chapter 20

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Few weeks later

Magnus POV
I woke up from movements. Alec tried to wriggle his way out of my arms to get out of bed. He was being careful trying to get out without waking me up. Well that part failed. I smirked and held him tighter. I heard him curse under his breath. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Asshole, I need to use the bathroom." Alec said trying to shove me of him not so gentle. "No I want to cuddle and once you get out of bed you never get in again." I said, holding him tighter and smiling. He sighed and I knew I had won.
"Five minutes then I'm going to the bathroom." He said and he hid his face into my shoulder.

5 minutes turned into 10 minutes, that turned into me falling asleep. An hour later I woke up to an empty bed.
I got out of bed and went to the kitchen where I found Clary making pancakes and Izzy, Jace and Alec at the table drinking coffee and talking. I stood in the kitchen doorway just looking at Alec. He is okay, he is doing better. Clary was the first to notice me.
"Good morning Mags, you want coffee?" The red headed girl asked. "Yes please." I answered. Clary was here because Jace had invited her over now that Alec was doing better. Izzy and Jace didn't want to leave to go back to their own houses yet in case it got bad again. But I was convinced that Alec would be fine without them.
I sat down next to Alec and Clary handed me a cup of coffee.
"Thanks biscuit." I said winking at her.  She laughed.
"No flirting with my girlfriend Bane." Jace said looking fake angry at me.
"Easy tiger, I got a boyfriend remember." I put one arm around Alec. "Besides Clary is like a sister to me, it would be the same as you and Izzy together." I said to Jace and Clary laughed.

Clary gave everyone 2 pancakes with some butter on top and we started eating. I moaned softly because of the sweet and buttery taste of the pancake.
"Fuck this is good." I said and I took another bite.
Clary smiled and sipped her coffee.
"I'm glad you like it."

"So Alec we wanted to ask you something." Jace said when he finished his pancakes. "Okay what is it?" I felt Alec tense up a little. He never really liked it when people said I want to ask you something so seriously to him.
"Well, because you're doing so well we thought, Izzy and I, that we could maybe move back into our own houses. Is that okay with you?" Jace asked. "I never asked you guys to stay here, so of course you didn't have to ask jeez." Alec said looking from Jace to Izzy. "We were just worried Alec." Izzy said. "I know, but like Jace said I'm doing better you can guys can go back home." Alec said with a small smile.
"Okay fine." And so breakfast continued.

After breakfast everyone went to change and or pack their stuff. Alec and I were in his room changing.
It was a sunday so no one had to work. Alec changed into a clean pair of sweatpants he was shirtless. I was already fully changed so i was sitting on his bed watching Alec changing, his back was towards me. I gazed at his back muscles. Damn. Alec turned around with a t-shirt in his hand.
"What do you wanna do today?" Alec asked now I was gazing at his abs. I am a lucky man. I shrugged at the question and looked him into the eyes. "What do you want to do?" I asked him innocently.
"Can we just chill today after everyone left? Then we have the house for ourselves no one to bother or annoy us?"  He smiled shyly. Alec walked towards me, I stood up.
"Sounds good." I kissed the top of his head. "C'mon. Put your shirt on and lets so goodbye to Jace, Izzy and Clary." I said cupping his face between my hands. He smiled and nodded. I let go of him and he put on his shirt. I then reached out my hand for him to grab. He did so and we walked into the livingroom where Simon, who came to pick up Izzy, and Jace were waiting on the girls. "What's up." Simon said as an greeting. "Hey." Alec said giving Simon a bro hug. Simon was wearing a lord of the rings shirt with Gollum holding a slice of pizza on it, on the shirt were the words 'my precious'. I smiled at his shirt. "The girls are still not ready?" I asked putting an arm around Alec's waist. "Yeah Izzy lost one of her favorite tops so they are searching it." Simon said with a sigh. "Girls." Jace said and he rolled his eyes. "It's Izzy what did you expect?"
Alec said with a smile. "So true." Jace and Simon said at the same time. They gave each other a high five.

After a while the girls came out of Izzy's room. Izzy had her backpack slung over her shoulder. "Found it finally?" Simon teased her. "Yeah, shut up nerd." She said kissing Simon softly. "Get a room!" Jace said who put an arm around Clary. Clary giggled. 
They broke apart and stuck their tongue out. "Enough with the cute and fluffy shit it makes me wanna throw up." I said making a fake throw up sound. "He just wants us to leave so he has the house and Alec alone so they can fuck in the kitchen." Jace said laughing. I feel Alec getting uncomfortable about this situation. I was also getting uncomfortable.  To be honest Alec and I havent had sex yet we hadn't even talked about it. Not because we didnt want to. But he told me the story about how his ex-boyfriend raped and abused him which made me wanting to take things slow for him so that he can take his time, and then the Bipolar situation. We hadn't really had the 'right' time for it.
"Wait you guys haven't had sex yet?" Izzy exclaimed. "It's time to go!" Simon said sensing that Alec and I were uncomfortable. Thank god Simon was here. "Yeah you're right." Clary said. Izzy nodded and walked towards us, she hugged Alec and me at the same time. "Love you both. See you later!" She said and she left with Simon. Jace also hugged Alec and said goodbye to him. He just waved at me awkwardly. Clary hugged me and then she hugged Alec. "Take care!" She said and they also left leaving Alec and me standing alone in the livingroom. "Let's cuddle and watch a movie on the couch." Alec nodded and smiled a half smile. I looked at the blue eyed boy sensing something was wrong.

"You know it's okay that we haven't done it yet." I said to him cupping his face and looking into Alec's beautiful eyes. "It's not that I don't want too. It's  just that I'm not ready yet." Alec said trying to avoid my eyes. "Alec you don't have to explain I understand." I said smiling at him. He then finally looked into my eyes. "I love you." He said smiling at me.
"I love you too." He looked at my lips for a second then back into my eyes.
He then leaned in to kiss my lips softly. Our lips moving against each other softly. One of my hands who were on his cheek moved to the back of his head dragging my hair through it. The other wrapped around his waist pulling him closer.
He wrapped his arms around my neck resting one hand in my hair.

We pulled our lips apart but kept holding each other. Our foreheads resting against one other.
We just stared at each other taking in how the other looked. Then we both closed our eyes and our lips met once again for a ahort period of time.
Then we fully broke apart. "Lets watch a movie now." I said and I took Alec's hand to pull him to the couch where i pushed him down to sit. I searched for the TV remote, i found it between the pillows of a chair. I put the TV on and went to Netflix putting on the Hunger Games. I sat down on the couch pulling Alec against my side. He curled up against my side and  I put my arm around his shoulder pulling him even closer. He layed his head down on my shoulder. A little later into the movie Alec spoke up.
"I'm going to work tomorrow." He said softly. "Sounds good. You want me to drive you?" I asked, I ran my hair softly through his hair. "Yes please but I also want you to go work again." He was right, I should go work. Since his diagnose i didnt leave his side which also meant i didnt go to work. "You want me gone that badly?" I said jokingly. "No Asshole I want you to go to work I know you love it." He said smiling. Yeah I indeed love my work.
"Alright." I said kissing the top of his head.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now