- Eighteen: Identity reveal? -

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THIS BITCH IS EXCITED! CHRISTMAS EVE Y'ALL. My love for Christmas is unimaginable.


When Rachel opened the door, she saw Percy asleep beside Chaos. A peaceful look on both their faces. The Creator's arm around the immortal demigod's waist protectively. The Oracle smiled before closing the door quietly.

She exited the infirmary making sure no one would see the two together. She went straight to the Creator's cabin and knocked on the door. The door opened revealing the first-in-command.

"Renegade's fine," she reassured him. He sighed in relief and nodded his head in thanks.

"Can we see him?" Iros asked as she peeked from behind.

"He's resting at the moment. When he wakes, I'll tell you," she said. Iros nodded her head. She hugged the red-haired.

"Thank you." Rachel smiled and hugged back.

Next, she went to the big house. She could hear arguments from outside the door. She exhaled sharply before opening the door. They didn't seem to notice her as they continued arguing. Rachel rolled her eyes before whistling. The gods stopped and faced her.

"Will you stop arguing like children for one second?" She asked irritated.

"Whoa, you've gotten fiercer." She whipped her head in the person's direction. Her eyes widened and a grin broke out.

"Reyna!" She hugged the praetor and she laughed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked excitedly.

Reyna jerked her head in Hestia's direction. "The gods think that Percy's back in camp and they think it's one of the commanders," she said and rolled her eyes.

"It is! Only he would know what Luke said!" Annabeth argued. Rachel glared at the ex-daughter of Athena. She shrunk back from her glare.

"Whatever. I came here to inform that Renegade's fine," she said and stared down at the immortal demigod.

"Where's Nico and Grover?" She asked.

Reyna shook her head. "Nico doesn't want to come unless it's Percy himself who calls him. Grover couldn't make it," she explained. Rachel nodded her head in understanding.

"Now, back to business," Zeus said and attention flicked back to him.

"So do we agree that Commander Edith is Perseus Jackson?" He asked. Most of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good luck to you then," Rachel said and crossed her arms. Zeus faced her and glared at her.

"Have some respect girl," he said loudly.

Rachel glared right back at him. "I lost all respect for you and everyone else when you accused Percy of false murder and when the whole camp turned their backs on him!" She shouted and slammed her hands on the table when she finished.

Some of the gods backed away from her. Green smoke had started to appear on the ground making her eyes glow dangerously. Reyna placed a hand on her shoulder calming her down. "You don't deserve his help. I hope he doesn't forgive you," she said and stormed out of the big house. Reyna followed soon after not wanting to stay with a room full of toxic people. Everyone stared at her stunned and shocked.

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