- Twenty-seven: Luke stole Zoë's food -

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Slight vulgar language. This is a sorta short chapter by the way. I think.


"What just happened?" Gaia asked after a moment of silence.

The only primordials in the throne room were Gaia, Uranus, Pontus and Hemera. They have decided to side with the Olympians in this war since some of the others *cough*Nyx, Tartarus, Erebus*cough* have joined the other side.

"He's so cut off and distant suddenly," Zoë said.

Luke shifted uncomfortably before glancing up. "He has been like this for a while," he said. Everyone turned their attention to him.

"I don't know about you guys, but did you see the tiny jagged lines in his eyes?" Luke asked. Some of them nodded their heads.

"He's breaking." Hestia covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes to the brim.

"They first appeared when he mentioned Wayword," he said. Zoë nodded her head in agreement.

"He doesn't know that we see it but it's spreading. The second time was when... you shouted at him," Zoë said carefully. Luke was shocked.

"What?" He whispered.

"He was already lost and hurt because he couldn't save Bianca and Reyna," Silena said sadly. Luke felt the whole world crashing down on him. His best friend was breaking and he was part of the reason why.

"Chaos, can you-," he stopped suddenly.

"Where's Chaos?"


Percy sat on the grass on Half-Blood hill. He stretched his legs and moved his feet from left to right. Someone else sat beside him and he looked at him.

"You like the grass, don't you?" Chaos asked as he stared ahead.

Percy nodded his head as he leaned his head onto the Creator's shoulder. "Mmhm."

Chaos felt a something wet drip onto his hand. When he looked up, more droplets of water fell. Soon, it started drizzling. "Should we go back?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"No." The rain started getting heavier and Chaos stood up from his place. He held a hand out and pulled Percy up. He took in a deep breath before speaking.

"Perseus Jackson, I love you."

A huge smile appeared on Percy's face. His smile started to waver and soon tears streamed down his face. Chaos could tell the difference between tears and raindrops. "Darling, what's wrong?" He caressed the assassin's cheek tenderly. Percy buried his head in the crook of the primordial's neck.

Chaos stroked his wet hair gently as the assassin sobbed silently. "Luke hates me," he mumbled.

The Creator pulled back and cupped his face in his hands. "Luke doesn't hate you," he said and wiped the tears that were now lost with the raindrops. Chaos could see the familiar white spikes in his sea-green eyes. He wasn't going to let Percy go down that road.

"He can never hate you. You're like his baby brother," Chaos said comfortingly. Percy let out a weak chuckle and gave a small smile.

The Creator kissed his forehead and lingered there for three seconds before pulling away. "I meant what I said." Percy tilted his head adorably to the side. That tiny action was Chaos' favourite thing about Percy, if he was being honest.

Damn, pretty fuck, Chaos thought. A blush went up to his cheek as he flicked Percy's wet bangs away from his forehead.

"Which part?" He asked.

Chaos smirked and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Wanna take a guess?" His tone filled with mischief. Percy giggled and pretended to think. Chaos smiled as he watched the white jagged lines slowly receded leaving only a bit.

"Is it the I love yo-," he was interrupted by another pair of lips on his. Percy pressed himself against the Creator and melted into the kiss. No matter how many times they kissed, it was amazing.

They pulled apart and leaned against each other's foreheads. "Don't ever let anyone tell you who to be," Chaos murmured to him.

Back on Olympus, Aphrodite was smiling like crazy. Why wouldn't she know about them? Not that she was staring at them creepily. She was the goddess of love, why wouldn't she know? This was the first relationship that she didn't intrude. It was the purest love she could ever find in her entire immortal life.

She was going to make sure nothing happens to them. Not even End was going to break them apart. "Aphrodite, why are you smiling so largely?" Artemis questioned.

"Nothing," she said dismissively. She drummed her perfectly manicured fingers on her arm chair. Watch out End, if you break up her favourite pair, you're in for one hell of a ride.


When they returned to camp, they found Percy sitting on one of the benches at the amphitheater reading a book. "Percy?" He peeked up and blinked a few times.

Bianca pushed Luke forward and he stumbled before recollecting himself. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. He clenched his fists tightly willing them to stop trembling. Percy nodded his head and closed his book. He watched as the others walked away from the amphitheater leaving him alone with the first-in-command.

There was a awkward ten seconds before Luke spoke, "I'm sorry for being angry at you."

Percy stared at the son of Hermes confused. He continued staring on the ground as he fidgeted. "It wasn't your fault when Bianca got captured and I vented my anger on you instead," he said. Luke felt terrible for accusing his friend for something he didn't do.

Percy let that sink in as the only thought on his mind was Luke wasn't mad at him.

Luke was suddenly engulfed in a hug and stared at the assassin surprised. Once Percy pulled away, he asked, "You're not mad?"

Percy offered a smile and shook his head. "Why would I be?"

Luke felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders as he returned the hug smiling. "You're a great friend," he mumbled to his ear. Percy smiled and hugged him back.

"Wanna grab some ice cream?" Percy asked childishly. Luke laughed and shook his head fondly.

"Why not?"


"They escaped."

Smith had his arms behind his back as he faced the Destroyer. He didn't seem angry at that which was rather surprising. The primordial tapped his fingers on his arm chair as he leaned back.

"No worries, dear assassin. He will return," his voice was low and husky. A tone of knowingness and confidence laced in the sentence.

"And why is that?" He asked the Destroyer.

Smith shot his arm up and caught a small object. He looked at it and there was silver liquid swirling in it. "Mercury," he stated as he stared at the dangerous liquid.

"It has already been put into motion," he said and stood from his throne.

He waved his hand and a dark iris message appeared. It showed Percy eating with his friends. "How do you mean?" Smith asked curious too.

The Destroyer lifted his hand for him to wait and see. He spotted someone pulling out a bigger container containing the metallic liquid. "He will need to be in his Talon state in order to survive it," he said. A large smile flashed across Smith's face.

"Then we'll be able to control the Talon from there," he finished astonished. The primordial nodded his head.


They continued watching as the assassin ate his food unknowingly of what was to happen. "Zoë! Luke stole your food!" Percy shouted from the iris message.

A brown haired girl whipped her head and glared murderously at her first-in-command. "LUKE CASTELLAN! COME BACK HERE!" She chased the scared lieutenant around the dining pavilion. Laughter was heard through the iris message before it faded into nothing.

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