- Fifteen: Percy's being a meany -

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I've been busy lately and I thought I didn't update. Here's a relaxing image. :DD


The next day, a meeting was called. The Elite team's presence was required. They came after breakfast already waiting for everyone else. Surprisingly enough, Chaos was already there. The team bowed to him and Free rolled his eyes. Chaos smirked and they stood up.

"You're here early," Edith said sarcastically. The Creator rolled his eyes as they sat down. Free sat down beside him and felt another pair of hand grabbed his. He glanced at Chaos and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Something came up at the last minute," he said. Edith raised an eyebrow.

Chaos sighed as he said, "The Faeries have joined the other side."

Everyone gasped in shock. The Faeries always stayed neutral, so why the sudden change? Before any of them could say anything, the door burst open and the immortal demigods walked in. Rachel stood to the side nearer towards Renegade. He raised an eyebrow at her. She merely shrugged in reply.

Chiron rolled in through the back door and everyone took their respective places. "What are they doing here?" Luthor asked and glared at them. Chiron exhaled sharply through his nose as he answered the son of Hecate.

"They are here because they are our allies and need to know our plans," he said, his tone tired and annoyed of the demigod.

Luthor snorted. "We don't need their help! All you need is me!"

"If you want, you can leave. We don't need you to make plans," Rachel snapped. He closed his mouth not daring to defy the Oracle.

"Anyone else has any objection?" She dared, her voice carrying authority. No one said anything. Renegade raised an eyebrow at her surprised. Rachel had gotten scarier too.

"The prophecy," Chiron said and looked at Edith.

"The Creator, his army and the son of the hearth returns bringing forth the betrayed hero.

You will seek help from the unexpected and the world shall fall into an endless sleep once more.

You will lose a friend you call an enemy

The universe's fate rests in the assassin's hands with the help of his lover-"

"To save the future, you must understand the past," Renegade finished. Everyone nodded their heads.

Rachel looked hesitant. She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times. "The second sentence, the world will fall into an endless sleep once more, it has happened before," she said hesitantly. They stared at her curiously. Renegade remembered. Why wouldn't he?

Rachel stared at the assassin quickly before looking at everyone else. "We were there," she said and stared at the campers who were there for the first prophecy.

Realisation dawned onto them as they remembered what happened. "Oh, that one," Clarisse said. Five of the commanders stared at them confusedly. Eve looked down and blinked away the tears.

"Shall see the world in endless sleep," Rachel said.

"Does that mean that the god of sleep will be joining the other side again?" Will asked without mentioning his name.

"We don't know that," Edith said. They had a pretty good idea who it might be. Morpheus wasn't the only god who knew how to cast a sleeping spell.

"How's the camp's training?" Renegade asked. Luthor puffed his chest.

"The best!" Renegade glanced at Rachel who just sighed. She gestured for them to follow as she walked out of the big house.

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