one, go!" A voice over the intercom sounded in the room and i parted ways with Simon and Jace. I leaned against the wall and peaked around the corner and i saw the back of a person with red hair. I smirked and shot the lasergun and her chestplate lit bright red. "Damn it!" She cursed and took a turn to the right running that direction, i decided not to follow her. "Hey handsome." Magnus voice said from behind me. "Shit!" I turned around aiming my lasergun at him. He smiled. "I come in peace!" He said putting his hands up in the air with lasergun in one of his hands. "That's not how the game works jeez we're not supposed to team up Mags." I said leaning against the wall. "I know." He leaned towards me and kissed me on my lips. I was so shocked that i didnt even have time to process it and as i just wanted to kiss back he pulled away looking me in the eyes and then my chestplate lit up red and he ran away laughing. "Asshole!" I yelled after him, waiting till i could shoot again.

Jace, Simon and I ended up winning luckily and we had dinner at this restaurant i forgot the name of. I was cuddled up against Magnus side in bed watching a show called Umbrella academy on my laptop. (seriously that's an amazing show)
"I'VE GOT IT." Magnus almost screamed out, snapping my attention away from the laptop. "You got what?" I asked totally confused while pausing the show. "You're going as Zuko and I'm going as Sokka from the last Airbender to the halloween party!" Magnus said looking excited. I propped myself up on my elbows. "You wanted a couple costumes right? Zuko and Sokka aren't a couple."

"Alexander, everyone online ships them together, we should totally go as those two, or do you have a better idea?" Magnus said. "We're doing it." He said and started The Umbrella Academy again. I just blinked my eyes a few times and then shrugged turning my attention back towards the show, laying with my head comfortably against Magnus' side. He softly stroked my hair and i smiled.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now