Chapter 11

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Alec POV
We sat there until the sun was fully up and even then I didnt want to leave. It was so peaceful here. Eventually Magnus stood up. "Come on we should go." He said. His yellow orange eyes looking at me. "Y-Yeah." I agreed with Magnus. I also stood up and we walked back to the car.Once inside the car we drove back home.

We arrived home 20 minutes later. We just go inside when Magnus got a phone call. He picked.
"Hey." Magnus spoke in the ph9ne.
I heard slightly a voice from the other side but I couldn't make out what they said. "Oh shit, I'll be on my way see you." Magnus said in the phone and hung up. "I'm sorry Alexander, I really need to go. Work needs me." Magnus apologised. "I-It's fine, don't worry. I-I have to b-be in bed anyways because I-I'm sick." I said and I leaned against the wall crossing my arms but softly smiling at Magnus.
"Yeah, I'm sorry again. I'll see you later.: He turned around and opened the front door he stepped out of the house and almost wanted to walk away before I called out. 'M-Magnus wait!' He turned around and I walked towards hi. "Alexander what's wr-." I kissed him on the cheek quickly.
"N-nothing, is wrong." I quickly closed the door before he could say something. I didnt know why i did that it was just a reaction i guess? Oh god what does he think? I told him to take it slow and i kissed him 2 times already! Come on Alec it's okay you are okay. I started pacing around.
Why do I always have to overthink everything?
Deep breaths, deep breaths.
I took a deep breath in and out but I didn't calm down, it only got worse.
My head was pounding and I was only thinking about that Magnus would leave and that I would have no one left, no one left who worries about me so much, who visit me so often, no one who cares about me like he does.
No one. He would just betray me like Jake did. I started crying. I slowly walked to the bathroom, I grab the knife I always use and I sat down on the ground. I was doing so well, but I can't take it anymore. My family will hate me for this, if I start doing this again. They will be disusted by me. Magnus would be disgusted, he would hate me. More tears filled my eyes.
It's the only way to calm myself down. The only way to stop myself from having a panic attack and a mental breakdown.
Warning selfharming
I started pushing the knife into my skin of the inside of my underarm.
I slowly made a deep long cut, it started bleeding. I made another one, and another one. Normal people should feel pain when they do this but I didn't, I felt nothing except fear for Magnus that he would hate me.
I made another deeper cut than the 2 before. More blood came out. I then realised what I was doing and immediately I threw the knife on the ground. 
"Fuck." I started crying more, the cuts still bleeding. After a few minutes of crying I calmed somehow managed to calm down. Now I need to clean the cuts. I grabbed some cleaning stuff for wounds. I put some of that on a tissue and started cleaning the cuts.
It stung as hell. I whined but kept cleaning them. Once they were clean I grabbed a bandaid. I started to tie the bandaid around my forearm.
I'm such a fucking idiot. I walked out of the bathroom to my bedroom and I jumped on bed. I sighed. This is what Jake wanted, make my life a living hell. I started crying into my pillow. I couldn't stop crying, thinking of Jake hurts so much. I thought, time would heal but no it doesn't it only makes it worse. Eventually I fell asleep, exhausted from crying.

I woke up because my phone rang.
I picked up not looking who it was.
"Hello?" I said sleepily.
"Hey Alexander! It's me.'' Magnus said cheerfully.
"Oh hey M-Magnus." I saidm
"Are you feeling better?" Magnus asked. Now he asked that. I indeed felt better my throat didn't hurt anymore, I wasn't dizzy anymore and my head didn't hurt anymore. The only problem were the cuts. But i also felt mentally better
"A-Actually yes I am." I said smiling softly. "That's great! So you can work tomorrow." Magnus said happy for me. "Y-Yeah." I replied.
"Well then would you like to go out on a date tomorrow? You could come over and I could make some food for dinner." Magnus asked shyly
"I would l-love to go on a d-date with you." I said smiling
"Great! Then I'll see you tomorrow at 8pm at my house? Is that okay?" Magnus said. "T-That's perfect." I said smiling. "See you tomorrow then." Magnus said excited.
"Y-yeah see you tomorrow." I said with a smile and with that he hung up.
After the phone call i went to clean the entire house it wasnt really needed buf i just felt like doing it.

-le time skip to tomorrow morning (thursday)-

I arrived at work and got into the changing room.
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Liam said when I came in. He stood in front of me with his hands on his hips and the team behind him.
"W-what? I didn't d-do anything." I said confused.He showed me the newspaper of the theorie that and Magnus are dating
"Explain liar." He said fake hurt.
I sighed. "Oh that!" I exclaimed chuckling. "There is not m-much to explain. We are k-kinda dating I-I guess? At least I'll go o-on a date with h-him tonight." I said with a small smile. Liam squeeled in excitement, a sound that normally girls would make when they were excited. "I knew it!" Liam exclaimed.
"Easy dude." Jaime said to Liam laughing and hitting him in the shoulder. "You deserve to be happy man. By the way if he hurts you we will torture him to death." Diego said.
"Thanks b-but no one h-has to torture s-someone." I said back to Diego. I was glad they really like me.
"Great." Diego said with a smile. And with that they walked outside.
I put my bag on the bench and followed the team outside.

After training, around 6:45pm because the boys wanted to give me 'good' advice, how to get laid, I went straight home. When I arrived home I took a quick shower. Then I walked with a towel around my waist to my bedroom to choose the clothes I was going to wear. I eventually, after 10 minutes, decided to go with black jeans and a dark green long sleeved shirt to hide the cuts on my arm. I already had taken the band-aid off this morningm I looked at the time, 7:30pm. I quickly dried my hair and put gel in it to style it. Once I was done it was 7:40pm, my hair didn't want to cooperate (like always).
It was around 15 minutes driving to Magnus house so I should probably go.

15 minutes later I arrived at Magnus big house. I parked my car and got out I walked to the door and knocked, Magnus opened the door almost immediately.
"Alexander, you are here!" Magnus exclaimed happily.  He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Magnus." I said blushing. "Come in Alec." He opened the door wider to let me in.

Hey, new chapter. I hope you liked it.

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