- Four: Becoming it -

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Hello everyone. I just came back from a trip and it was great. I feel relaxed and suddenly more alert. Here's another chapter. Enjoy! @SkyxxxQueen, Chaos still doesn't appear.


Three months passed and Percy managed to keep up with Wellington. He became faster, stronger and better and he loved the thrill of it. Wellington couldn't have been more proud. The boy was excited to learn new things and he was persistent on perfecting it no matter what.

The assassin had asked the court of what they thought. They were hesitant at first until they actually saw the boy themselves. Immediately, they accepted him and requested that Wellington trained him first before he brought him in. The assassin couldn't have been more happier as he told the news to the demigod. Percy was delighted. His determination had always been something the assassin admired.

The court had found something fascinating about the boy and maybe, just maybe, he could be the one. Wellington thought so too, as he watched Percy progress.

When the day came, Wellington brought him to an old ruin. Percy tilted his head curiously as he watched the assassin press his hand on the wall. There was a low rumbling before the wall slid to the left. The wall scraped across the ground making the small rocks on the floor tremble. Percy followed him down into the darkness.

"Pull your hood up, nobody is suppose to know each other's identity," he murmured to the younger male. Percy nodded his head and pulled his hood up. It darkened around his face except for his mouth but he could still see everything clearly.

As he walked, he saw many others walking by in a similar outfit. They were all armed head to toe and looked dangerous. Percy knew he should feel intimidated but he didn't. He felt thrilled to be here, in an assassin hideout. They finally reached a door and Wellington grinned. He pushed the door open and Percy glanced up. At the front were five people who sat behind a long table. 

They sat tall and menacingly. Every one of them had a different symbol engraved onto their high chairs. Percy stood beside Wellington and bowed when the assassin bowed. "You have trained him well, Smith." Smith. That was Wellington's secondary name. The assassin smiled underneath his hood as he spoke.

"Yes, he is very determined in meeting the court." A tone full of pride as he spoke about Percy. The demigod couldn't help but feel proud.

"Is he now?" One of them asked and leaned forward. His voice filled with curiosity and amusement.

"Look up, boy." Percy looked up and remained emotionless as he stared at the person who said it. The man had a straight line scar traveled from the bottom of his left eye to his chin. He had a crooked smile and piercing green eyes. "Pull your hood down," he said. It wasn't a request but an instruction.

Percy glanced at Wellington who nodded his head slightly. Percy lifted his hands and let his hood drop. The court instantly decided on their decision. 

"Smith, you will continue training him and make him the best out of all of us. He will be perfect," the woman in the middle said. She had a stern and calm tone. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that showed her tidiness. Her expression stern and did not tolerate nonsense. Percy didn't understand what they meant but was definitely not going to fail whatever he was tasked to do.

"And you, what name shall you have?" She asked and leaned forward. Wellington's was Smith. It was named after his deceased father that no one knew of except him.

What was his? His life was always full of betrayal and backstabbers. He hoped that maybe this wouldn't be like the others.

"Renegade," he said firmly. If the court was curious, they didn't show it. They nodded their head in acknowledgment before the woman in the middle finally spoke.

"Welcome, Renegade."

The assassin and newly made left the court. Percy—Renegade, couldn't be any happier. He glanced up at Wellington and the man was swelling with pride. "Let's introduce you to the rest," he said and clapped his shoulders. He could hear the clash of blades from a few metres away and immediately knew he was going in the direction of the training room.

The door was pushed opened and everyone turned their heads. Wellington stood tall as he clasped Renegade's shoulder. "This is the new assassin. His name is Renegade," he said, his carrying authority.

"What can he do?" Someone asked. He crossed his arms and stared at the new assassin. Renegade tilted his head and walked towards one of the tables. A row of daggers lay on the table. He picked up five of them and glanced back up at the target. He flicked his wrists and released all five daggers. They each hit the center of the target. Renegade tilted his head and faced the crowd. A few of them raised an eyebrow. The others remained impassive.

"Not bad. How about sparring then?" The same guy asked. He nodded his head and followed the man into a ring.

"Ringer! You're up," he said and another person stepped up. Renegade observed the person, Ringer who was larger than he was. The bulky man could easily take him down. He unsheathed his sword and took a stance ready to attack. Renegade remained indecisive as he watched. He wasn't going to give away what he was capable of yet.

Ringer lunged forward and attacked at an inhumanly high speed. Fortunately, Renegade could keep up due to two factors. His enhanced abilities and Wellington's training sessions. He dodged every attack and moved to the right. He recognised Ringer's fighting style and smirked. He finally landed a kick on the other as he stumbled backwards.

Renegade's sword extended as he opened his palm. The familiar blade made a sharp unsheathing sound as he spun it. He landed every attack remembering Wellington's advice. Ten seconds later, Ringer was knocked out on the floor. Renegade's blade retracted back into his ring. The man grinned and clapped his back. "Well done, lad. Smith has trained you well," he said.

The next few hours was him training with the others and learning that that was the training mentor of the entire assassin league. After a day, he collapsed in his bed. His body felt exhausted but it was worth it. He went to sleep with a smile on his face.


Over the next year or so, he became the best assassin. He loved the thrill it brought along. He went on missions with the others to eliminate their targets. The court noticed his progress improve drastically and decided to quickly move on to their next move.

"You have become our greatest assassin, Renegade," the woman in the middle, Angelina said. Renegade bowed his head in reply.

"The court has come to a decision," she said. Renegade glanced up at them.

"What decision, ma'am?" He asked curiously. The woman smiled wickedly.

"You will be our greatest asset, the most dangerous and lethal of all, the Talon. Do you accept?" The question echoed throughout the room as he let it sink in. Talon. No one could fill that spot but how come he could?

"From the very beginning, we have known you would be it. It was just a matter of time," she said absentmindedly. Renegade couldn't help but feel...good. It was a decision that was life changing. If he accepted it, there will be more training and missions to come but the role itself will make him better. When he looked up, his eyes were shining brightly.

"I accept."

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